Tesla class action for range

There's a big difference between the car not quite getting its EPA range and what Tesla has done in this case. They went out of their way to lie to their customers, both with their algorithms for calculating range, and with customer support deflecting the issue. I remember when Model 3 suddenly got a "bump" in its advertised range, though nothing had changed. They claimed software had made the car more efficient. But all the software did was further obfuscate the car's actual efficiency with some clever math.
Storytelling is storytelling albeit from manufacturer or other
Don’t overpromise and under deliver 👍
I think most of the defenders of Tesla here haven't bothered reading the lawsuit. This is not a "they all do the same thing" situation at all.

“Tesla employees had been instructed to thwart any customers complaining about poor driving range from bringing their vehicles in for service.” The company created a secretive “Diversion Team” to cancel customer appointment requests to examine battery range, Reuters reported, citing several unnamed sources.
Tesla algorithms show drivers “rosy” estimates of their driving range until the battery power falls below 50 percent, Reuters reported, when more accurate readings kick in. The lawsuit filed Wednesday accuses CEO Elon Musk of “directly” ordering the use of overly optimistic algorithms.

To my knowledge, no other auto manufacturer has done anything like the two items above.