Secondary Owner - Drivedream question


New Member
Aug 20, 2023
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I'm looking at purchasing a used Air Grand Touring. The dealership is unaware of what level of Drivedream the car has. Is there an easy way for them to tell?

The blind spot cameras appear on the console when you turn the blinker on, so I believe it has the hardware. I'm not sure if it has the software.

Anything else I should look at? 2022 - Grand Touring 11k miles. 90k.
It will have the hardware for Dream Drive Pro, the question is if it was paid for and is still active. The blindspot cameras and 360 view tell you that it at least has Dream Drive Premium. Take for a test drive on a freeway and try to activate Highway Assist. That will tell for sure.

The price seems very good.
Thanks for your help. This is what they sent. What version is this?

I think you need to have them show you Highway assist.
I think you need to have them show you Highway assist.
Yup - this would be the thing that clarifies whether it’s DD Premium or DD Pro. That said, you should really have them contact Lucid and get confirmation of which package it has; even with HA it could theoretically still be on the 3-month trial.
Thanks everyone. Is Premium 2k and pro 9k or is it a subscription?

Also, given the images above, its clear that this is not the base Drivedream. It is premium or pro?
It is clearly Premium or Pro, neither are subscription. Check the Lucid Motors Configuration tool for current prices but you are in the ballpark.
It is clearly Premium or Pro, neither are subscription. Check the Lucid Motors Configuration tool for current prices but you are in the ballpark.
How can you be sure? When you have the subscription Pro, it functions exactly as the regular one does - until it turns off. By this time of year, it's unlikely it's a subscription, but still worth checking.
How can you be sure? When you have the subscription Pro, it functions exactly as the regular one does - until it turns off. By this time of year, it's unlikely it's a subscription, but still worth checking.
There’s no subscription. What you’re referring to is a 3-month trial; after that you pay the full amount or not. There is no subscription offer for it.
If it's a 2022 GT, wouldn't that automatically mean it has DDPro? Weren't the free trials only on 2023 models?
If it's a 2022 GT, wouldn't that automatically mean it has DDPro? Weren't the free trials only on 2023 models?
I have a 2022 GT, purchased in 2023, which had the free trials.
If you call the customer service number, they are generally very nice and will look it up if you ask nicely and give them the vin. That’s what I did.
If you call the customer service number, they are generally very nice and will look it up if you ask nicely and give them the vin. That’s what I did.
I tried. They said for security reasons they can’t tell me since the car is still listed with the previous owner.

I can get a new touring with DD Pro for 101k. This one is 89k… thinking about just buying a new one.
Would you have to pay 9k for the DD pro?
If I remember the discussions going around at the beginning of last month, I think it's closer to $10K or $12K for DD Pro. But given that it's already September, I kind of doubt that what you're seeing is a trial. I don't know when they stopped doing the 90 day trial version of DDPro. But if it's only DDPremium, that carries a much lower price tag than Pro and the camera array looks the same. As @Adnillien said, someone would have to drive the car to see if it had HA to know if it is DDPro.
That's a really good price for a Grand Touring, almost too good. And I tend to be very skeptical of any deal that is too good. FWIW, when my GT was totalled back in March with 3000 miles on it, the value they put on it was $126K. If it is in excellent condition, it's definitely the better car than the new Touring at $101. Other people on this board have bought used from dealerships and know what to look out for better than me.
The mmr on the GT is in the 80s as hard as that is to believe. 90k is a good price. There is a. White one on eBay with 7k miles for 90k as well. There were two listed for 90k last month. Both were gone the same day. One of them I now own :). That is currently the retail market for a seller who is serious. There are a few in the mid 90s to mid 100s that have been sitting for a while. I’m definitely not an expert, but I thought all the 22s came standard with DDPro and upgraded radio. I’m surprised CS didn’t help. I called twice on 3 different cars and they were happy to help. It’s just a feature confirmation. You aren’t asking any personal questions.