Don’t waste your time, call service and get on the schedule.
I use it literally every day. It’s my preferred method of locking the car with my mobile key.
Call service. This isn’t software.
Call service.
This, lol
It may well be hardware but this is the report from Seattle Service Center:
Job: 1 Front Door
Pay Type: Internal
Concern: Customer states that the driver door handle have been glitchy. Customer states that at approximately 3:45 PM on 7/26, the driver door handle
presented itself, but he was unable to open the driver door using the handle. Customer states that he had to open the door from the inside. Customer
states that this was an isolated occurrence. Customer states that the handle works in passive mode but does not auto present. Customer also states the
RF door handle does not auto present. Please check and advise.
Cause: Software.
Corrections: Related fault codes. Checked measurements of all door handles, all read the same. Since this seems to be software related, opened FTS
case #00481261. Uploaded video files to case. I verified with like settings for Passive lock/unlock, other vehicles on our lot act the same way. FTS agent
found the same on his end. He pushed this condition up to Engineering for evaluation and possible future update fix. There is no current fix.**** I have
found that if the drivers side front and rear door handles are simultaneously depressed, the vehicle will wake up and present all door handles.****
Technician IDs: 004782
Labor Description Action Total Price
Part Number Part Description Quantity Unit P