Soft Reset


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Verified Owner
Aug 5, 2022
Air Touring
My Delivery Advisor was working with me to try to get SiriusXM Beta to work. He walked me through a soft reset using the key card on the B-pillar.

Unfortunately, it did not fix the problem.

Now, the proximity sensing of the key fob does not work the same as before. When I walk in front of the car it no longer wakes up and turns the headlights on. It does unlock the doors but only if I stand right next to the driver's door.

I liked how it worked before.

My Delivery Advisor was working with me to try to get SiriusXM Beta to work. He walked me through a soft reset using the key card on the B-pillar.

Unfortunately, it did not fix the problem.

Now, the proximity sensing of the key fob does not work the same as before. When I walk in front of the car it no longer wakes up and turns the headlights on. It does unlock the doors but only if I stand right next to the driver's door.

I liked how it worked before.

I have the same problem with proximity. When I walk up to the car, the doors unlock when I am about 10 feet away instead of 30 feet, and the headlights and tail lights do not illuminate.
My Delivery Advisor was working with me to try to get SiriusXM Beta to work. He walked me through a soft reset using the key card on the B-pillar.

Unfortunately, it did not fix the problem.

Now, the proximity sensing of the key fob does not work the same as before. When I walk in front of the car it no longer wakes up and turns the headlights on. It does unlock the doors but only if I stand right next to the driver's door.

I liked how it worked before.

There is no soft reset as you have indicated. When you do lock the car using the key card though, it turns off the proximity sensors temporarily. Do a logo reset and see if that solves anything. Also, there is no beta version of SiriusXM. You will get a trial period, though.
I have the same problem with proximity. When I walk up to the car, the doors unlock when I am about 10 feet away instead of 30 feet, and the headlights and tail lights do not illuminate.
Logo reset and try again. If it still doesn't work, comment here.
Normal behavior is this: when the car detect the proximity of the fob or mobile key, the doors will unlock, the mirrors unfold, and the front and rear lights will flash quickly. Then, when you open the door, the lights will turn on
Thank for your assistance..

"Normal" behavior has been with my car when the fob is detected, lights come on, don't just flash, mirrors unfold and doors unlock. Now lights only come on when a door is opened. That was not the case before 2.2.2, although I realize correlation is not necessarily causation.

Last Friday I went to the Pasadena, CA Lucid Studio's grand opening and briefly discussed this issue with Derek Jenkins, Lucid's Senior VP of Design and Brand. I described it and he said that was not normal. Although to be honest, it does not affect my use of the vehicle., so it's not a 911 emergency.

Is there anything else you can suggest or should I call Lucid Service?

Once again, thank you.
Thank for your assistance..

"Normal" behavior has been with my car when the fob is detected, lights come on, don't just flash, mirrors unfold and doors unlock. Now lights only come on when a door is opened. That was not the case before 2.2.2, although I realize correlation is not necessarily causation.

Last Friday I went to the Pasadena, CA Lucid Studio's grand opening and briefly discussed this issue with Derek Jenkins, Lucid's Senior VP of Design and Brand. I described it and he said that was not normal. Although to be honest, it does not affect my use of the vehicle., so it's not a 911 emergency.

Is there anything else you can suggest or should I call Lucid Service?

Once again, thank you.
To be honest with you, I’m not sure if the lights used to stay on until the door was opened or not. Right now, mine is working exactly like yours. Maybe we can get a few more data points from this forum before calling service. Perhaps they have changed it to be a slightly different functionality… Not sure.
My lights still come on when the fob is detected. The door doesn’t have to be opened.
My lights do the opening sequence then shut off until the door is opened.
To be honest with you, I’m not sure if the lights used to stay on until the door was opened or not. Right now, mine is working exactly like yours. Maybe we can get a few more data points from this forum before calling service. Perhaps they have changed it to be a slightly different functionality… Not sure.
I sent my last email while at work. When I went to my car to leave for home, I paid closer attention, and it behaved exactly as you described. At home, my garage is under my house and I have to go down 16 steps and then open a door, into the garage, so the lights maybe were flashing on and I just couldn't see them.

Now I am thinking that what I had was a small bug that kept the front and rear lights on, and the 2.2.2 update somehow corrected that. In other words what I thought was normal behavior was actually an aberration.

But at least one other person has described what I originally described.
I have the exact same issue. Sent an email to customer care but they did not know. Up until recently (the last month or so) the behavior was light up sequence on approach or when triggered from the fob, and the headlights and light bar would remain on. If you did not enter the car immediately, after a few minutes the shutdown sequence would trigger. Now the headlights turn off immediately after the initial light sequence. It is very clunky, not elegant like before. I also considered the previous behavior to be not only cool but also a safety feature. At night it was nice to have the car light up the surrounding area while you approached and entered the car.

Given a previous poster mentioned Derrick Jenkins said the new behavior is not normal, any idea on a fix?
I have the exact same issue. Sent an email to customer care but they did not know. Up until recently (the last month or so) the behavior was light up sequence on approach or when triggered from the fob, and the headlights and light bar would remain on. If you did not enter the car immediately, after a few minutes the shutdown sequence would trigger. Now the headlights turn off immediately after the initial light sequence. It is very clunky, not elegant like before. I also considered the previous behavior to be not only cool but also a safety feature. At night it was nice to have the car light up the surrounding area while you approached and entered the car.

Given a previous poster mentioned Derrick Jenkins said the new behavior is not normal, any idea on a fix?

I thought the software team made this change in a recent update in order to save a few kW. Personally, I preferred the old sequence enough to warrant the added power usage. Not a big deal to me, but having the lights on longer would not only be more visually appealing, but could also be quite helpful for navigating through a dark area.
I have the exact same issue. Sent an email to customer care but they did not know. Up until recently (the last month or so) the behavior was light up sequence on approach or when triggered from the fob, and the headlights and light bar would remain on. If you did not enter the car immediately, after a few minutes the shutdown sequence would trigger. Now the headlights turn off immediately after the initial light sequence. It is very clunky, not elegant like before. I also considered the previous behavior to be not only cool but also a safety feature. At night it was nice to have the car light up the surrounding area while you approached and entered the car.

Given a previous poster mentioned Derrick Jenkins said the new behavior is not normal, any idea on a fix?
This is a known bug. A fix is coming soon.
Sorry for the late response, only just saw this. Yes, 2.2.2 (not related to IHop’s 2+2+2), but like most others the lights only stay on briefly when the fob is detected. Kind of anticlimactic after @mcr16 has acknowledged it’s a bug.