Plate Transfer Difficulty in NY

Westchester Air

Verified Owner
Mar 7, 2025
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So am scheduled to pick up my new AT this afternoon. Unfortunately had a fairly significant issue, which I'm shocked (according to Lucid) hasn't come up before. My plan was to transfer the plates from my Audi, which I just sold, to the Lucid. Normally, the dealer would take care of this on the spot, when you pick up the vehicle. However...Lucid isn't an "auto dealer" in the state of NY. They sell directly from the manufacturer, outside of NY. I was told that I would be sent home from my pickup with a temporary license plate and would receive confirmation of the plate transfer "within 90 days". The problem with that, is that in NY state, you can't remove a car from your insurance until the plates have either been surrendered or transferred. So, I'd need to insure both my Lucid and the Audi that I don't even own anymore for up to 3 months, which can be pretty costly.

Frankly very surprised that they didn't seem to know anything about this. Only "quick solution" was to switch from a plate transfer to ordering new plates and then surrender my plates to DMV, which will allow me to cancel insurance on my Audi. Just a little chaotic. Anyway...purchasers in NY should be aware of this and plan accordingly. Hoping to forget all about this once I sit in that beauty :)
So am scheduled to pick up my new AT this afternoon. Unfortunately had a fairly significant issue, which I'm shocked (according to Lucid) hasn't come up before. My plan was to transfer the plates from my Audi, which I just sold, to the Lucid. Normally, the dealer would take care of this on the spot, when you pick up the vehicle. However...Lucid isn't an "auto dealer" in the state of NY. They sell directly from the manufacturer, outside of NY. I was told that I would be sent home from my pickup with a temporary license plate and would receive confirmation of the plate transfer "within 90 days". The problem with that, is that in NY state, you can't remove a car from your insurance until the plates have either been surrendered or transferred. So, I'd need to insure both my Lucid and the Audi that I don't even own anymore for up to 3 months, which can be pretty costly.

Frankly very surprised that they didn't seem to know anything about this. Only "quick solution" was to switch from a plate transfer to ordering new plates and then surrender my plates to DMV, which will allow me to cancel insurance on my Audi. Just a little chaotic. Anyway...purchasers in NY should be aware of this and plan accordingly. Hoping to forget all about this once I sit in that beauty :)
Sorry to hear this! But good to know. I wonder how Arizona does it.
I ran into similar problems 2.5 years ago taking delivery of my Lucid in Massachusetts, before Lucid was an authorized auto dealer in this state. What we ultimately did was for me to sign a release of liability document to Lucid so that they gave me the car with no plates at all (Mass does not have temporary plates), and I put the plates from my old Audi on myself. Massachusetts allows you to drive for 14 days with a vehicle transfer that has not yet been registered at the RMV. So this was legal for the first 2 weeks. Unfortunately, it took nearly 3 months for the official paperwork to come through, but I figured the risk was pretty low: I had paid for insurance and all applicable fees, and was just waiting on the paper trail.
No Temporary plates in NY either (afaik) Lucid delivered mine with temporary AZ plates. NYS-DMV Forms were FedExed to me a week or so later and title arrived with plates before AZ plates expired.
Just to update this thread...I received my Fedex pack for my new New York State registration/plates and find the following:
  • I need to fill out two forms and have each of them notarized. That shouldn't happen. I spent over an hour in Plainview to pick up the car....Lucid should have a person on site that's a notary. It shouldn't be a big deal. Now, an extra trip out to find a notary....
  • I need to have the car inspected(!). It seems incomprehensible. If my local Getty station can get a NYS Inspection certification, I would think the Plainview service center can as well. Now...another extra trip to find a service station that does inspections on EVs. Also...who knows if those guys have ever even seen a LUCID.
Lucid in general has been pretty great. They return my calls, they concede they're tightening their processes. Honestly, the biggest issue here is I feel like each step through the process, I get more homework. I'd rather have the entire process laid out in front of me, so I know the timeline and expectations.

A lot of us use these forums to vent a that's probably what I'm doing now. (That and letting new New York buyers know what's ahead.). On balance, all these frustrations melt away when I see the car in my driveway :) [Thanks for listening]
Forgot I had to do all that- I was to excited to let it bug me at the time. The notary issue is annoying especially if you have to pay for it- your bank may do it gratis though. I also remember I had to get the car inspected for insurance as well.
I had to do the exact same thing in New York and was concerned at the time, too. It all worked out easily.
  • Go to any UPS store; they notarize for $4, and you can leave the FedEx with the signed documents with them as well.
  • I got my car in January, and by the first week of February, I had my new plates and registration. If you are transferring plates, it should be even faster.
  • Any Shop will do the inspection in about 10 minutes. Since it is an EV, there is no emission testing, so all they need to do is make sure it has new wheels and seat belts.
I had to do the exact same thing in New York and was concerned at the time, too. It all worked out easily.
  • Go to any UPS store; they notarize for $4, and you can leave the FedEx with the signed documents with them as well.
  • I got my car in January, and by the first week of February, I had my new plates and registration. If you are transferring plates, it should be even faster.
  • Any Shop will do the inspection in about 10 minutes. Since it is an EV, there is no emission testing, so all they need to do is make sure it has new wheels and seat belts.
Call the FedEx too, the notary at mine was out and only worked certain times.
Thank you guys! Yes...I have a Fedex store nearby...will try to handle the notary stuff there. Does every station that does ICE inspection also do EV inspections? Easy peasy?
Guys I’m also in NY and picking up a new Air this week and returning a BMW lease.
Is it better to just request new plates/registration and not transfer old plates? I’ve always done transfers via dealers because I found it easier and cheaper (new reg cost more) but I DONT want any issues with my insurance/DMV (plate surrender issue).
Any advice greatly appreciated!
Guys I’m also in NY and picking up a new Air this week and returning a BMW lease.
Is it better to just request new plates/registration and not transfer old plates? I’ve always done transfers via dealers because I found it easier and cheaper (new reg cost more) but I DONT want any issues with my insurance/DMV (plate surrender issue).
Any advice greatly appreciated!
My suggestion is to request new plates. As I "warned" above, a transfer may take up to a couple of months, during which time you may need to keep insuring your Beemer. I switched my pickup to new plates, left Plainview with a temp and surrendered my Audi plates. Was able to cut insurance on my Audi almost right away. I also used a local DMV authorized "service" to surrender the plates. It cost $40 but took only 30 seconds. I dropped off the plates and got a DMV plate receipt the next morning via text. Yes...that's $40 more than it would have taken at DMV, but DMV would have taken most of a morning :)
Thanks @Westchester Air and will do exactly this! So reading your post above: Once I receive the new plates/reg in the mail I still have to notarize some forms and mail? Odd as I never done that before. Also where the heck do I find a "local DMV authorized service"? My zip is 11559. $40 and not have to wait at DMV all day sounds like a steal 😄
Never waited more than 15 minutes to get or surrender plates at DMV. I usually go at lunch or after work before catching the train home. Of course the offices in NYC maybe more efficient than the suburban offices.
Thanks @Westchester Air and will do exactly this! So reading your post above: Once I receive the new plates/reg in the mail I still have to notarize some forms and mail? Odd as I never done that before. Also where the heck do I find a "local DMV authorized service"? My zip is 11559. $40 and not have to wait at DMV all day sounds like a steal 😄
Less than a week after I picked up the car, I received a FEDEX in the mail, that included two pages that needed to be notarized. I went to my local UPS store to get that done ($4). That, hopefully was the extend of my work regarding the registration of new plates. Now I'm waiting.

With regard to the Local DMV, try this page: NY DMV Private Service Bureau (PSB)

Annoyingly, there's no way to sort this list, but you can scroll through and find one nearby your home or work. You may find it a bit more or a bit less than the $40 I paid. You may want to call them to verify they do what you need (Plate surrender and Plate receipt).

Let me know if you have any questions...I did sort through much of this on my own and am glad to share any info/experience. Some of this is annoying, compared to a "normal car buying experience" from a local dealer, but when you see that car and drive it'll forget about all of this stuff. It's BEAUTIFUL.....ENJOY!!
Never waited more than 15 minutes to get or surrender plates at DMV. I usually go at lunch or after work before catching the train home. Of course the offices in NYC maybe more efficient than the suburban offices.
Wow! My experience with DMV downstate is that nothing takes 15 minutes. :)

Yes...Direct to DMV is definitely an option.
Less than a week after I picked up the car, I received a FEDEX in the mail, that included two pages that needed to be notarized. I went to my local UPS store to get that done ($4). That, hopefully was the extend of my work regarding the registration of new plates. Now I'm waiting.

With regard to the Local DMV, try this page: NY DMV Private Service Bureau (PSB)

Annoyingly, there's no way to sort this list, but you can scroll through and find one nearby your home or work. You may find it a bit more or a bit less than the $40 I paid. You may want to call them to verify they do what you need (Plate surrender and Plate receipt).

Let me know if you have any questions...I did sort through much of this on my own and am glad to share any info/experience. Some of this is annoying, compared to a "normal car buying experience" from a local dealer, but when you see that car and drive it'll forget about all of this stuff. It's BEAUTIFUL.....ENJOY!!
Thanks! Already switched to new plates. I'm wondering whether using a DMV service can also help expedite plate transfer? But I'm not gonna be the guinea pig 😄