Again, I'm not so sure there is an inconsistency here. If you remember, I posted a link a while back to an "InsideEVs" article in which Eric Bach, Lucid's Chief Technical Officer, was reported as saying Gravities would not be delivered before the Supercharger network opened up.
Yes, nine Gravities were delivered to "employees, family, and friends" right at year end in order for Lucid to say they began deliveries in 2024. But we have been told by posters on this forum who attended the event that those deliveries were made under an information embargo, and we have no idea why or what those recipients are prohibited from reporting about their cars right now. (Being supplied an adapter speaks only to Level 2 charging. No adapter will be needed to plug the Gravity into a Supercharger.)
Another thing we know is that none of the people who have reported on this forum placing orders -- some almost two months ago -- have been given any firm indication as to when they might expect delivery. My delivery advisor said he was hearing that it might be the March time frame for earliest deliveries to the general customer base. That's interesting, because a forum moderator who was at the event reported a conversation with a Lucid executive suggesting that the Supercharger access deal would be finalized in February. If that's correct, that would line up with what
@tonykerf1 was told about delivery timing being somehow linked to Supercharger access, as well as lining up with Bach's comment.
I'm not certain about this . . . but I'm also not certain that all the inconsistencies you are finding in what
@tonykerf1 was told are actually there.
Lucid only scored a technical point with those nine deliveries this week which, as far as we know, might not have all features yet functioning. For the general customer base, the reality is that deliveries have not started, and we really have no idea when they will. Likewise, we have no real information on what the reason is that general deliveries have not yet been scheduled, including no information that the Supercharger network is "certainly not holding up the delivery of the Gravity."