The issue with direct sales models like Tesla and Lucid is that the lease deals are take it or leave it deals. They are either good or not but not negotiable. With other brands with dealers involved, the numbers become leverage to work better numbers via discounts and knowing and then reducing the dealer markups.
The MF aka interest rate is typically marked up and distributed via a profit charing model between automaker and dealer. Same with financing.
The lucid calculator is not great IMO as it hides essential data. Examples of a great lease calculator is the one on leasehackr. Leases are a great hedge against depreciation but only if the numbers make sense. For that, the residual is the key element. It tells you if you paid too much for the lease or got an awesome deal. For that you need to compare it to the ACV of a car (actual cash value at the end of the lease deal).
At a glance, the only way that Lucid can offer a low lease rate is to artificially inflate the residual rate and then take a financial hit at the end unless the car depreciated less than anticipated. BMW does that also to push sales but they have their own bank to deal with the loss in different ways
Let's say the residual is 75% for 18 months at 10k miles a year. That means after the lease return, when the car is sold at auction or via its website for less than 75% of the new car price, that loss goes against the bottom line of Lucid and the loss for every car produced.
Btw. most people talk about a great deal when financing because they got a low interest rate but one only knows the value of the deal when the car is being sold, not before. The selling price will tell the story of depreciation plus paid interest rates. I personally can see no situation where a Lucid purchase is ever financially advantageous over a lease.
I think that a short-term lease on the Lucid is the best possible option. You can get into the latest model and tech (even if incremental like heat pump, quieter drive via new motor mount and better processor) and depreciation is not on you (if the residual > ACV which it always is)