Rear Collision Avoidance


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Verified Owner
Aug 8, 2023
Pure AWD, Fathom Blue.
My Lucid slams on the brakes if I am getting close to a small shrub, so I cannot figure out how it did not stop from hitting a low 6" pipe pole in ground when backing up, which was just below trunk height... I could not see it, but assumed my Lucid's sensors would take care of me, as I have settings on early intervention too. I had warning beeps, but kept inching back, with assumption I would get the long continuous tone if I got too close-- but never did, until I had a big thud and serious bumper damage. Why didn't it slam on brakes either--- like it does if I get too close to a tall weed or rose bush?? Really upsetting..
I don't know what happened to the rear camera guidance. Until the 2.3.0 update, I had active backup guidance with colored range markers. Now, only two parallel white lines. I asked tech support and they assured me this would get fixed with 2.3.10. That update was downloaded and installed with no change in backup guidance.
My Lucid slams on the brakes if I am getting close to a small shrub, so I cannot figure out how it did not stop from hitting a low 6" pipe pole in ground when backing up, which was just below trunk height... I could not see it, but assumed my Lucid's sensors would take care of me, as I have settings on early intervention too. I had warning beeps, but kept inching back, with assumption I would get the long continuous tone if I got too close-- but never did, until I had a big thud and serious bumper damage. Why didn't it slam on brakes either--- like it does if I get too close to a tall weed or rose bush?? Really upsetting.. View attachment 22843
Dang, that sucks but a shrub is a much bigger object than a 6" pipe. The collision avoidance is to avoid hitting a human...even a small human which a shrub could mimic. A pipe is probably smaller than the minimum required object collision avoidance detection is capable of. Were you not observing your reverse cam at the time?