Phone call unintelligible

Green G

Verified Owner
Supporting Member
Feb 15, 2024
Reaction score
Lucid Air GT
My phone calls are coming though unintelligible occasionally. I have to call back to get better conversations and sometimes the other party sounds this way to me. Calling through Bluetooth with iPhone 14 Pro Max and Lucid software .60
My daughter took this video of me talking to her.

I have unpaired and re-paired my phone. This is through native UX and not CarPlay.
Have you have had this and what did you do to fix this?
Thank you much.


    16.9 MB
Trying an mp4 file as the .mov isn’t playing.


  • IMG_9616.mp4
    5.6 MB
CarPlay sounds much better lately
CarPlay sounds much better lately
After fighting that battle where music wouldn’t stop with incoming calls, I have disabled CarPlay. It would be unfortunate to think that CarPlay would be a solution to a glitch in the native UX.
Did you have this problem too?
After fighting that battle where music wouldn’t stop with incoming calls, I have disabled CarPlay. It would be unfortunate to think that CarPlay would be a solution to a glitch in the native UX.
Did you have this problem too?
I haven’t experience that one.
Weird, I had a 45 min chat with @AirDoll the other day on BT and it was totally fine.
Which is what you’d expect, right?
I was merely querying the collective knowledge in this forum on whether someone else had this problem and if there were any solutions.
Which is what you’d expect, right?
I was merely querying the collective knowledge in this forum on whether someone else had this problem and if there were any solutions.
Well, I've had phone calls finally haywire like that not even connected to a BT source. Seems to be happening more often as well so I blame ATat rather than the car if my phone calls sound weird.
Similar problem here, only started happening a month or two ago. Previous 15 months had no problem. Other party in call complains my voice is muffled or garbled. If I disconnect bluetooth and then reconnect while keeping the call live, the audio is fixed.

The problem does not consistently manifest itself, making it more vexing. It does not matter if I initiate the call when off bluetooth. Sometimes the audio works and sometimes it doesn't, but in all cases just turning off bluetooth on the phone and turning it back in fixes it.

Using a Samsung Galaxy S23. The fact that this is sometimes a problem with the iphone as well leads to believe more likely a problem with the car but hard to really troubleshoot.