Lucid Manager Won't Replace Windshield The Shop Broke


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Nov 18, 2022
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Lucid Air Touring
Breaks my heart having to type this as I'm such a big Lucid fan. Anyway, I am looking for some advice ...even legal advice here. I'm based in Houston, Texas and the following occurred at the Houston Service center and studio.

Last weekend my car was at the Houston service center for some work. All of that work was done fine. As I sat in my car to take it home, I noticed a crack in the windshield that wasn't there when I dropped it off. The service check-in record shows (Attached) no damage to the windshield was recorded when they took my car (Because there was no cracking when I dropped it off). The service manager was extremely rude with me and without a moment's consideration of the issue, he flat out told me under 15 seconds that he isn't replacing the windshield. Funny part is, that I hadn't even requested a windshield replacement at all as I was still processing it all. He was extremely rude and even threatening to me stating that "You need to be careful with that loaner we're giving you cos I may notice damage on it when you return it". He said that in the presence of another Lucid employee. I advised him to not threaten me in that manner in front of another Lucid employee as well. After a lot of back and forth and me being the one keeping the calm tone of voice combined with my refusal to drive the car away, he got a repair shop to work on it today after which the crack has now become even bigger (Attached). I felt that I was treated very harshly and the service manager wouldn't even consider for a second that he or his shop may be at fault. I noticed that there was construction going on in the area they keep the cars outside. I felt mildly threatened taking the loaner and even asked him to get me an Uber as I wasn't comfortable driving away in his loaner for the fear of him making every scratch on that loaner car, now my fault when I drop it off. I'm truly saddened and disappointed because he wouldn't even consider that I may be correct in this whole situation.

What are my options to ensure they replace the windshield as it truly was not damaged when I took it in but the service manager just won't listen to me. After they sent me the photos of the glass repair, I have refused to take the car back as it is now worse than at first and am wearily driving his loaner under the threat of what will happen when I do drop it off. God only knows what he will hit me with when I do drop it off one day.

Any legal advice? Can I go to small claims court? Please help. Thanks!

@mcr16 - Tagging you here for any assistance please! I'm a die hard Lucid fan about to get soured on the whole brand. Its not about the windshield, it's about how an early supporter and believer in the brand got insulted and threatened. :(


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WOW this isn't good. No excuse for this type of treatment and for the service manager to act this way is unacceptable in my book. I would contact Lucid Customer Service just to make sure they have a record of this. I would also contact a Lawyer for a free consultation to see what my options are.
Service manager needs training. Even when they are not sure when the glass cracked they should given the customer the benefit of doubt and take care of them. I don’t think it is worth your time to seek legal advice. Most insurance companies will cover the cost of replacement.
I know we're only hearing one side, but your presentation of facts sound calm, reasonable and plausible. This is a terrible look for Lucid and a great example of how hard it is for companies to maintain a consistent brand. It just takes one person that's either poorly trained, or is having a very bad day to sink the ship in terms of upholding what the brand is supposed to be about. It sounds like you were treated very poorly. Please let us know how and if this gets resolved.
Man! I truly was saddened to read your experience. It is not acceptable to be treated this way - not for a $20k car and definitely not for a luxury car. It looks like you handled the situation remarkably well. I don’t know if I can stay calm if I am being threatened - and my reaction would have only made the matters worse. I hope Lucid corporate will make it right - if not, I too will be taking a note and thinking twice about my future plans as I am depended on this service center too.

I am not sure about your work but most of the work places these days offer some legal services - it would be worth checking it out. As others mentioned, insurance will take care of it but if this happened in the service center, why should your insurance pay for it?
Service manager denying because it puts a dent in their performance. But, the right thing to do would have been to replace the windshield. Also, his warning to you about the loaner is unacceptable. That is no way to treat any customer. I would complain to Lucid and insist on talking to someone higher up in the sales and service department. Don’t just leave the complaint with a customer rep. The higher up executives need to hear this. And I would not budge until Lucid replaces the windshield.

Bombard them consistently so they replace the windshield….if not documented when you dropped it off, Lucid did this!
Sounds like the service manager was having a moment. I would see if I could take up this matter with the one above him. What happened to your car, and how they’re dealing with it doesn’t sound right.
Man! I truly was saddened to read your experience. It is not acceptable to be treated this way - not for a $20k car and definitely not for a luxury car. It looks like you handled the situation remarkably well. I don’t know if I can stay calm if I am being threatened - and my reaction would have only made the matters worse. I hope Lucid corporate will make it right - if not, I too will be taking a note and thinking twice about my future plans as I am depended on this service center too.

I am not sure about your work but most of the work places these days offer some legal services - it would be worth checking it out. As others mentioned, insurance will take care of it but if this happened in the service center, why should your insurance pay for it?
Exactly .My wife and I were also eyeing the Gravity but now this whole thing made us pause. She said last night that now she would feel uncomfortable going to the service center by herself if she were taking her Gravity in for service. She is more upset than I am about this whole thing and Lucid definitely lost 2 future customers yesterday. We were so looking forward to owning the Gravity.
Service manager denying because it puts a dent in their performance. But, the right thing to do would have been to replace the windshield. Also, his warning to you about the loaner is unacceptable. That is no way to treat any customer. I would complain to Lucid and insist on talking to someone higher up in the sales and service department. Don’t just leave the complaint with a customer rep. The higher up executives need to hear this. And I would not budge until Lucid replaces the windshield.

Bombard them consistently so they replace the windshield….if not documented when you dropped it off, Lucid did this!
Thanks .. I needed to read something like this. I think you're correct. I'm not a combative person at all and I was even trying to to get the service manager to calm down that day which looking back on it today, is completely backwards.
Service manager denying because it puts a dent in their performance. But, the right thing to do would have been to replace the windshield. Also, his warning to you about the loaner is unacceptable. That is no way to treat any customer. I would complain to Lucid and insist on talking to someone higher up in the sales and service department. Don’t just leave the complaint with a customer rep. The higher up executives need to hear this. And I would not budge until Lucid replaces the windshield.

Bombard them consistently so they replace the windshield….if not documented when you dropped it off, Lucid did this!
Why does this put a dent in the service manager's performance? Just trying to understand. If handled correctly, I'd be very complimentary of them. How does this work on their end?
Breaks my heart having to type this as I'm such a big Lucid fan. Anyway, I am looking for some advice ...even legal advice here. I'm based in Houston, Texas and the following occurred at the Houston Service center and studio.

Last weekend my car was at the Houston service center for some work. All of that work was done fine. As I sat in my car to take it home, I noticed a crack in the windshield that wasn't there when I dropped it off. The service check-in record shows (Attached) no damage to the windshield was recorded when they took my car (Because there was no cracking when I dropped it off). The service manager was extremely rude with me and without a moment's consideration of the issue, he flat out told me under 15 seconds that he isn't replacing the windshield. Funny part is, that I hadn't even requested a windshield replacement at all as I was still processing it all. He was extremely rude and even threatening to me stating that "You need to be careful with that loaner we're giving you cos I may notice damage on it when you return it". He said that in the presence of another Lucid employee. I advised him to not threaten me in that manner in front of another Lucid employee as well. After a lot of back and forth and me being the one keeping the calm tone of voice combined with my refusal to drive the car away, he got a repair shop to work on it today after which the crack has now become even bigger (Attached). I felt that I was treated very harshly and the service manager wouldn't even consider for a second that he or his shop may be at fault. I noticed that there was construction going on in the area they keep the cars outside. I felt mildly threatened taking the loaner and even asked him to get me an Uber as I wasn't comfortable driving away in his loaner for the fear of him making every scratch on that loaner car, now my fault when I drop it off. I'm truly saddened and disappointed because he wouldn't even consider that I may be correct in this whole situation.

What are my options to ensure they replace the windshield as it truly was not damaged when I took it in but the service manager just won't listen to me. After they sent me the photos of the glass repair, I have refused to take the car back as it is now worse than at first and am wearily driving his loaner under the threat of what will happen when I do drop it off. God only knows what he will hit me with when I do drop it off one day.

Any legal advice? Can I go to small claims court? Please help. Thanks!

@mcr16 - Tagging you here for any assistance please! I'm a die hard Lucid fan about to get soured on the whole brand. Its not about the windshield, it's about how an early supporter and believer in the brand got insulted and threatened. :(
Sorry to hear that but that service center is quick to deny stuff. Not sure if it is the same Manager because I have not dealt with them lately but that person needs some serious customer service training.
In my mind it is simple. The glass, at drop off, passed inspection. On pickup it failed. In the interim only the dealership had possession of the car. Lucid wouldn't have any argument in court and as noted by others here, this kind of behavior can cost Lucid not only the OP and his spouse but many others. One of the things I look for in a luxury car, and demand, is a luxury car experience. This kind of behavior is not that.

Many years ago I had an almost new car and a tire blew out on the highway. I took it back to my Toyota dealer and he said to take it to the Firestone store (it was a Bridgestone tire). The manager there asserted that I must have abused the tire and spent twenty minutes examining it in minute detail before giving up and honoring it as a warranty item. I have never gone back to that store and will never go back to any Firestone store as a result of that experience and I have often repeated the story to friends who also drive luxury cars. I believe in positive reinforcement but bad behavior is way more infective than good behavior and that is what the OP is facing but also what Lucid is facing.

I find it hard to believe that Lucid management would condone this behavior. A good time for MCR16 to reach out.

We have some other Houston area owners here. It would be interesting, and instructive, to see what kind of interactions they have experienced with the service manager at this location.
You are a better man than me - I would have lost my sh** about the windshield, and then gone absolutely nuclear with the loaner car threat. I’m sure they have cameras all over their facility and I bet what happened is on tape. Best of luck - seems like that “manager” might need to be replaced.
Breaks my heart having to type this as I'm such a big Lucid fan. Anyway, I am looking for some advice ...even legal advice here. I'm based in Houston, Texas and the following occurred at the Houston Service center and studio.

Last weekend my car was at the Houston service center for some work. All of that work was done fine. As I sat in my car to take it home, I noticed a crack in the windshield that wasn't there when I dropped it off. The service check-in record shows (Attached) no damage to the windshield was recorded when they took my car (Because there was no cracking when I dropped it off). The service manager was extremely rude with me and without a moment's consideration of the issue, he flat out told me under 15 seconds that he isn't replacing the windshield. Funny part is, that I hadn't even requested a windshield replacement at all as I was still processing it all. He was extremely rude and even threatening to me stating that "You need to be careful with that loaner we're giving you cos I may notice damage on it when you return it". He said that in the presence of another Lucid employee. I advised him to not threaten me in that manner in front of another Lucid employee as well. After a lot of back and forth and me being the one keeping the calm tone of voice combined with my refusal to drive the car away, he got a repair shop to work on it today after which the crack has now become even bigger (Attached). I felt that I was treated very harshly and the service manager wouldn't even consider for a second that he or his shop may be at fault. I noticed that there was construction going on in the area they keep the cars outside. I felt mildly threatened taking the loaner and even asked him to get me an Uber as I wasn't comfortable driving away in his loaner for the fear of him making every scratch on that loaner car, now my fault when I drop it off. I'm truly saddened and disappointed because he wouldn't even consider that I may be correct in this whole situation.

What are my options to ensure they replace the windshield as it truly was not damaged when I took it in but the service manager just won't listen to me. After they sent me the photos of the glass repair, I have refused to take the car back as it is now worse than at first and am wearily driving his loaner under the threat of what will happen when I do drop it off. God only knows what he will hit me with when I do drop it off one day.

Any legal advice? Can I go to small claims court? Please help. Thanks!

@mcr16 - Tagging you here for any assistance please! I'm a die hard Lucid fan about to get soured on the whole brand. Its not about the windshield, it's about how an early supporter and believer in the brand got insulted and threatened. :(
Whilst your experience certainly isn't a good one it's one negative of potentially many positives across the Lucid Service Network. It amazes me how quick people are to post about negative experiences WITHOUT taking the issue up with Lucid HQ directly. By all means if you get nowhere with Lucid HQ and get ignored etc. after multiple follow ups etc. then people have every right to name and shame in a public forum but I think it's completely unfair to tar and feather a company without taking the appropriate actions.

I'm sure if you had of spoken directly to someone at Lucid HQ you would have saved yourself alot of stress and anxiety and not even thought about having to seek legal action. You clearly know who @mcr16 is so if you got nowhere contacting Lucid HQ directly you could have sent her a private message in here instead.

I'm all for calling out a companies poor behavior publicly IF you've given them every opportunity to respond and they refuse to resolve the issue. It sounds like you didn't even give Lucid HQ the opportunity to deal with this privately before posting on a public forum for all to see. That's not fair on Lucid, every company can have a bad egg that needs to be disciplined but don't try drag the whole Lucid Service experience down with it.
I am sorry to hear what happened to you. Threatening about finding damage in a loaner (maybe even from previous customers) is unacceptable. I think that each service center is charged back for causing damage to customers cars. Since this is a glass roof and sensors needs to be calibrated this will create a big dent in their budget. Service manager knew it and just couldn't control his emotions. Again still this is unacceptable. I am hoping for the positive resolution of your specific situation. I am also agreeing that service manager is due for replacement if everything holds true. We also don't know if that was his first occurrence or if someone else experienced similar treatment at that service center. This hole situation creates too much negative attention for the company that is struggling to find new customers to move their cars. The good thing is this forum has tons of visibility from Lucid. Please keeps us posted.
Whilst your experience certainly isn't a good one it's one negative of potentially many positives across the Lucid Service Network. It amazes me how quick people are to post about negative experiences WITHOUT taking the issue up with Lucid HQ directly. By all means if you get nowhere with Lucid HQ and get ignored etc. after multiple follow ups etc. then people have every right to name and shame in a public forum but I think it's completely unfair to tar and feather a company without taking the appropriate actions.

I'm sure if you had of spoken directly to someone at Lucid HQ you would have saved yourself alot of stress and anxiety and not even thought about having to seek legal action. You clearly know who @mcr16 is so if you got nowhere contacting Lucid HQ directly you could have sent her a private message in here instead.

I'm all for calling out a companies poor behavior publicly IF you've given them every opportunity to respond and they refuse to resolve the issue. It sounds like you didn't even give Lucid HQ the opportunity to deal with this privately before posting on a public forum for all to see. That's not fair on Lucid, every company can have a bad egg that needs to be disciplined but don't try drag the whole Lucid Service experience down with it.

I don’t think OP was taring and feathering Lucid. They shared their bad experience with one individual and sought advice about the next steps in a forum with fellow owners. He also tagged mcr on his post. I am unsure how you are taking this as condemning the entire company. I don’t read it that way. If I have a similar experience, this is a place I will seek advice, too, considering there are a lot of folks here with a ton of experience who can chime in to share their perspective or advice.

Most of us here are well-wishers of Lucid, and we want them to succeed. Many of us are their customers and shareholders. I do believe Lucid can and will make this right.
Thanks everyone..I heard from the service advisor that this has been escalated to Senior Leadership. Here's hoping that I have a positive outcome. I'm trying hard to not let this one incident put brakes on owning more Lucid vehicles down the road. The odd thing is how upset I feel having been spoken to the way I did. I also didn't even share the full extent of what I was told...he had also told me to essentially get out of the studio building ..not in as many words..but similar. I am glad I shared this online here as I'm a pretty passive guy and hearing some of how y'all would handle this, gives me the confidence to pursue this in the manner I initially thought I should go about this. Thanks for all the opinions! It's helped more than I can say thank you for. I'll update as this progresses.
Whilst your experience certainly isn't a good one it's one negative of potentially many positives across the Lucid Service Network. It amazes me how quick people are to post about negative experiences WITHOUT taking the issue up with Lucid HQ directly. By all means if you get nowhere with Lucid HQ and get ignored etc. after multiple follow ups etc. then people have every right to name and shame in a public forum but I think it's completely unfair to tar and feather a company without taking the appropriate actions.

I'm sure if you had of spoken directly to someone at Lucid HQ you would have saved yourself alot of stress and anxiety and not even thought about having to seek legal action. You clearly know who @mcr16 is so if you got nowhere contacting Lucid HQ directly you could have sent her a private message in here instead.

I'm all for calling out a companies poor behavior publicly IF you've given them every opportunity to respond and they refuse to resolve the issue. It sounds like you didn't even give Lucid HQ the opportunity to deal with this privately before posting on a public forum for all to see. That's not fair on Lucid, every company can have a bad egg that needs to be disciplined but don't try drag the whole Lucid Service experience down with it.
I hear you. However, when I was speaking to the manager on the day of and requested to find out who his manager was, he stared at me and said in that area he's the only manager I'm going to get. This made me feel like I was shut out and I could not request or ask who his boss was as apparently he was the guy. I did try and failed in trying to escalate this on the day of. That is why I reached out to Lucid customer care today with no success either. I left messages and I haven't heard back from them at all. I have reached out to the service advisor and have not been shared names of senior leadership that I may reach out to. I've tried several times. Also, The only thing I would ask you to consider is that I am not posting on this forum to bad mouth Lucid. In fact, my post starts by saying that I am heartbroken that I have to share this online. I want Lucid to succeed. I want to own more Lucid cars. And I shared this online to gather perspectives on how this typically should be handled as I've never had this situation before and I wanted to ensure I was doing it fair and right.
Lucid came through and they will be replacing the windshield for me. Just heard back from the SA. Thanks everyone for the feedback and thoughts! I'm happy and can go back to being a Lucid fanboy.
Lucid came through and they will be replacing the windshield for me. Just heard back from the SA. Thanks everyone for the feedback and thoughts! I'm happy and can go back to being a Lucid fanboy.
Yeah, that was definitely unusual. I’m glad they made it right.