Lucid Owner Feeling

Only a dozen? In So Cal, you'll see that many or more in a quarter mile of driving on any major street.
Yes, but you actually have charging stations in CA.
In just 1 month of owning my GT, have see. several people take video of my car (on the road next to me - scary), people come up and ask about the car, and several looks. The best part: it’s a true driver’s car!
In just 1 month of owning my GT, have see. several people take video of my car (on the road next to me - scary), people come up and ask about the car, and several looks. The best part: it’s a true driver’s car!
And this is why I will only drive Luci in the lane closest to the curb from now on 😂. I wanna help her get famous. (I mean Lucid)
And this is why I will only drive Luci in the lane closest to the curb from now on 😂. I wanna help her get famous. (I mean Lucid)
It all goes well until you inevitably curb the wheels thanks to the outward rim design 🤣
This past weekend when waiting to get into a parking garage I found myself in line with 3 white Model Y’s and one blue model Y.

It made me so glad to be driving something different 😂
In the Bay Area, 1 in 5 cars is a Tesla. Driving a none-Tesla is different. It is like having a sigh of relief for not driving a Tesla.