Lucid replaced one of its top people

I just really want to have mine in the garage by late August at latest. I am concerned about this new Luxury tax in Canada (it would add a substantial cost to the vehicle).
My initial design was saved Sept 2020. My reservation was placed March 2021. My order was confirmed May 4 2022. No VIN (the car I chose is a White GT 19" Santa Cruz)
You confirmed your order pretty late....
I just counted, I got it real lucky then. VIN assignment to deliver to me was merely 3 weeks. Perhaps I got a canceled order???
Yeah mine was March 11 VIN to April 19 delivery for a non-cancelled order, yours must have been a car another buyer cancelled. However it was only 5 days from VIN to assembly finish, the rest was inspection, shipping and delivery. This was before the enhanced PDI.
Comparing from ordering dates won’t make a whole lot of sense, given many of you ordered well before any cars were being delivered. I would expect anyone ordering today to wait a lot less than anyone who ordered in 2020. Comparing time from confirmation date to VIN or delivery gives a better sense of how production speed is (or isn’t) improving, though. But there will always be these outliers when someone gets a canceled car. Have to throw those out of the data.
Absolutely correct. I expect someone who reserves today to wait less time than so,e one who reserved before cars were produced. But it is curious how people who reserved a GT after others had already confirmed their orders are receiving them faster (6.5 months after reservation vs. 8+ months after confirmation). Has to be a cancellation or Lucid is not processing orders as they indicated.
Seems like the comments on this forum from certain members have been getting a bit defensive and personal recently. Not sure why, but think I might need to cut down on my addiction to reading the threads. Initially joined so I could learn more info about the car in preparation to delivery.
Which color did you pick? I’m assuming Grey? Sorry if any of my posts have sounded personal, they’re not intended that way. I understand the complaints and frustrations from those who haven’t got the car yet, the anticipation and not knowing what to expect sucks.
You confirmed your order pretty late....
Yes. Reservation dates only matter for the timing of the ‘“invite to confirm” email. At that point, it becomes (supposedly) confirmation date. The earlier you confirm, the higher priority you are on the production spreadsheet. Delaying the confirmation will push your production date out.

Supposedly, any changes to the order post confirmation will retain the confirmation date priority, but if you made the changes late, you might get pushed to a later batch, with your confirmation date determining your priority within that batch,
Yeah mine was March 11 VIN to April 19 delivery for a non-cancelled order, yours must have been a car another buyer cancelled. However it was only 5 days from VIN to assembly finish, the rest was inspection, shipping and delivery. This was before the enhanced PDI.
Just checked my emails. Here was my timeline of progression for reference.

10/1 - Reservation confirmed
1/3 - Modified my order confirmed
3/7 - Was told 6~8 weeks to get my car as just entered production
3/24 - received VIN, told me don’t put hope too high up
4/11 - was very shocked and told already in Houston SC, but 2 weeks after PDI and Austin and Dallas to be delivered.
4/12 - I went to SC to inspect
4/13 - I processed papers and drove out early evening and skipped delivery.
4/14 - Official paperwork day registered with EA and Texas DMV.

I think there was some luck that I got it really fast. I have relative working high up in Lucid HQ. But I never told him I got this car. When he came to Houston to visit his family. I surprised him and everyone with Lucid. It turned out his father also has an order placed in September and still waiting now.
Just checked my emails. Here was my timeline of progression for reference.

10/1 - Reservation confirmed
1/3 - Modified my order confirmed
3/7 - Was told 6~8 weeks to get my car as just entered production
3/24 - received VIN, told me don’t put hope too high up
4/11 - was very shocked and told already in Houston SC, but 2 weeks after PDI and Austin and Dallas to be delivered.
4/12 - I went to SC to inspect
4/13 - I processed papers and drove out early evening and skipped delivery.
4/14 - Official paperwork day registered with EA and Texas DMV.

I think there was some luck that I got it really fast. I have relative working high up in Lucid HQ. But I never told him I got this car. When he came to Houston to visit his family. I surprised him and everyone with Lucid. It turned out his father also has an order placed in September and still waiting now.
Small adjustment to your language... they didn't start confirming reservations until beginning of November... is 10/1 when you made your reservation?
Agree, that is crazy quick. I'm almost 18 months since reservation and nearly 8 months from confirmation and still waiting as well... Would have considered changing exterior colors if I had known that it would be so long.
Don’t worry! You will fall in love when it arrives. Waiting is part of romance. 😊
Small adjustment to your language... they didn't start confirming reservations until beginning of November... is 10/1 when you made your reservation?
10/1 was when I received confirmed to my reservation email.

I also just remembered this. On 1/3 when I confirm my modification on phone. I told them I rather to have DE instead I wanted gold color. I told them I missed answering their call during Christmas holidays because I was traveling. They apologized to me saying DE was just all taken even though expanded to 520 limited units. The SA then put me on hold and came back told me they can place me on DE waitlist for any cancel order while I’m on this GT order. I said that is fine, better than nothing. In the end, I never got a DE notification, but I got the earliest batch of GT according to Houston SC Concierge.
Small adjustment to your language... they didn't start confirming reservations until beginning of November... is 10/1 when you made your reservation?
Now I see how I made it ambiguous. Yes, 10/1 was Lucid received my online reservation payment and emailed reservation was confirmed.
Yeah mine was March 11 VIN to April 19 delivery for a non-cancelled order, yours must have been a car another buyer cancelled. However it was only 5 days from VIN to assembly finish, the rest was inspection, shipping and delivery. This was before the enhanced PDI.
My Confirmation was 12/14/22 with delivery 6/9/22 and this was with enhanced PDI. While I was anxious from time to time, I feel time frame was very acceptable given that there are very real supply chain issues.
My Confirmation was 12/14/22 with delivery 6/9/22 and this was with enhanced PDI. While I was anxious from time to time, I feel time frame was very acceptable given that there are very real supply chain issues.
What was your spec?
And I suppose you haven’t encountered any issues with fit/finish/performance out of the ordinary? Given the extended PDI time
A couple of small issues that tech is coming out today to address. I can see a small spot of glue under upper door to window trim and tire pressure warning light showing 0 pressure in left rear. Also a small panel alignment discrepancy. See attachment.


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