I'm scheduled to close on new Touring. but I'm worried

Please rethink your lease structuring. Take everyone’s advice that commented on it, putting $25K down is just a really bad idea. You are putting yourself in a position to lose that entire $25K if the car is totaled or stolen. In fact when I first read your post I thought I misread that down payment.
. . . after seeing a critical review from Edmunds . . .

Here's some context for how far out in left field "Edmunds" is on the Lucid. They said the car's handling was "not up to class standards". To determine this, they raced this large 5-passenger sedan on 19" all-season tires against an Acura NSX two-seater sport cars on beefy summer tires. It was the most idiotic thing I've seen in over five decades of following the car press.

The Lucid Air won the storied Goodwood Festival of Speed Hill Climb event, which showcases a car's handling. The car was driven in that event by race driver Ben "The Stig" Collins of "Top Gear", who has driven multiple Lucids and finds them superb-handling cars on and off the race track. His sentiments about the car's handling have been echoed by numerous other seasoned reviewers.

"Motor Trend" gave the Lucid Air its Car of the Year Award due, in part, to its fine handling. Most reviewers have found the Lucid Air to handle second only to the Porsche Taycan -- and even on a par with it in some cases -- and well ahead of the rest of the class. A recent head-to-head comparison between the single-motor Air and the single-motor BMW i5 gave a strong nod to the Air's handling over the BMW's. The Mercedes EQS' handling is outright ridiculed by many reviewers.

I have a 2021 Tesla Model S Plaid and a 2022 Lucid Air Dream Performance, and the Air's handling (and ride compliance, and build quality, and structural solidity) downright slays the Plaid's, a view that is echoed by many prominent reviewers of both cars.

These are the cars that are in the same vehicle class (5-passenger EV sedans) as the Air -- a class in which "Edmunds" says Lucid is "not up to class standards".

The stretching and straining "Edmunds" went through in order to trash the Lucid carried over across other aspects of the car as well, such as harping on software issues that have long been resolved for owners who did the software updates.

I've owned many fine luxury and performance cars over the years (mostly German ones), and the Lucid Air is the best overall balance of power, handling, ride, room, comfort, and features I've ever owned.

We live on the other side of the state from the two Lucid Service Centers in Florida, and between the Mobile Technicians who come to the house and Lucid's taking care of trucking and returning the car to a Center when necessary, we've had absolutely no issues with servicing the car.
. . . I'm very troubled by so much negativity.

It can be jarring, but YouTube and the internet in general can be a cesspool of bias and misinformation. Take the larger view. Here is a list of awards the Lucid Air has won, and it's truly impressive:

I normally could never have entertained the idea of affording a Lucid, but Lucid's latest lease offer enables me to get a Touring with 25k down, 15k miles/yr at $230/mo!
That's incredible, but after seeing a critical review from Edmunds on youtube, and reading several complaints on this forum, I'm seriously considering backing away.
After 3 years I would be parting with over $40k and no car.

The nearest service office is 100 miles away, so getting an issue taken care of would be inconvenient. OTA updates seem to be a big issue with owners on this forum. I just read that getting an alignment is not easy so I called my local firestone dealer where I usually get service and they have no specs in their system for performing an alignment on a Lucid. I'm concerned about Lucid's customer service and I've viewed other youtube videos showing build quality issues like loose interior panels, door unlocking and closing issues.

The test drive, luxury, and performance really turned me on, but I'm very troubled by so much negativity.
We've had our Air Pure for a year and we're quite happy with the car. One of the best vehicles I've ever driven in. Really no show stopper to speak of other then the initial learning curve of having an EV. The build quality of ours has been very good - fit and finish solid, top notch.

OTAs have not been an issue for us at all.

Mobile service is good - no issues with it. If possible, they service the vehicle where it's parked or they pick it up and drop off a loaner. Our service center is 30 miles away. You might want to contact the one by you and inquiry if being a 100 mi. away presents any issues. Yes most service will have to be done by Lucid.
Your signature says you are in Wisconsin and Arizona. I can't speak about Wisconsin but there is a service center in Scottsdale and it has received terrific reviews.
I normally could never have entertained the idea of affording a Lucid, but Lucid's latest lease offer enables me to get a Touring with 25k down, 15k miles/yr at $230/mo!
That's incredible, but after seeing a critical review from Edmunds on youtube, and reading several complaints on this forum, I'm seriously considering backing away.
After 3 years I would be parting with over $40k and no car.

The nearest service office is 100 miles away, so getting an issue taken care of would be inconvenient. OTA updates seem to be a big issue with owners on this forum. I just read that getting an alignment is not easy so I called my local firestone dealer where I usually get service and they have no specs in their system for performing an alignment on a Lucid. I'm concerned about Lucid's customer service and I've viewed other youtube videos showing build quality issues like loose interior panels, door unlocking and closing issues.

The test drive, luxury, and performance really turned me on, but I'm very troubled by so much negativity.
you are buying an EV. ANY EV comes with issues. don't be fooled by fables about other brands. they all have issues.

i leased my Touring with worse terms and for seven times the monthly payment. so count your blessings!

other than that steep price drop, i do not regret leasing it.

my absolutely biggest pet peeve is the damn door lock and the keyfob. that needless innovation of "sensing when you approach" has been the cause of almost all of my frustration. does your lease cover routine maintenance? mine doesn't and that's one thing i would've expected at $1400/mo. i remain very disappointed by the stereo system (i refuse to subscribe to any Tidal service). but the car is superb. it has more interior and luggage room than anything else i have driven before. the range is great. the charging at home works like a charm, and the public chargers are getting better and better.

repairs? i have had a few. minor ones. replacing the mobile charger; an issue with malfunctioning–yes–aforementioned door handle. i live in the country with no service station in sight. they came and fixed it. and in one instance, they gave me a loaner when the frunk wouldn't open.

yes, the service stations are rare, but i have not felt any real impact of it. (in 2021, i was without my Audi A7 for SIX MONTHS because it's transmission failed, and they stuck me with a very ordinary loaner car. the dealership was just two miles away.) therefore, on balance, i can't complain.

so, the tradeoff is clear ... ICE cars or EV. and if it's EV, Lucid is as good as any, in realistic terms.
One strong suggestion, if you do end up getting the car, please get the surreal sound upgraded audio; it’s 100% worth it.
And a subscription to Tidal so you can get the ATMOS mixes, else you won't understand why it drives us audiophiles bonkers euphoric.
RE: Tidal. If music is something you listen to on occasion then don't bother with the expensive upgrade audio package. If you are into club music or the boom boom one frequency bass that you feel the need to share with the neighbors ... well many folk posting here complain about "weak bass" in the Lucid audio system. Modern popular music is mixed to give the pounding bass forward sound that cuts through bad acoustics and bad audio design. This is not audiophile, but adding more powerful amps and huge speakers covers a lot of gaps, and for children, it's fun.

if music goes right to your core...if you at anytime have sat in the dark just listening to music... get the premium audio and a Tidal subscription, and seek out the ATMOS tracks. It hardly matters what kind of music you find that has been ATMOS remixed. In this car, it is so spellbinding...

Here's what I do: about 2AM I go out to the garage and get in the car. I adjust the seat to a comfy listening position, putting on seat heating or cooling if necessary, and find a Tidal ATMOS track. Then I sit in the dark and quiet and trip the light fantastic. It is the best listening room I've ever not heard. I've been through all my favorites from my youth and heard them for the first time. The depth, the soundstaging, the absolute separation of instrument and voice and yet the melding of the sounds... have heard nothing like it. If you are really serious, sit in the center back seat. I've spent countless hours doing this. Mind properly blown. On the special "surround" mixes heaven comes at you from every direction.

The bass coming from my car in an ATMOS remix is audiophile quality. Multi frequency, clean and tight, and musical. I have never heard such accuracy. It completely blends into the mix without drawing attention. The bass is fantastic.
Oh my! I was hoping for some replies, but the response has been overwhelming - and all have been encouraging! Not one member recommended not getting a Lucid.

I am greatful for and appreciate the feedback, and the demeaner and quality of conversation on this forum.

I will provide my impressions of my new Touring after my wife and I have spent some time with it. Hopefully all goes well with the lease application.
I normally could never have entertained the idea of affording a Lucid, but Lucid's latest lease offer enables me to get a Touring with 25k down, 15k miles/yr at $230/mo!
That's incredible, but after seeing a critical review from Edmunds on youtube, and reading several complaints on this forum, I'm seriously considering backing away.
After 3 years I would be parting with over $40k and no car.

The nearest service office is 100 miles away, so getting an issue taken care of would be inconvenient. OTA updates seem to be a big issue with owners on this forum. I just read that getting an alignment is not easy so I called my local firestone dealer where I usually get service and they have no specs in their system for performing an alignment on a Lucid. I'm concerned about Lucid's customer service and I've viewed other youtube videos showing build quality issues like loose interior panels, door unlocking and closing issues.

The test drive, luxury, and performance really turned me on, but I'm very troubled by so much negativity.
Don’t trust Edmund’s, it’s the best car I ever bought!
Oh my! I was hoping for some replies, but the response has been overwhelming - and all have been encouraging! Not one member recommended not getting a Lucid.

I am greatful for and appreciate the feedback, and the demeaner and quality of conversation on this forum.

I will provide my impressions of my new Touring after my wife and I have spent some time with it. Hopefully all goes well with the lease application.
Also don't forget to use one of the forum members referral code to save some $$$. Just look for referral code link under their name.
There is no perfect car. What works for one person may not work for you. With that being said, I have 15k miles on my Air Touring to date and I give it a thumbs up!

Don’t marry it if you are concerned. Date it!
I normally could never have entertained the idea of affording a Lucid, but Lucid's latest lease offer enables me to get a Touring with 25k down, 15k miles/yr at $230/mo!
That's incredible, but after seeing a critical review from Edmunds on youtube, and reading several complaints on this forum, I'm seriously considering backing away.
After 3 years I would be parting with over $40k and no car.

The nearest service office is 100 miles away, so getting an issue taken care of would be inconvenient. OTA updates seem to be a big issue with owners on this forum. I just read that getting an alignment is not easy so I called my local firestone dealer where I usually get service and they have no specs in their system for performing an alignment on a Lucid. I'm concerned about Lucid's customer service and I've viewed other youtube videos showing build quality issues like loose interior panels, door unlocking and closing issues.

The test drive, luxury, and performance really turned me on, but I'm very troubled by so much negativity.
As others mentioned, would rethink the down payment.

Regarding mobile service, would highly recommend calling the closest service center and getting some info from them. I'm over 2.5 hours from nearest service center and I can say without hesitation, mobile service has been impeccable for me. Many items can be fixed on the spot. In many cases, they have arrangements with local body shops, where they can do the vast majority of service that can't be handled in your driveway. OTA's are also largely a non-issue. In my experience, most of the complaints are about the pace at which OTA's come out and that everyone doesn't get them at the outset.

If you do pull the trigger, remember it is just a vehicle, but is one of the best driving vehicles out there with the interior/comfort to match! Am over a year and a half at this point with my GT, and I do truly believe it's the best car I've ever had.
i remain very disappointed by the stereo system (i refuse to subscribe to any Tidal service).
I agree with the rest of what you said, but this is a case of “if you feed garbage in, you’ll get garbage out.”

The Air has a spectacular sound system, but it will highlight all the issues with bad or low quality mixes.
I know lots of folks still experience issues with the fob and mobile key. I feel it’s important to point out that I simply don’t. I use the fob, and it works nearly flawlessly. I say “nearly” only because very occasionally, I need to wait an additional two seconds or so for the doors to unlock. Otherwise, the handles are presented every time I approach the car by the time I reach the car.

No idea what the difference here is for me vs others, except maybe that where I park my car overnight is not within range of the fob at all. (It’s an underground garage more than a hundred feet from my residence.)
I know lots of folks still experience issues with the fob and mobile key. I feel it’s important to point out that I simply don’t. I use the fob, and it works nearly flawlessly. I say “nearly” only because very occasionally, I need to wait an additional two seconds or so for the doors to unlock. Otherwise, the handles are presented every time I approach the car by the time I reach the car.

No idea what the difference here is for me vs others, except maybe that where I park my car overnight is not within range of the fob at all. (It’s an underground garage more than a hundred feet from my residence.)
I'm in the same boat as you. Yes, it was notoriously bad in the early days but I can't remember the last time I had an issue with the fob and mobile key. I use the mobile key almost 100% of the time and keep the valet card as a backup even though it has not had to be used for a long time.
I'm in the same boat as you. Yes, it was notoriously bad in the early days but I can't remember the last time I had an issue with the fob and mobile key. I use the mobile key almost 100% of the time and keep the valet card as a backup even though it has not had to be used for a long time.
Meanwhile, mine was flawless and now I’ve added “replace driver side antenna” to the list of due items in my July service visit. :)

I’ve never ever had the mobile key not work. I have recently had it take a few extra seconds and sometimes require me to get more “creative” to tell the car I’m really here. Only in the last couple weeks.
Meanwhile, mine was flawless and now I’ve added “replace driver side antenna” to the list of due items in my July service visit. :)

I’ve never ever had the mobile key not work. I have recently had it take a few extra seconds and sometimes require me to get more “creative” to tell the car I’m really here. Only in the last couple weeks.
I usually do 2-4 pushups in front of the car just to pretend that's intentional exercise.
I used to do 10-15, I consider this current OTA as an improvement.
I usually do 2-4 pushups in front of the car just to pretend that's intentional exercise.
I used to do 10-15, I consider this current OTA as an improvement.
My swagger has required adjusting