I was a scientist some decades ago so I needed FORTRAN. That made sense to me. I loved writing code in MS DOS too, and BASIC...
I took night classes to learn to code in PASCAL. Wow that was fun. What I learned from that class was you can hand write your code with pencil on pad and find the errors just fine, but when you type it in and send it to the printer, NOTHING HAPPENS, and even veteran coders don't know why . This was 50 years ago. Today, I can not rely on the printer to print. Today, even veteran techies don't seem to know why printers won't print. When my wife want's to print a document (she's in the Jobs cult / I'm in the Gates cult) she goes to her corporate office. Now she's retired. She goes to Kinkos.
I'm wondering if there is a required class for CS degrees on how to make printers print. I bet it's a 400 level class. I've bought new ones...rather than facing the frustration of tracking down the problem. What is your favorite scene in the movie Office Space ? Is there a printer? So it's not just me.
We can put a man on the moon but we still can't make a printer print ?
Wait...I forgot we can't put a man on the moon... happened about the same time we abandoned typewriters, carbon copies, and ditto machines.
(someone with AI subscription should ask it why the printer won't print. I bet it says: "Nobody knows this, not even AI".)
The day anyone can make a printer print at will, will be the day Skynet takes over the world. It's going to net through our printers. I'm sure one of the thousands of icons on my smart phone home screen is the Skynet activation button. That's why I want to delete all of them, but don't dare touch the icons to find out what they do.