Lucid sold me a damaged GT without disclosing

Pics? Wouldn’t it have been cool for someone to tell me that? Yes. They also wouldn’t have broken the law.
Are you asking me for pictures? Just search headlight trim on the forum.

All of the things you are hinting at is what gets worked on for the issue I described. Could be that it was simply done incorrectly. Did you denote these issues at time of delivery?
Lol. WOW. So fraud is just okay huh. No one wanted anything for free. I just wanted a fair shake.

Car A that choice had damage
Car B had no damage

Similar mileage. Same spec. Same

Which one would you choose? Anything other than car B is just you meat riding the brand. It’s that simple.
Quite a few members asked you for pics. Where are the pics?
But, to answer your question,
I'd choose Car A, no damage, no mileage.
You have have chosen Car B. Well, either sue them, if there is any ground for that, or stop whining.
bummer to hear of your delivery! I would love to see some pictures before any reactions.
All my second hand cars bought from US has heaps of cosmetic imperfections even 6 figures car sold as "pristine" has previous owner smack the door on seatbelt buckle, lightly peeled leather trim and cracked wood deco etc.

6000 miles demo I would think it would have more cosmetic damage since it has been driven by lots of people first time driving Lucid but mechanically sound.

I love Air too much to buy second hand hence probably paying almost double for a new one to avoid this.
By the way Lucid jumped 14% today, so expect more and more negative posts towards Lucid 😂
You might to be right as that is the trend lately.
Let's see.
Just gonna leave this here. (From Lucid's website about demo vehicles)

Sadly, this has to serve as my introduction. I took delivery of a ‘22 demo unit with 6,000 miles on it. I had the choice of a few in my spec, but chose this one because of its lower mileage.

Before I go any further, please understand that I have given Lucid over 6 weeks to resolve this, and I have been met with nothing but empty promises, phones calls and emails unreturned and generally no response despite my repeated call attempts to handle this. The goal of this post is to warn other potential buyers, and to get some resolution prior to filing a lawsuit from lucid.

I was working with Mohammad in the Tysons store. Once he sent me units that fit my desired spec, I proceeded to secure financing. That in itself wasn’t easy given the brands newness (credit union).

The car was in AZ and needed to be transported. Once it arrived; which took twice as long as it was quoted (I have shipped plenty of cars and understand that can happen).

Once it showed up, it was suddenly very difficult to get pictures or information about the car. The pics I was sent were from two different sets of shots; the front shots were different in color grading and look from the rear. Those pics took an extra week or so to get; the whole time I’m pursuing financing. It was like pulling teeth. I ended up getting ahold of Angus in customer service who promised me to solve my issues surrounding how the process was going. He promised a free level 2 charger. It’s not here to this day.

When I finally picked up the car, it was of course detailed. But the glass was etched from the windshield wipers. I asked the manager to replace it, and he obliged. That finally was done this week, just waiting for them to bring the car back to me.

Now I’m a hard core car guy, and bought this for the driving dynamics, but I’m very very picky about my cars being in perfect condition. So when I got home (4hour drive) I noticed the hood appeared to have been repainted. The next day I noticed the chips in the drivers side fender from what had to have been contact from the hood. Then I noticed the hood had literally no micro scratches, and had compound residue. It was clear it had just been buffed out.

Then we left for a road trip and realized the windshield wipers didn’t really work properly. Service (who was awesome) came to my hotel on the road (again awesome) and replaced the blade. We then discovered the wiper arm was bent. That explains how the glass was etched.

None of this was shown to me during the buying process.

I have called and called and explained. No one seems to care, and that’s just sad. I love the car. But this is unacceptable.
I used to buy used, but never will again, you never know and even a used car with 1000 miles will have some imperfections. If so particular, why risk buying used? Did you not personally see the car? Still, Lucid should address this and get to the bottom of how this got sold without disclosure. And pictures would help to alleviate any concerns about deceptive posts.
No resolution. I was waiting to post further details including pictures, timeline and additional context until Bill Bragger at Lucid was able to do what he promised, which was to make it right. He has failed to do so, and lucid has told me to basically go pound salt. They refuse to provide any prior service records, any information on the repainted hood.

I had the car inspected and found tons of missing front end hardware, bent brackets with stripped out fasteners, replaced underside trays and more. In addition I finally, after asking for 4 months for my signed documents that were supposed to be emailed to me after delivery, a supplement stating the wheels and tires were replaced with 20” from the original 21”….also previously undisclosed. That at least explains why the settings in the dash remained at 21”.

They are hiding something. We are going to find out what.
No resolution. I was waiting to post further details including pictures, timeline and additional context until Bill Bragger at Lucid was able to do what he promised, which was to make it right. He has failed to do so, and lucid has told me to basically go pound salt. They refuse to provide any prior service records, any information on the repainted hood.

I had the car inspected and found tons of missing front end hardware, bent brackets with stripped out fasteners, replaced underside trays and more. In addition I finally, after asking for 4 months for my signed documents that were supposed to be emailed to me after delivery, a supplement stating the wheels and tires were replaced with 20” from the original 21”….also previously undisclosed. That at least explains why the settings in the dash remained at 21”.

They are hiding something. We are going to find out what.
Post pictures ASAP....otherwise I wont believe you......
No resolution. I was waiting to post further details including pictures, timeline and additional context until Bill Bragger at Lucid was able to do what he promised, which was to make it right. He has failed to do so, and lucid has told me to basically go pound salt. They refuse to provide any prior service records, any information on the repainted hood.

I had the car inspected and found tons of missing front end hardware, bent brackets with stripped out fasteners, replaced underside trays and more. In addition I finally, after asking for 4 months for my signed documents that were supposed to be emailed to me after delivery, a supplement stating the wheels and tires were replaced with 20” from the original 21”….also previously undisclosed. That at least explains why the settings in the dash remained at 21”.

They are hiding something. We are going to find out what.
Very sorry to hear this - good luck on getting things resolved.
Regarding your tire size - what does the label say behind the drivers side door?
Anything with 6K miles on it is a "used" car, no matter what the title says. Personally, I'd buy a new car without seeing it first. Online or from a dealer. But I would never, ever buy a used car from anywhere or anyone without seeing it in person and making sure it looked good and was operating as expected.
I just read the law in Virginia (I am assuming the sale was consumated in Virginia). It appears from a quick reading that a demonstrator can be sold as a new car so long as there is a disclosure presale signed by the customer if the demonstrator was used for >750 miles. So if this requirement has been satisfied, then I change my previous views. Were the sale documents stating that it was sold as new? Was the signed disclosure statement included in the paperwork (I don't mean just the odometer statement; I mean the statement that it is being sold as specified below)? Was the Lucid policy statement on demo sales included in the paperwork at the time of sale? If it was, was it referenced in the sales contract or included by reference? Here is what VS Section 46.2-1530(D) says:

"D. Except for trailers, if the buyer's order is for a new motor vehicle that had accumulated, at the time of the sale, mileage in excess of 750 miles as a demonstrator or as a result of delivery to a prospective purchaser who never took title to the new motor vehicle and returned it, the vehicle may be sold as new, provided the dealer delivers this disclosure in writing on the buyer's order containing type of no smaller than 10 point or in a separate document containing only the disclosure in type of no smaller than 14 point: "Notice: This new motor vehicle has accumulated mileage in excess of 750 miles as the result of use as a demonstrator and/or as the result of delivery to a prior prospective purchaser who never took title to it and who returned it." When delivered as a separate document, this disclosure shall also contain the actual odometer reading for the vehicle and shall be signed by the purchaser."

Won't be a simple battle. But it sounds like it is a matter of principle to the OP and we all have different standards for that.