Speculation "Since Last Charge" is confusing and pointless

4. We need truth in advertising. Hiding behind the "EPA" mileage ratings may not not be illegal, but it is certainly unethical and totally misleading to the buying public. THE MAIN REASON I PURCHASED LUCID was for the RANGE. Now after I own the car I see that a Mercedes 450+ is EPA rated at 350 actually gets 422 (EDMUNDS), and my Touring with 19" wheels is EPA rated at 425 actually gets about 370 (real life experience). WHAT A JOKE (on me).
Car & Driver looked at driving ranges. According to C&D the EQS 450+ did get 400 miles when driven carefully but ONLY the single motor version:

That version is more expensive than equivalent Lucids and delivers less. C&D also rated electric cars. Lucid came out first, the EQS 450+ came out 11th:

The are certainly areas to criticize Lucid. But IMO, its treatment of range is NOT one of them.
Even after OutOfSpec smashed every EV range record with the Lucid, you still are gonna have these “Lucid range is fake news” people. Guess what, I can make the Lucid get EPA at 70mph…OR I can get 1.0 mi/kWh and have a crapload of fun. What is there to complain about again???
I'm surprised folk are confused about range.

Let's say you have the equivalent of the Lucid in an ICE car: 5 passenger / ~600 hp ICE car.

How about a 426 cid with dual quads?

no, that's both rare and silly ... a full-race car.

Something more practical, a tri-power 440 cid. family sedan:

In the Plymouth GTX I can drive the family to the shore and get ~ 10 mpg x 20 gal. of ethyl = 200 mi. range (out of gas when I get back home)
or I can drive it aggressively and get ~ 5 mpg x 20 gal. = 100 mi range. (out of gas when I get to the beach).
or a 50% reduction in range when it's driven aggressively. That's for high-performance cars. I think those cars were capable of ~ 500 hp.

( I worked with a guy who bought a 440 Plymouth with one 4 bbl. He said he got 8 mpg driving to work on local roads. He sold it almost immediately )

Let's say your family 5 passenger has a normal V6 and you get 25 mpg. and drive it aggressively and get 20 mpg.
That's a 20% reduction in efficiency.
If you can get 4 kW/ mi. in your Lucid. minus 20% because you are an aggressive driver = 3.2 kW/mi.

Hey, I can get 300 mi of range on my GT no matter the cold /mountains / idiot behind the wheel. I am more than happy with that.

Borski sounds like he's a dual-quad Hemi sort of driver ; )
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It occurs to me I have not considered charger availability. I charge at home so I don't think about it, but did a road trip to see the total eclipse all the way across central NY state and up to near Buffalo, and along Lake Ontario S. shore. I only used EA fast charges. Never had a worry. It's pretty amazing to drive thru central NY state. There is nothing there ... not even light.

Now my friend, in the early 1970s, with the 440 / quad, got 8 mpg driving to work. This was during the gas crisis. It was MUCH more difficult to get ethyl gasoline in the 70's. Some days you could not get any gasoline at any price, anywhere. So ask a Boomer about charger availability... it's not even on our radar. We have seen far worse, and waited much longer.
no gas



This was the 1970s. Even though I lived in PA, a state that invented the petroleum industry
Titusville , Pa
has oil, gas, and coal in abundance..... some days you just had to wait...maybe a day or two, or a week, to get 10 gal. of whatever they had. This killed the muscle car.


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