Lucid App

If reversing is your sole benchmark, it's more like 10 seconds or less as long as you push the brake the moment you get into the car. Most likely by the time you put your seat belt on you can reverse using JUST the reversing cam but not the 360 system.
If reversing is your sole benchmark, it's more like 10 seconds or less as long as you push the brake the moment you get into the car. Most likely by the time you put your seat belt on you can reverse using JUST the reversing cam but not the 360 system.

You are benchmarking the wrong thing. I want to get in the car and get into reverse as quickly as possibly, so I'm benchmarking from when the door-handles present. That's the beginning of boot up. Unfortunately for me, my car doesn't open handles until I'm quite near it, so I'm almost waiting for them in some cases. From that moment, its 21 seconds. It doesn't matter when you hit the brake pedal. I tested this by waiting 16 seconds after handle present before opening door and was able to immediately get into reverse by the time I sat down, hit brake pedal, and put it in reverse (+5 seconds).