OTA update 2.1.42

This is my first update and the app has been saying “Preparing to update” for about 3 hours now. I don’t have a great signal in the garage. Anything I should do or just wait…
Did You used your paid account with the .42 update? No need to Use the free Sirius Xm trial?
No, I do not have the .42 update. I logged into my paid Sirius Xm account when I first bought the car, and I assume that will just continue.
This is my first update and the app has been saying “Preparing to update” for about 3 hours now. I don’t have a great signal in the garage. Anything I should do or just wait…
I had the same thing happen, then I checked my car and the install hadn't started. I started the install from inside the car instead and it actually worked. I've never had that happen before. n You can probably also kill then restart the app and hit install again to see if that works.
Don’t waste your time, call service and get on the schedule.

I use it literally every day. It’s my preferred method of locking the car with my mobile key.

Call service. This isn’t software.

Call service.

This, lol
It may well be hardware but this is the report from Seattle Service Center:
Job: 1 Front Door
Pay Type: Internal
Concern: Customer states that the driver door handle have been glitchy. Customer states that at approximately 3:45 PM on 7/26, the driver door handle
presented itself, but he was unable to open the driver door using the handle. Customer states that he had to open the door from the inside. Customer
states that this was an isolated occurrence. Customer states that the handle works in passive mode but does not auto present. Customer also states the
RF door handle does not auto present. Please check and advise.
Cause: Software.
Corrections: Related fault codes. Checked measurements of all door handles, all read the same. Since this seems to be software related, opened FTS
case #00481261. Uploaded video files to case. I verified with like settings for Passive lock/unlock, other vehicles on our lot act the same way. FTS agent
found the same on his end. He pushed this condition up to Engineering for evaluation and possible future update fix. There is no current fix.**** I have
found that if the drivers side front and rear door handles are simultaneously depressed, the vehicle will wake up and present all door handles.****
Technician IDs: 004782
Labor Description Action Total Price
Part Number Part Description Quantity Unit P
Overshadowed by the Gravity launch today, this is easily my top 3 favorite update. 2.0 was number 1, followed by CarPlay and then this one.

HA is not back the way it was, in my view it is better. I always felt that my car was going to crash into cars in front of me as traffic thickens. Today during mounting traffic, it gradually slowed down at the same time that I would instinctively slow down. Passing trucks on the right felt as if my car stayed in the middle or left side of the lane. Lane biasing works as I believe originally intended and it now takes curves way better.

I have no idea if Lidar was enabled prior to this update or if it is enabled now, but to me it feels like something is different/better, like maybe Lidar is actually doing something. Again, I have no idea if it is enabled or not. I always felt that we have the 10 second nag alert because Lucid knew that HA was not ready for prime time. Maybe now we can get that significantly extended?
Being patient finally paid off. I am updating the car as I type. For most its already old news, but I am eager to try new features. Frankly, I was never really that excited for my Model 3 updates.
Would have loved to have this before the drive out to LA tomorrow, but alas. Hopefully for the drive home!
Got it yesterday, and am driving down to CT and back tomorrow / Saturday - looking forward to trying it out
Please share thoughts! I updated yesterday but haven't had the chance to test it yet
Installing as we speak. Kind of excited about this update!
Seems like a big push tonight, got the update notification as well, installing now.
Same here. Installing now.
Got it a short while ago too. Am installing it now.
Finally got the notice to update my car! Looking forward to the HA improvement! I'd say this is the #1 reason I'm telling myself to fight and keep the car because I am prone to inattention and getting sleepy while driving especially on long highway drives. Agree with people saying that sometimes it feels like the car will eat another lane and car slows down too late for comfort.
Finished the update, while I haven't test driving improvement, I tested navigation and it felt snappier. I also test Tidal music and iHeart music on the SS basic system. The base improved dramatically.
Must've been a big push out... I got mine a and installed a while ago too .. looking forward to driving on the freeway tomorrow