[SOLVED] Seat memory (not working) and profile information goofiness


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Verified Owner
Oct 26, 2022
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Yantis, TX
2023 Lucid AT (QG,SC,DDP)
I took delivery on Saturday (12/17). I never really messed much with the profile settings or seat memory etc. because I set it up for myself and I'm the only driver.

However, I moved the seat and pushed the "Restore". Nothing happens. I fiddled with it multiple times - going back and forth, seeing what happens when you move from screen to screen etc. It lets you push the buttons - but doesn't do anything. It does restore mirror and steering wheel positions when you hit restore on them but doesn't do anything at all to the seat.

I figured - well - I can create a new profile and perhaps that profile will have a seat memory etc. that I can switch back and forth. I've done this on other vehicles where I create a profile for lounging - like being lazy instead of driving so it moves the seat back and reclines. Then when I want to drive - just change it back to my profile.

So I created a new profile - great, it created a new profile. This new profile had the seat way back. It took me an inordinate amount of time to figure out that the profile list only shows up in the dash by clicking the avatar (an entirely different subject). The only place the profiles show up is in that dash screen - not in the pilot panel under "profiles". Initially, switching between them did nothing - as in - clicking the alternate profile did not actually switch the profile. It wasn't until I was off the phone with tech support and videoing the situation for them (since I live so far from a studio and service) - that I finally was able to get the profile to switch. However - nothing happens. Seat stays in exact same position.

If anyone has had this situation it'd be nice to know. Perhaps there's a sensor that isn't working or they forgot to plug something in.

On a bright note - I got the SXM update and that works fine. I haven't been on the road with it so we'll see how it works in the real world.
Are you in park? The Restore buttons only work in park.
However, I moved the seat and pushed the "Restore". Nothing happens. I fiddled with it multiple times - going back and forth, seeing what happens when you move from screen to screen etc. It lets you push the buttons - but doesn't do anything. It does restore mirror and steering wheel positions when you hit restore on them but doesn't do anything at all to the seat.
I've had the exact same problem for maybe 2 months now. (It worked fine before that.) Customer Care wasn't able to resolve it, though, so I don't know what the fix might be. I'm really eager to find out!
I've had the exact same problem for maybe 2 months now. (It worked fine before that.) Customer Care wasn't able to resolve it, though, so I don't know what the fix might be. I'm really eager to find out!
Now I'm intrigued. I also played with creating a different profile - figuring, perhaps, it needed a different profile to compare with - or maybe it was something specific to my profile. So - created a secondary profile (very strange UI situation between the pilot panel and the cockpit). When I switch to the secondary profile it doesn't auto move the mirrors and steering wheel - you have to "restore" - and they do move - but the seat doesn't do anything.

So.... I have a theory and I'll maybe try it. With automatic window actuators - and their auto-up/auto-down mode - sometimes they get reset - and only go up and down manually. You have to press and hold the down or up for a period of time - perhaps 10 seconds. This normally fixes any automatic window. I'll play with that to see if it's somehow the issue and let you know.

What model do you have?
I have a 2022 Grand Touring. FWIW when switching profiles the steering wheel and mirrors go to the set position for that profile, it's just the seats that don't. And the restore button does nothing for the seats.
I had some oddities as well with getting profiles swapped right after my wife. It finally triggered, but the process was something along the lines of having already moved the car, parked, then readjusted? or maybe about to get out that it swapped back.
I have a 2022 Grand Touring. FWIW when switching profiles the steering wheel and mirrors go to the set position for that profile, it's just the seats that don't. And the restore button does nothing for the seats.
Yes - I finally figure out that there's a switch in the profile saying to move everything or not. But still - the seats don't restore or move or anything. I'm a software guy and this one bewilders me. Mainly because you can control the seat(s) from the pilot panel and the hardware on the seat. So I'm guessing it's some sort of software bug where some combination of settings has caused the seat restore to not function. I don't think it'd be a controller in the seat itself - but it may be. I'm not familiar with the inner workings of electric seats.

I've also noticed that on occasion (and I've only played with this a few times - so the occasions appear to be more often than not) the switching between profiles doesn't. As in - you go to switch the profile and nothing happens. I was on the phone with support trying to diagnose this issue and was selecting the other profile I created or the guest profile and none of them were doing anything. It wasn't util I got off the phone when they switched.

Now, it could be some sort of protective measure where since the car is connected to my phone - it knows I'm on a call and would perhaps disconnect if the profile switched - I'm not sure - that may be the answer because when I hung up - it worked.
Maybe I missed something, but did you click the “Save to profile” button before you made changes and then tried to restore? I think restore restores a profile setting after it has been saved to the profile, it doesn’t restore the seat to neutral. A couple other owners have reported “Restore” not working though so it could be a random bug. It works fine for me.
Maybe I missed something, but did you click the “Save to profile” button before you made changes and then tried to restore? I think restore restores a profile setting after it has been saved to the profile, it doesn’t restore the seat to neutral. A couple other owners have reported “Restore” not working though so it could be a random bug. It works fine for me.
I haven't delved deeply into the UI but there are several somewhat nuanced issues that I've encountered so far. I think but haven't verified that if you're talking on the phone and your phone is attached to the car via bluetooth - that you can't switch between profiles - this may be some sort of protective feature where it assumes you're using the car for voice and thinks it'll drop that connection when you switch profiles but every time I've been talking to a rep and wanting to switch profiles the profile selection won't activate - as in - you can see the list but can't activate a different profile. I'll play with it later to find out for sure. It's not possible for me to have a call and video at the same time on the same phone so it'll have to be a more involved test. Every time I've gone to video the issue it works but that's after I've disconnected the call.

Also... you can only change the Avatar for the main profile thru the app and it only updates when you log out and back in. The sub profiles you can select an Avatar from a list of stock images in the car - none of which are available in the app. It's a strange set up - not clear at all why they didn't include the stock avatars for the main profile and make them selectable within the car - and the app. And I'm uncertain as to whether a sub user can change their Avatar within the app to something custom or if they're constrained to changing it only within the car. It's just weird.

And... the only place you can see a list of profiles if from the Cockpit Panel which isn't initially intuitive because you have to add the profile from the Pilot Panel. Now, that's not entirely accurate - you can also see a list of profiles from the "Delete Profile" link in the Pilot Panel. It's just strange - it seems more logical to also provide a list of profiles from within the Profile screen.

I didn't even realize you could change to an Avatar until I was on with support and she asked me what happens when I click my Avatar. And I had to ask where that was because all I saw was "EB".

I'm a software guy - I test UI stuff all the time - things like this make me laugh because they're obviously unintuitive. Sometimes it's good to have people look at your design and ask why you went one direction vs. another.
Maybe I missed something, but did you click the “Save to profile” button before you made changes and then tried to restore? I think restore restores a profile setting after it has been saved to the profile, it doesn’t restore the seat to neutral. A couple other owners have reported “Restore” not working though so it could be a random bug. It works fine for me.
My restore simply does not work. Frank was here working on the speakers last week. He put the seat wall the way back for access. When he was done I tried to restore. Nothing. My seating position had been previously saved. I tried various other experiments and it does not work in any scenario.
I just tested mine in various ways - using the buttons on the seat pushing it all the way back as @Bobby had, hit restore and it worked. I tried it adjusting using the pilot panel controls, and restore worked. I tried both of these methods while standing outside the car, and sitting in the seat. I also adjusted lumbar and numerous other settings, and all was able to restore once pressed. Something is definitely up with your guys’ cars atm! I hope they figure it out.
My restore simply does not work. Frank was here working on the speakers last week. He put the seat wall the way back for access. When he was done I tried to restore. Nothing. My seating position had been previously saved. I tried various other experiments and it does not work in any scenario.
Same here - the restore doesn't do anything on the seat. You can move the seat - it'll say restore is available - click it - nothing (video shows that). You can move the seat, save to profile. Then move the seat again and click restore - nothing. I'd say it's clearly a software bug but that doesn't make complete sense because the software will move the seat. And then I'd say it's a hardware issue - but the seat moves.
I'm inclined to believe it's an issue with the encoders in the seat - which may mean replacing the entire seat because there are so many encoders and replacing all of them would essentially mean disassembling the entire seat to get to them all. In this type of seat there are maybe 6 or more. However, since that would mean all the encoders would be bad - it may be some sort of memory module - or something stupid like a plug in the seat. It should have something to do with the encoders or the module that controls the encoders.
For me, manually choosing to restore the seat position usually works. However, it usually doesn’t happen automatically when I switch to my profile (from my spouse’s). Likewise, the seat often remains in the wrong position when I get into the car after my spouse has used it, even if I’m the only one with a mobile key or fob. (Annoying, because my legs are longer.)
Same here - the restore doesn't do anything on the seat. You can move the seat - it'll say restore is available - click it - nothing (video shows that). You can move the seat, save to profile. Then move the seat again and click restore - nothing. I'd say it's clearly a software bug but that doesn't make complete sense because the software will move the seat. And then I'd say it's a hardware issue - but the seat moves.
I'm inclined to believe it's an issue with the encoders in the seat - which may mean replacing the entire seat because there are so many encoders and replacing all of them would essentially mean disassembling the entire seat to get to them all. In this type of seat there are maybe 6 or more. However, since that would mean all the encoders would be bad - it may be some sort of memory module - or something stupid like a plug in the seat. It should have something to do with the encoders or the module that controls the encoders.
For me, manually choosing to restore the seat position usually works. However, it usually doesn’t happen automatically when I switch to my profile (from my spouse’s). Likewise, the seat often remains in the wrong position when I get into the car after my spouse has used it, even if I’m the only one with a mobile key or fob. (Annoying, because my legs are longer.)
This may be a setting on your profile - I just posted a video. It's the Automatically Load Profile in the Access & Profile screen. If that's not checked for your profile it won't move everything back automatically.
This may be a setting on your profile - I just posted a video. It's the Automatically Load Profile in the Access & Profile screen. If that's not checked for your profile it won't move everything back automatically.
Thanks, but no, I have that checked.
I took delivery on Saturday (12/17). I never really messed much with the profile settings or seat memory etc. because I set it up for myself and I'm the only driver.

However, I moved the seat and pushed the "Restore". Nothing happens. I fiddled with it multiple times - going back and forth, seeing what happens when you move from screen to screen etc. It lets you push the buttons - but doesn't do anything. It does restore mirror and steering wheel positions when you hit restore on them but doesn't do anything at all to the seat.

I figured - well - I can create a new profile and perhaps that profile will have a seat memory etc. that I can switch back and forth. I've done this on other vehicles where I create a profile for lounging - like being lazy instead of driving so it moves the seat back and reclines. Then when I want to drive - just change it back to my profile.

So I created a new profile - great, it created a new profile. This new profile had the seat way back. It took me an inordinate amount of time to figure out that the profile list only shows up in the dash by clicking the avatar (an entirely different subject). The only place the profiles show up is in that dash screen - not in the pilot panel under "profiles". Initially, switching between them did nothing - as in - clicking the alternate profile did not actually switch the profile. It wasn't until I was off the phone with tech support and videoing the situation for them (since I live so far from a studio and service) - that I finally was able to get the profile to switch. However - nothing happens. Seat stays in exact same position.

If anyone has had this situation it'd be nice to know. Perhaps there's a sensor that isn't working or they forgot to plug something in.

On a bright note - I got the SXM update and that works fine. I haven't been on the road with it so we'll see how it works in the real world.
Hi, @dolphinsafe.

Thank you for sharing. I DM'd you for additional information.

It's not possible for me to have a call and video at the same time on the same phone so it'll have to be a more involved test.
Just turn Bluetooth off on your phone, or turn Bluetooth off in the car, while you’re on the call.

And I'm uncertain as to whether a sub user can change their Avatar within the app to something custom or if they're constrained to changing it only within the car. It's just weird.

Yeah it’s a bit odd. No, sub users can’t use a custom avatar; only the main user can.
Just turn Bluetooth off on your phone, or turn Bluetooth off in the car, while you’re on the call.

Yeah it’s a bit odd. No, sub users can’t use a custom avatar; only the main user can.
Hahahaha. "just turn off a feature you shouldn't have to turn off" - Nah, I'll take - allow you to change profiles instead.

Technically, secondary profiles can use a custom Avatar - but limited to the list of available Avatars. Either way - it seems a bit short sighted to not, at a minimum, allow the main profile to select from a list of pre-defined Avatars instead of having to go find one or create one themselves - especially since it's available to the secondary profiles.