Glitchy and Unreliable HomeLink: A Work Around... Alexa->LiveKey->MyQ apps


Mar 11, 2022
Reaction score
Air GT, EQS 580
I've had alot of difficulty with HomeLink in general. Even with geofencing, the touch screen activation of both a gate activation and garage activation are glitichy. The signal seems to bounce a bit and the devices aren't nearly as responsive as when I use the manufacturer remote or HomeLink on other cars I've owned with physical buttons. I've always had the MyQ app which allows my LiftMaster devices to work seamlessly through my phone via cellular or WiFi signal. This morning at the Lucid Owner's meet up at the new Plano/Legacy West studio, I met 2 other owners with similar complaints.

A good workaround for this is to use Alexa in the car to activate the MyQ app. Problem is that MyQ is not compatible with Alexa. A little googling and I found this workaround using another app called LiveKey that is free. The site below maps out how to get it to work.

Note: The instructions included use a program SimpleCommand which is now defunct and has become LiveKey. It works essentially the same way except with that substitution.

It took me about 15 mins to set it all up for both open and close commands for both my Gate and Garage door openers. A simple "Alexa- Open Gate" when I'm pulling up to my house now works perfectly and consistently.
I've had alot of difficulty with HomeLink in general. Even with geofencing, the touch screen activation of both a gate activation and garage activation are glitichy. The signal seems to bounce a bit and the devices aren't nearly as responsive as when I use the manufacturer remote or HomeLink on other cars I've owned with physical buttons. I've always had the MyQ app which allows my LiftMaster devices to work seamlessly through my phone via cellular or WiFi signal. This morning at the Lucid Owner's meet up at the new Plano/Legacy West studio, I met 2 other owners with similar complaints.

A good workaround for this is to use Alexa in the car to activate the MyQ app. Problem is that MyQ is not compatible with Alexa. A little googling and I found this workaround using another app called LiveKey that is free. The site below maps out how to get it to work.

Note: The instructions included use a program SimpleCommand which is now defunct and has become LiveKey. It works essentially the same way except with that substitution.

It took me about 15 mins to set it all up for both open and close commands for both my Gate and Garage door openers. A simple "Alexa- Open Gate" when I'm pulling up to my house now works perfectly and consistently.
MyQ is compatible with HomeLink (the Home app) on your iPhone. “Hey Siri open the garage” works just fine.
it does, but I wanted it through Alexa so I can use the steering wheel activation button and do it though the car.
One thing to also note is LED globes can interfere with the garage door frequency and prevent things like homelink devices from opening the door. I had this issue on my previous Audi sporadically not opening the door and once I switched out the globe it worked with no issues.

I just remembered this as I installed 5000+ programmable RGB\LED lights on my house the past week and it's basically stopped the door from responding to homelink until the car is practically touching the door.
Yeah I have the HOOBS box so just downloaded their MyQ homebridge and it worked. But it would be nice to cut out homebridge entirely.
I guess we are taking about 2 different "HomeBridges":
  1. – works with a variety of devices
  2. – works only with MyW devices
Since HOOBS box is just an abstraction layer on top of, it's currently easier and cheaper to just run on a Raspberry pi. I may just do that for my vacation home rather than a Liftmaster Home Bridge.
I guess we are taking about 2 different "HomeBridges":
  1. – works with a variety of devices
  2. – works only with MyW devices
Since HOOBS box is just an abstraction layer on top of, it's currently easier and cheaper to just run on a Raspberry pi. I may just do that for my vacation home rather than a Liftmaster Home Bridge.
Yeah I got HOOBS cuz I wanted the simplified UI so I wouldn’t have to spend as much time on it cuz I don’t understand programmer brain haha. HOOBS was super easy, just plug in and follow instructions. But yeah it’s basically a RaspberryPi for a lot more $ with better packaging/interface.
Months ago , i tried to my garage door to homekit through the homebridge and i have to say - i quit, i am not that much of a techie and using config , i dont really understand . I got Alexa recently and then trying to figure out if that requires less or maybe just no extra efforts - And voila , i connected it with MyQ Home Skill on Alexa , It works good but the features are limited .

This also shows there is another method IFTTT , Have anybody tried it? does that give advanced options ? i am in double thoughts to whether use it or not .
Would really appreciate any suggesstions !
Yeah ever since MyQ broke their API HomeBridge sucks. The workaround is to get the Meross opener bridge which scans right into Apple HomeKit and I think there’s a Google Home version also? That works ok as long as your WiFi is super strong signal in the garage.