Hilton Hotels to Install 20,000 Tesla UWC Universal Chargers at its branded hotels

Worldwide Beagle

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Jun 19, 2023
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Denver - Vail, Colorado
2023 AT Cosmos-Tahoe 21"
I almost hate posting this as I do not want to raise the ire of the angry EA and DCFC souls lingering out there. And before they scream at me, yes I know this is Level 2 and I know it is for overnight use.

I am a bit surprised no one else has posted about this. I think this is a great omen. Other hotel chains will follow. The article mentions that even those hotels with now offer Level 2, most only have ONE pedestal. The Hilton article talks about each hotel putting in a BANK of these chargers. Tesla's commercial lit talks about using banks of ten! Who knows how it will roll out cost wise. Lets hope its not like the first hotel Wi-Fi when hotels gouged us on price -- but at least its now free. Note that Hilton is doing this to help regain some of the lost business traffic during the pandemic and low hotel use in the US this summer as tourists went to the EU.

NOTE THAT HILTON said that the availability of EV overnight charging at the property was the NUMBER 2 request from potential guests -- and a few years ago, it did not show up. (Number one is an airport shuttle)

The brand new Tesla UWC Universal charger seems to be a very good EVSE. Hardwired, long cord, can do 48 amps-11.6kv (60amp breaker) can do both NACS and J1772 with a built in adapter., impressive electronics with sophisticated diagnostics, OTA updates, works with the Tesla app.

I almost hate posting this as I do not want to raise the ire of the angry EA and DCFC souls lingering out there. And before they scream at me, yes I know this is Level 2 and I know it is for overnight use.
This is consistent with Peter Rawlingson's calling for level 2 charging:

"I think policymakers have a role here. It's really important to get more overnight AC [alternating-current charging, also known as Level 2] infrastructure for those who live in apartment complexes or street park. There's too much emphasis on DC fast charging."

For me, I need all the chargers that I could get from slow to fast. There are just not enough chargers, fast or slow.
This is consistent with Peter Rawlinson's calling for level 2 charging:
I was going to mention that. I have seen several studies that consistently say that 80% of EV charging is STILL Level 2 done at home. And will be in the future. I wonder HOW many people at DCFC's now are only there because they do not have a convenient Level 2 at home or work? When at a local EA charger in the mtns not far from me, I ask the people why they are there. (I find almost all BEV owners to be friendly) A ID.4 owner and Ioniq owner told me their condo buildings do not have any EV charging, they are asking for it - and if their buildings did have it, they would not be talking with me in the corner of a Walmart parking lot. :)

As a new BEV owner, my non-BEV friends, neighbors and even strangers pepper me with questions. Virtually ALL of these people assume they HAD to charge by using a station like Tesla SC or EA. They had no or only vague ideas about home charging. Some were told 120v/12amp charging was OK. IMHO, I think may EV salesmen purposely do not discuss getting a Level 2 at home so as not to queer the sale due to the cost it adds. On the other hand, two Audi salespeople were amazingly upfront to me when they said: In Colorado, if you do not have Level 2 at your home, owning an E-Tron is a not as much fun. As one salesperson said: Happiness is waking up every morning with 80 or 90% charge. Truth be told, I was looking at the E-Tron GT with a whooping 211 mile range.

Lastly, a friend owns a 22 room mtn lodge and had no EV charging. Told me he was getting more inquiries about having it. I helped him with the research. Long story short, between the free chargers from the local utility, local and state government incentives, he now has a bank of 4 48 amp/9.6kv chargers, total cost to him of $2000. He says at least one or two is being used EVERY NIGHT. Told him he now needs to go out a buy a Lucid!! :cool:
Yeah, I don't care who is providing the station. I just need those electrons.

This past labor day weekend trying to find where to charge overnight was a pain. Between the no charging option, there is a lvl2 charger in some random supermarket lot a mile from the hotel or the we have 1 charger but don't know if it's working or will be available when you get here, it's just easier to take the gas car.
This is consistent with Peter Rawlingson's calling for level 2 charging:
I was thinking the exact same thing, and we can buy adapters and use destination chargers. This is a win for everybody!
I was thinking the exact same thing, and we can buy adapters and use destination chargers. This is a win for everybody!
Hey @Volund Don't need no stinkin badges, oops, sorry, adapters. The Brand New Tesla UWC does both NACS and J1172 with no adapters needed. Look at the YT. It does NACS natively and has nifty built in J1172 adapter, that only attaches when you need it and that cannot be stolen. Nicely done. I was looking at the electronics inside as well - a lot of engineering went into this.

And you know if Hilton is doing it and getting tons of press, others will follow.