Mobile or Service Center appointment for wind noise

Curious if wind direction played any role? When I drove with the mobile tech to troubleshoot my issue, wind direction was a huge factor. Noise going southbound and no noise opposite direction on the tollway. I really don’t know the wind direction that day - I should have notes it! But it was night and day with regards to what was observable.
Wind may have been a factor perhaps. I will see if I hear wind noise again.
Not complaining...but a car, not a Lucid but any car worth driving, I would hope is designed in a manner where the direction of the wind outside would not play much of a role in the level of buffeting sounds entering the cabin. Not asking for Rolls Royce levels of sound insulation, but at least BMW level expectations should be fair game at this spend band. My 2013 BMW should not be my benchmark for buffeting in the cabin, my new 2023 $110K+ car should be.
I measured my car recently, as did the service center, using a decibel meter. At full speed (70-80mph), and consistent roads (i.e. highway, not cobblestone), I got a high of about 65-67 dB, which seems in line with or better than most other cars, including the S-class, BMW iX, the Taycan, and so on.

Another example, at 55mph: