2 front tire blow outs on Pirelli 21's with 3rd one the way


New Member
Sep 26, 2022
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I have had my Lucid GT for 2 years now. First blow out happened with 5000 miles on left front. Second blow out happened with 35000 miles on right front recently. The replacement tire on left front that was replaced with 5000 miles has another bubble on the sidewall. I have spent close to 1200 for both tires and a 3rd one on the way. Also they are continuing to put these tires on the GT Gravity. No problems to report on back tires. This reminds me of firestone ford tire problem years ago. However the lucid would be hard to roll over on tire blowout because the weight of the car. If Lucid wants to have customer loyalty and continue to sell their products they should not be allowed to put these tires on the GT products. Buyer beware. I seen someone asking about these tires and I don't recommend them at all. The 20 inch Michelin EV Sport with the Touring Rims appears to be a better choice. However Lucid wants close to 6K for these tires and rims to be swapped out. I can get Michelin EV sport and rim at Discount tire for about 3000 to 3500. I have addressed these tire problems with customer car and they said upper management is rejecting the claim so they should do a recall before class action lawsuit. I have never owned a car for 2 years and replaced 2 tires with a 3rd one ready to blow and strand me at the side of the road for 3rd time then make me pay another 600.00. 3 strikes and your out Lucid.


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I'm on my 2nd set. First lasted 23k miles. Zero issues. I keep the inflation pressure at 45psi.
I have had my Lucid GT for 2 years now. First blow out happened with 5000 miles on left front. Second blow out happened with 35000 miles on right front recently. The replacement tire on left front that was replaced with 5000 miles has another bubble on the sidewall...
You can buy road hazard insurance certificates at a reasonable price from America's Tire / Discount Tire.
0.35 ratio tires are notorious for incurring road damage for many different makes and models of cars. They look great but are not very practical. High heels.
20" rims with 0.40-ratio tires are a great compromise as they have more sidewall.
I have nothing to add except that I, too, bought the DT certs and have yet to ever use them. I’m on my second set of fronts and my first set of rears, with zero road hazard issues ever.

But I’ve gotten two nails in the 19s lol. 🤷‍♂️
I am at 23,000 miles on my 21" wheels with zero problems and still 4/32 tread left. Living in AZ, I will continue using them until below 3/32 tread left. These tires wear well and have performed excellent for me.
I have had my Lucid GT for 2 years now. First blow out happened with 5000 miles on left front. Second blow out happened with 35000 miles on right front recently. The replacement tire on left front that was replaced with 5000 miles has another bubble on the sidewall. I have spent close to 1200 for both tires and a 3rd one on the way. Also they are continuing to put these tires on the GT Gravity. No problems to report on back tires. This reminds me of firestone ford tire problem years ago. However the lucid would be hard to roll over on tire blowout because the weight of the car. If Lucid wants to have customer loyalty and continue to sell their products they should not be allowed to put these tires on the GT products. Buyer beware. I seen someone asking about these tires and I don't recommend them at all. The 20 inch Michelin EV Sport with the Touring Rims appears to be a better choice. However Lucid wants close to 6K for these tires and rims to be swapped out. I can get Michelin EV sport and rim at Discount tire for about 3000 to 3500. I have addressed these tire problems with customer car and they said upper management is rejecting the claim so they should do a recall before class action lawsuit. I have never owned a car for 2 years and replaced 2 tires with a 3rd one ready to blow and strand me at the side of the road for 3rd time then make me pay another 600.00. 3 strikes and your out Lucid.

The second tire the one mounted on the curb rashed wheel looks like it was probably ready for replacement 5,000 miles ago due to wear.
I am at 23,000 miles on my 21" wheels with zero problems and still 4/32 tread left. Living in AZ, I will continue using them until below 3/32 tread left. These tires wear well and have performed excellent for me.
So at about 25,000 miles you're going to replace the tires 👍
My 21" Pirelli's are at 18,000 miles; the fronts are at 5/32s and the rears are at 7/32s. I'm going to drive them down to the wear bars so hoping to exceed 20,000 miles on the fronts and more on the rears. For summer performance tires 20,000 miles is pretty good in my opinion. Especially if you drive on curvy mountain roads as I do often.
5k mile replacement is bad luck. Having to replace another after 30k miles is good luck. The 3rd replacement is bad luck. Time to invest in the insurance certs at Discount Tire - would have taken care of all of this for almost nothing. Actually, only spending $1200-$1800 in 35k miles with 21s is spectacularly good - I replace the 21s on my Cayenne about every 18k miles.
So at about 25,000 miles you're going to replace the tires 👍
The rear tires have more tread left than the fronts, so yes replace the fronts at 25k and the rears are probably good to 30k.