OTA update 2.1.42

Thanks. Only mobile service to Rochester area. Next time they swing by will be in early December. Service rep said there is a module that is for GPS location and they need to connect to it. Can’t be fixed OTA. I also noticed that I set my charge to 80% but car will charge to 79%. They will check that out too. Software! EVs are rolling computers. I do like how the surround view boots up much more quickly.
Mine is at 80% but before I back completely out of the garage it's already at 79%.
I woke up to a Thanksgiving present and notification that v2.1.42 was waiting! 24% at 60 minutes; 50% at 90 minutes, 100% at 92 minutes. I forgot the vanilla ice cream for the Cranberry-Mincemeat Pie, so I think I'll check things out on my way to the (far) grocery store! Happy Thanksgiving, all!
I woke up to a Thanksgiving present and notification that v2.1.42 was waiting! 24% at 60 minutes; 50% at 90 minutes, 100% at 92 minutes. I forgot the vanilla ice cream for the Cranberry-Mincemeat Pie, so I think I'll check things out on my way to the (far) grocery store! Happy Thanksgiving, all!
Wait a second, you put ice cream on a meat pie?
Wait a second, you put ice cream on a meat pie?
🙀 🙀 🙀 🙀 🙀

Nooooo, it's the fruit version with loads of Rum.... so I needed to drive to get my ice cream BEFORE I ate the pie!

The HA has definitely improved, I could it feel it making slight adjustments, but the sudden corrections were gone. Also, my Sirius XM remains with my favorites in it, so I'm assuming all is well. It was nice to see the small icon for the music if the NAV is selected, and I like the screen display on the bottom if I have the music selected. Something else which I'm happy to see is that when I have the NAV selected, both the top and bottom screens have my route going UP. (Before randomly one would be up and one would be down. It may be the blonde hair, but instantly recognizing my rights and lefts when my route points down (on one or both) was a bit of a lift for me sometimes.) I hope this was not a fluke.
Mine is at 80% but before I back completely out of the garage it's already at 79%.
That’s because 79.9% gets rounded down in the Lucid to 79%.
Not sure how many people would notice, but a big change occurred in the "estimated miles remaining at end of journey" reading. As of the last update (.42) I noticed a large improvement. I live at 9,000 ft. elevation just inside of the Rockies near the flatlands. Yesterday (my first trip up the hill after the update) I noticed it predicted my car would lose 53 miles of range on the 16-mile drive home. It's estimate was off by only ONE mile. Previously this was NOT the case. Now I'm preparing to go back down the hill and I put it in my navigation screen and it predicts I'll arrive at my destination with 23 MORE miles than is currently on the range indicator(!). This means that the nav software now takes in to account elevation changes. It's a 3,700 ft. climb to my house from town. It used to predict I'd lose only the 17 miles in the climb and, of course, there would be lots less on the clock when I got home. Not the case anymore. Cudos to the team for working this out.
Also, I lose all media services when I go on to those mountains (no cell service). It feels like they turned up the buffering because my media keeps playing much longer when I lose cell service than pre-update. All thumbs up on this update so-far, including activation of that previously un-used display section that let's us see music AND navigation when we're using both.
I was wrong. I used the NAV today and the cockpit had my route pointing up and the pilot panel showed it going down. Grrrr. Yesterday must have been a fluke.
I was wrong. I used the NAV today and the cockpit had my route pointing up and the pilot panel showed it going down. Grrrr. Yesterday must have been a fluke.
I never really paid attention to that. My top map is always pointing up whatever direction I am going but the pilot panel points North. This is exactly how I would want it anyway so never noticed whether we can change that.
I never really paid attention to that. My top map is always pointing up whatever direction I am going but the pilot panel points North. This is exactly how I would want it anyway so never noticed whether we can change that.
I just change it on the bottom screen. I like the arrow pointing up at all times. But it is annoying having to do that every time.
HA has definitely improved but it is still wonky when it sees an exit ramp. Most of times when the exit ramp is on a curve, the car tends to follow that ramp instead of staying in the highway.
HA has definitely improved but it is still wonky when it sees an exit ramp. Most of times when the exit ramp is on a curve, the car tends to follow that ramp instead of staying in the highway.
I noticed that also!
HA has definitely improved but it is still wonky when it sees an exit ramp. Most of times when the exit ramp is on a curve, the car tends to follow that ramp instead of staying in the highway.
Yes but that has always been that way. Things like merge lanes are still a work in progress.
Yes but that has always been that way. Things like merge lanes are still a work in progress.
It seems worse with the last release, at least for my car.
HA has definitely improved but it is still wonky when it sees an exit ramp. Most of times when the exit ramp is on a curve, the car tends to follow that ramp instead of staying in the highway.
HA is far worse, because it is the default and now one no longer has the Assisted Cruse option ( cruse control is gone ).

For the next update, could you please ELIMINATE HIGHWAY ASSIST entirely ? Please ?
HA is far worse, because it is the default and now one no longer has the Assisted Cruse option ( cruse control is gone ).

For the next update, could you please ELIMINATE HIGHWAY ASSIST entirely ? Please ?
HA is off by default.
HA is far worse, because it is the default and now one no longer has the Assisted Cruse option ( cruse control is gone ).

For the next update, could you please ELIMINATE HIGHWAY ASSIST entirely ? Please ?
Haha take a breath Cosmo, and just long press the HA button and you will get back adaptive cruise.
Since I downloaded the new update I keep having issues with Bluetooth phone calls and SXM. The first time I make a call I don't hear the person on the other line but they can hear me. I hang up and call back and it works fine. If I am on the phone for too long the SXM will start playing in the middle of a call. The only way to stop it is to switch to the SXM app and push pause.

It also takes about a minute for SXM to connect to internet, even though the car is connected to my home wifi with super fast internet...

Anyone else having similar issues.
Yep - by phone says it's connected, but I cannot get any text and the party I am calling can hear me, but I cannot hear them. My SXM will be playing and then just stop - leaving the album art up, and the little bluetooth below it, but no music. Super frustrating. Along with several other issues.