Sadly, Lucid is not trending up

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May 6, 2022
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What does it say when you have a Reservations / Cancellations / Farewells dedicated topic 🤔

I canceled my Pure and got my $300 back the next day (I had the original prices). I hope Lucid makes it, but I feel they will go bankrupt and be bought for pennies. So the good luck will be the new owner(s) will still support the car most likely and things should get better. That's my opinion.

Enjoy your beautiful Air if you have one or are getting one. They really do look awesome!
What does it say when you have a Reservations / Cancellations / Farewells dedicated topic 🤔
It says we wanted to have a space for people to air their concerns / woes, but we wanted to keep it separate from other legitimate discussion about the car. That is all it says.

Every car has cancellations.
I canceled my Pure and got my $300 back the next day (I had the original prices). I hope Lucid makes it, but I feel they will go bankrupt and be bought for pennies. So the good luck will be the new owner(s) will still support the car most likely and things should get better. That's my opinion.
Okay. I disagree. Good luck with your other vehicle purchases.
What does it say when you have a Reservations / Cancellations / Farewells dedicated topic 🤔
Why is there a dedicated farewell thread? Well I'd say it's because a few people felt the need to announce their reservation departures like this is an airport, and I guess the mods decided to give them a place to "land" so to speak....
Why does the OP insist on posting to every cancellation/Lucid bash thread? I am far from a fan boy as my car has had its issues but we get it, move on, your choice. Good luck on whichever car you purchase in the future.
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Bye, be happy with whichever vehicle you buy. Don't let Lucid live in your head rent free
What does it say when you have a Reservations / Cancellations / Farewells dedicated topic 🤔

I canceled my Pure and got my $300 back the next day (I had the original prices). I hope Lucid makes it, but I feel they will go bankrupt and be bought for pennies. So the good luck will be the new owner(s) will still support the car most likely and things should get better. That's my opinion.

Enjoy your beautiful Air if you have one or are getting one. They really do look awesome!
Why do you feel compelled to rain on people's parade? Keep your thoughts to yourself and just leave.
It might be more accurate to have an “I decided to spend less money on my next car and here are the excuses I’m using” subsection.
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Why is there a dedicated farewell thread? Well I'd say it's because a few people felt the need to announce their reservation departures like this is an airport, and I guess the mods decided to give them a place to "land" so to speak....
Well, I don't have any problem with the mods' decision to have a dedicated "farewell thread." I might learn something from the postings. Diversity of thoughts is good.
I think it’s worth having a thread about leaving every once in awhile. Some people come to this forum for research at the beginning, like me. Some come and stay. Some leave.

A post that says I’m leaving and y’all are suckers isn’t helpful and appropriate. I don’t think that is what the OP meant.

People posting why they decided not to buy or keep their lucid can be helpful for people who are deciding.
Well, I don't have any problem with the mods' decision to have a dedicated "farewell thread." I might learn something from the postings. Diversity of thoughts is good.
I agree. This was the intent. I have no problem with the posts, of course, but do not see reason for them to be interspersed with other threads about the car.

People are welcome to post their reasons, even if the majority of them boil down to similar things: financial changes, found a different car they liked more, fear because it’s new, etc.

But we will moderate any intentional *inaccurate* or *excessive* bashing or dumping. This way, folks have a place to air their thoughts without doing so as a comment on every thread to which those same thoughts *happen to be* irrelevant. :)

Nothing wrong with the posts themselves, in general.
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