Subtle seat "thunk"


Active Member
Verified Owner
Nov 1, 2022
Reaction score
Sammamish, WA
Air Touring; Audi Q7
Recently, I've noticed a slight shift and "thunk" in the driver's seat (possibly the thigh support) when driving. I haven't been able to determine exactly what makes it occur, but I notice it frequently when driving. I suspect something is little loose. Anyone else run into this?
Recently, I've noticed a slight shift and "thunk" in the driver's seat (possibly the thigh support) when driving. I haven't been able to determine exactly what makes it occur, but I notice it frequently when driving. I suspect something is little loose. Anyone else run into this?
Seat ventilation kicking in?
One of the internal supports for the thigh adjustment broke on my drivers seat, with similar symptoms. I like mine adjusted out near maximum extension, so it was pretty exaggerated when it shifted. Contact CS and ask them to setup a service appointment to check it. My seat needed to be swapped at the service center. I don't know if that can be done mobile.
One of the internal supports for the thigh adjustment broke on my drivers seat, with similar symptoms. I like mine adjusted out near maximum extension, so it was pretty exaggerated when it shifted. Contact CS and ask them to setup a service appointment to check it. My seat needed to be swapped at the service center. I don't know if that can be done mobile.
It can't. The headrest on my passenger seat broke, and it's the same deal. Full seat replacement, only at service.
I'm due for my one year service so need to call them. I have a list:

- Seat thunk
- creaky steering wheel
- creak from the rear when car twists (backing off a curb, etc...)
- inconsistency with regenerative breaking
- broken airfoil in front of driver's side front wheel
- electronic whine/hum when no audio source playing (it's actually always there, but audio usually covers it up)
- wiper recall
- frequent "No valid key detected in the vehicle" even though there is
I'm due for my one year service so need to call them. I have a list:

- Seat thunk
- creaky steering wheel
- creak from the rear when car twists (backing off a curb, etc...)
- inconsistency with regenerative breaking
- broken airfoil in front of driver's side front wheel
- electronic whine/hum when no audio source playing (it's actually always there, but audio usually covers it up)
- wiper recall
- frequent "No valid key detected in the vehicle" even though there is
A lot of these have solutions. A few are baked into the design as it is today:

- Regen inconsistency can be related to battery charge level and temperature. Not much service can do to mitigate those. Lucid dynamically adjusts the regen to protect the battery based on those criteria.
- Whine/hum is likely from the cabin heater element, or possibly a display backlight driver. Again, not much can be done today. They're not broken, just not ideal designs. Can't hurt to ask though.
- "No valid key..." is a regular issue 'round here. Search for "fob not detected" or "mobile key not detected".
Regen, I've had a discussion with CS already. It does seem temperature dependent. My state of charge is always 80%. There have been times when it's pretty much zero regen. It hasn't always been this way. Something is wrong and it's dangerous.

Whine/hum, you might be right, but worth asking.

No Valid Key, I'll have to search more. But... I think erroneously displaying an error message is a bug that needs to be addressed.