Lucid Touring Observation

An obvious point but Tourung has different voltage hence charges slower than GT.

Also, many other brand confuses consumer using WLTP or even CLTC like Tesla false claiming its more efficient than Pure.
There has been a lot of back and forth about the charging curve for sure. Is Lucid being a bit conservative here? Yeah, probably. They are on the hook if your battery doesn't last 8 years, so I get where they are coming from. But I do think as they see their cars over time and how well the batteries are holding up, they may adjust that curve and give us some more speed for a longer duration.

At least I hope so.

I think @joec has hit the nail on the head. After one year of almost exclusively charging at EA, I find that it doesn't much matter what the starting point is. It's going to take me about 35 minutes to get to an 80% SOC. With a low initial SOC, the starting kW rate will be high, and then drop like a rock. Start at a higher SOC, and the initial kW rate will start lower, but drop on a more linear basis. I can live with this, as it's what I would want if the battery only had a three year warranty, and I plan to be buried in my Lucid. :) That doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to see a more aggressive charging curve.

Given what I at least perceive to be the relative priorities of Porsche vs. Lucid owners, I'm not surprised that Porsche would prioritize fast charging times, even if it meant a significant reduction of battery life. Then again, they may very well have found a way to achieve one without sacrificing the other, in which case Porsche owners get to have their cake and eat it too!
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I think @joec has hit the nail on the head. After one year of almost exclusively charging at EA, I find that it doesn't much matter what the starting point is. It's going to take me about 35 minutes to get to an 80% SOC. With a low initial SOC, the starting kW rate will be high, and then drop like a rock. Start at a higher SOC, and the initial kW rate will start lower, but drop on a more linear basis. I can live with this, as it's what I would want if the battery only had a three year warranty, and I plan to be buried in my Lucid. :) That doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to see a more aggressive charging curve.

Given what I at least perceive to be the relative priorities of Porsche vs. Lucid owners, I'm not surprised that Porsche would prioritize fast charging times, even if it meant a significant reduction of battery life. Then again, they may very well have found a way to achieve one without sacrificing the other, in which case Porsche owners get to have their cake and eat it too!
I wonder if Porsche knows from history that most owners don't hold on to their Porsches for eight years or more?

They also have a dealership system that knows how to push newer cars on existing customers. A friend just got talked into "upgrading" to a Taycan from her three-year-old Macan.

They saw she had low miles on the Macan, I'm guessing, and figured that would be a more valuable used car on the lot than a new Taycan.
I too have an Air Touring and I consider the range to be quite good. It's not near the official ratings, but I'd say that it's consistent with the relative mileage that you'd get with an ICE car relative to its EPA mileage rating. I do have to say, though, that I agree that the native navigation system is just terrible. The typical routing shows a total lack of common sense and refuses to make on the fly adaptations when I decide to not follow its non-sensical routings. So, Lucid definitely has some work to do on this front.
I wonder if Porsche knows from history that most owners don't hold on to their Porsches for eight years or more?

They also have a dealership system that knows how to push newer cars on existing customers. A friend just got talked into "upgrading" to a Taycan from her three-year-old Macan.

They saw she had low miles on the Macan, I'm guessing, and figured that would be a more valuable used car on the lot than a new Taycan.

I was thinking the same thing. I track Porsche's on Bring-A-Trailer, and when I read their CarFax Reports, I'm amazed at how many times a recent model year Porsche has changed hands. It can't be because the owners are displeased, as fairly new Porsche's seem to hold or increase in value way more than most other brands. Some are crazy high! If I were to buy a car with investment value as a major consideration, that's the brand I would look for. I think Porsche owners are kind of like many iPhone owners. They like to have the latest and greatest, and don't really care what it costs to do so. If you can afford it, I guess why not???
I've only gotten about 220kw once when using EA chargers. Has anyone ever gotten the rated 350kw on the LVL3 EA chargers in any EV? Charging generally takes me 35min from 20%-80%, though charging 10%-80% I would think that it would still take about 35min. What was your range, and average speed like?
Touring and Pure max out at 250 kWh and charge slower than the higher trims with larger battery packs.
So, I had an emergency trip that I had to take so I hopped in my Touring and drove 730 miles from Georgia to NJ.

My observations:

1) The EPA rating is a complete farce. (not really a surprise)
2) Everything that was ever printed about the speed of charging in the Lucid is also a complete farce. I got over 200kw once and it lasted for about 2% of the charge. After that it dropped rapidly and continuously. This was at 4 different EA, 350kw chargers along the way. Most of the time, it peaked between 150-180 kw.
3) Finding chargers was a cinch. They were everywhere I needed and I didn't have to wait to use any of them. Of course, I was mostly charging between 3pm and 4:30am.
4) Not something about the charging, but the navigation in the Lucid is abhorrent. 3 different times it wanting me to exit the interstate, travel to the next on ramp and get back on the interstate.
5) I tried to use the 110V mobile charger just to add a little cushion since the car was just sitting in the driveway, but it blew the circuit breaker, so that was a no go.
I bought a used Grand Touring for its 500+ miles of advertised range. II didn’t care whether it did that. What I did care about is that we have a lake cottage that is 254 miles from our main home. I wanted a car that I could drive for that distance on a hot summer day, sun bright, a/c on, stereo on, seat message on and driving at (within a bit of reason) whatever speed(s) I chose and to still have a healthy amount of range left when I arrived. The Lucid easily does that.

With about 100 miles of range showing it takes me 6 minutes at a CA to add 100 miles of range, 16 minutes to add a total of 200 miles and a bit over 1/2 hour to add a total of 300 miles. I, too, have found high speed chargers to be readily available.

I am completely satisfied.
Not EPA but pretty close. It's really not unachievable. Touring also
Since you're a more experienced user ( i got my GT in April of 2022. I thought that we got initially 3 years free EA charging. Travelled yesterday in NC and both times EA charged me. Am I wrong?
Touring and Pure max out at 250 kWh and charge slower than the higher trims with larger battery packs.

My Pure AWD hit 277 kWh once... for about five seconds. :)
The app used to tell us how many free months we had. I just checked mine after months and they've updated it.
My Pure AWD hit 277 kWh once... for about five seconds. :)
I've heard this has happened with Touring's as well even tho they said we we're maxed at 250 kWh.
I've heard this has happened with Touring's as well even tho they said we we're maxed at 250 kWh.

Might explain why my winter floor mats melted...
I never expected the car to get the EPA mileage. I know they test in unrealistic settings. I just used it to compare vehicles.

. . . and comparing it to other EVs is really about all the EPA range is good for. But even then, you have to know whether the vehicle was tested using the 5-cycle EPA protocol or the 2-cycle protocol which can yield widely varying numbers when compared to real-world driving experience.

Here's a comparison, though, that you might find interesting. We have a 2021 Model S Plaid and a 2022 Lucid Air Dream Performance, both on 21" wheels. When driving on the same interstate stretch in similar weather and traffic conditions with the cruise controls set to 82 mph (an actual 80 mph in both cars), the Air gets around 76-78% of its rated range, and the Tesla gets around 72-74%. Take into account the Lucid's higher rated range (451 miles vs. the Tesla's 348 miles), and our Air gets more than 100 extra miles of real-world range.

No matter how far short it falls of the EPA range, the Air is still the longest-range EV on the market -- something attested to by numerous auto journalists who do independent real-world range testing.
it should still be very fast.

I hope you actually saw the result even with a 272 peak. It's not that fast...
I hope you actually saw the result even with a 272 peak. It's not that fast...
View attachment 24701
Sure. It was also 40 degrees, and I wasn’t there, so I have no idea what else happened or affected it.

I was talking about peak speeds. I posted about my experience previously, with my DE.
I'm not that experienced. I just drive a ton. Lol

I'm pretty sure that is correct for when we got our cars. I got mine in March last year. But if EA's network is not communicating with Lucid's, it might try to charge you when it shouldn't. Maybe check with Lucid for reimbursement?
Since you're a more experienced user ( i got my GT in April of 2022. I thought that we got initially 3 years free EA charging. Travelled yesterday in NC and both times EA charged me. Am I wrong?
The highest I’ve ever gotten was 344, but on my DE.

I regularly get 320 and above, and literally did so twice last week, but only if I have preconditioned. It doesn’t seem to matter what temp the car is or what the weather is; if I precondition for a half hour or longer, I get above 300. If I don’t, I start at 220-240 and go down from there.

On my most recent charge, I was still getting 117-120kW all the way up through 80%, and this was on a balanced 350.

Started at a 3% SOC and took 30 min to 80%.
View attachment 24699

So no, it’s not a Touring, but Lucid isn’t lying about the charging speeds; you do need to precondition though.

The highest I’ve ever gotten was 344, but on my DE.

I regularly get 320 and above, and literally did so twice last week, but only if I have preconditioned. It doesn’t seem to matter what temp the car is or what the weather is; if I precondition for a half hour or longer, I get above 300. If I don’t, I start at 220-240 and go down from there.

On my most recent charge, I was still getting 117-120kW all the way up through 80%, and this was on a balanced 350.

Started at a 3% SOC and took 30 min to 80%.
View attachment 24699
View attachment 24700

So no, it’s not a Touring, but Lucid isn’t lying about the charging speeds; you do need to precondition though.
I find Borski's screen shots (it says "1:47 AM today" on my computer) a little disappointing. I did a quick back of the envelope calculation. He got 309 miles for $51.00. If a run-of-the-mill Internal Combustion (ICE) car gets 30 miles per gallon that would be the equivalent of ten gallons of gas. So an ICE car costs $30 (more or less) to go 300 miles and we are paying $50? Am I missing a decimal point or something?
Since you're a more experienced user ( i got my GT in April of 2022. I thought that we got initially 3 years free EA charging. Travelled yesterday in NC and both times EA charged me. Am I wrong?
How did they charge you if they don't have your credit card.

I found the same experience, but I never received a bill, because EA does not have a card registered on me. And yes we were promised 3 years on my 2022 AGT, so if they have no card, ignore it and keep charging. You should be fine.
I never expected the car to get the EPA mileage. I know they test in unrealistic settings. I just used it to compare vehicles.

This is my first EV and this is my first trip. That being said, I expected the charging speed to be at least 15 minutes faster than it was.

I was in a hurry to get to where I was going, so that could have altered my perception.

I was just hoping that it would stay at the faster rates for at least the 10% - 30% range. I knew that it would get slower as I approached 80%, but I was surprised that it plummeted below 200 within the first 5%.
Did you precondition before charging ? If you navigate to charger the car will auto start preconditioning.