Shuttering / juddering in reverse low speed fully angled wheel - MY'25 AT 20's


Active Member
Dec 20, 2024
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So does that sound normal or do you guys suspect a mechanical issue. Leased MY'25 AT 20" wheels. When I back out of my driveway and cut the wheels all the way and dive at a very slow speed, my front tires seem to judder / skip and I get a strong vibration in the steering wheel. Almost feels like the tires are skipping on the ground somehow. Anyone else have this / sound familiar? What might cause this? Stock tires - might they be rubbing on the tire cowel?
So does that sound normal or do you guys suspect a mechanical issue. Leased MY'25 AT 20" wheels. When I back out of my driveway and cut the wheels all the way and dive at a very slow speed, my front tires seem to judder / skip and I get a strong vibration in the steering wheel. Almost feels like the tires are skipping on the ground somehow. Anyone else have this / sound familiar? What might cause this? Stock tires - might they be rubbing on the tire cowel?
Call service. Might be a balance issue or might be something else, but it’s definitely not normal.
I also have a MY'25 AT with 20" wheels and I have not had that happen to me, though I've only had the car since Nov. Closest I've come to your driving situation is making tight U-turns in two-lane roads but that was in Drive not Reverse and I didn't have your experience. Suggest you call the SC if this persists.
You are describing the result of incomplete Ackerman effect at low speeds and full lock.

I haven't experienced it in the Air, but the full lock turning is pretty extreme so I've also never had to try it.
I've had it happen rarely, though oddly enough it happened on my way to work this morning as I backed out of my garage. Given that it was never constant, I have ignored it thus far. TIL about the Ackerman effect.
The simple solution is usually just unwind the wheel like, 1-2 degrees from lock.

I only know it from having daily driven some sports cars that specifically do not have Ackerman geometry by intent, and it's quite a violent thing near full lock at 1-2mph.
Agree with rfc805
Unwind a few degrees
I’ve experienced this backing out of garage
With black ice or cold wet conditions
Feels like slipping
22 AGT
Yeah after some research, I think so. Case closed!
I have it happen on a regular basis at full lock when pulling into my garage ('22 GT). It hasn't felt like anything back is happening, mechanically. That's with 21's on the Pirelli summer tires.