Garage Door Opener


New Member
Jan 8, 2023
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Licid Air Touring
I have issues with my vehicle opening and closing my garage door. I have spoken to Customer Service twice and have been told that a local technician would contact me. The first time was 6 days ago, the second was 4 days ago. Has anyone experienced a similar problem.
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You might try providing a bit more detail than "have issues". So have you successfully programmed HomeLink, or are your issues with that initial setup? Are you having issues where from the same position in your driveway, sometimes pressing the HomeLink button works and sometimes not? Are you having issues where it works with one driver profile but not another?
Or are you asking whether others have had problems where the technician doesn't get back to you quickly?
I have experienced some persistent issues as well with HomeLink in the Lucid. Specifically,
> when I come home to my garage, the HomeLink seems to work most of the time. As I approach the garage door, the Homelink button will pop up and, upon pushing, will open the garage door (most of the time)
> when I depart from my garage, the screen will be displaying my backup camera. As I pulled free of the garage door, I have to X out the backup view so I can get at the Homelink button to close the garage door. Many-a-time, it will simply go into Homelink programming mode (asking if I wnat to add another Homelink function). I don't think it happens 100% of thetime, maybe 1 out of 2 or 3 times.

But this is super annoying. As I have to get out of the car and "manually" close the garage door (by punching the code on the keypad.
As a result, I have to carry the "clicker" in the car. So, what's teh point of having Homelink?!!

Does anyone else experince the same? What am I doing wrong?
I've often seen mention that pressing the HomeLink button once may not do it, often need multiple presses. One person suggested he thinks it is a double-click just to make sure you don't accidentally hit it. I can't speak to my experience as my car is still just in some parts inventory list, but I can offer that 3rd hand info.
Until that all works out to a consistent experience, I, too, would just carry the clicker.
That’s pretty much the state of development at this point. Arrival works fine. Departure, not so much. I have a small clicker clipped to the non-charging cellphone bay for this so I don’t have to cancel out of back up camera, select the home icon and hit the Homelink command for the door. Hoping it will eventually be improved.
I have experienced some persistent issues as well with HomeLink in the Lucid. Specifically,
> when I come home to my garage, the HomeLink seems to work most of the time. As I approach the garage door, the Homelink button will pop up and, upon pushing, will open the garage door (most of the time)
> when I depart from my garage, the screen will be displaying my backup camera. As I pulled free of the garage door, I have to X out the backup view so I can get at the Homelink button to close the garage door. Many-a-time, it will simply go into Homelink programming mode (asking if I wnat to add another Homelink function). I don't think it happens 100% of thetime, maybe 1 out of 2 or 3 times.

But this is super annoying. As I have to get out of the car and "manually" close the garage door (by punching the code on the keypad.
As a result, I have to carry the "clicker" in the car. So, what's teh point of having Homelink?!!

Does anyone else experince the same? What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure you’re not hitting the add new Homelink button by accident? They are close and to be honest shouldn’t be listed with the programmed openers in the Glass cockpit UI

I am pretty sure. Several of us are experiencing the same problem.
I am sure the Homelink module works fine by itself. However, it seems like it doesn't work properly when the backup camera is invoked.
This is exactly the kind of problem you encounter when each module (SW and HW) developer valiadte their own modules but no one tested the whole system working together (or inadequate testing).
In the end, the Homelink/garage door problem is trivial....I just carry my clicker (which defeats the whole purpose of the Homelink integartion). But the more serious questions are the unintended interactions between other SW/HW modules when they operate together that affect safety.
I have issues with my vehicle opening and closing my garage door. I have spoken to Customer Service twice and have been told that a local technician would contact me. The first time was 6 days ago, the second was 4 days ago. Has anyone experienced a similar problem.
On December 22, the vehicle was delivered to my home in SC. A Customer Serrvice arrived to walk me through the set up. After several tries and a call to an colluge of his, the door operated. I left for 8 days for the holidays. Upon return and driving the car, I returned home and the garage doorwould not open.. I changed the battery in the opener to no avail. I called Customer Service and they walked me through the set up. The door still would not work and several days later I went out to install the opener and when I placed the opener under the "L" and there was no beep or flasshing light. This was after I hit the Add Homelink button. Both times, I was told by CS that a local rep would contact me within 24-48 hours. NO CALL OR TEXT OR EMAIL!
I have a different Garage Door Question:

I programmed my garage door opener, and it works fine. However, when the car switches to my wife's profile, the garage door opener is missing!?!?!? Do I have to also program it separately under my wife's profile? This seems very strange. I have an older garage door opener that only supports a limited number of connected openers.

Any ideas?
Please see my posting "Backup Camera Batles with Garage Door Oppener"
You might try providing a bit more detail than "have issues". So have you successfully programmed HomeLink, or are your issues with that initial setup? Are you having issues where from the same position in your driveway, sometimes pressing the HomeLink button works and sometimes not? Are you having issues where it works with one driver profile but not another?
Or are you asking whether others have had problems where the technician doesn't get back to you quickly?
My Homelink garage door opened was programed by the service rep. that visited my house of 12/22. I left town for 8 days and when I returned the opener would not work and the garage door information box indicated 0/16 programed. Called the Service Center and worked with her. After about 6 or 7 tries, following her instructions, she said that she would send a service tec to the house. This was 12/30. On 1/3 I called service center again and explained my problem. He told me he would have a service tec. reply in 24-48 hours. NO RESPONSE. I called this morning 1/9 and he also said he would get a service rep to call and come out. When I put my opener about 2 inches below the "L", nothing happens. The horn does not beep and the lights do not flash.
I have experienced some persistent issues as well with HomeLink in the Lucid. Specifically,
> when I come home to my garage, the HomeLink seems to work most of the time. As I approach the garage door, the Homelink button will pop up and, upon pushing, will open the garage door (most of the time)
> when I depart from my garage, the screen will be displaying my backup camera. As I pulled free of the garage door, I have to X out the backup view so I can get at the Homelink button to close the garage door. Many-a-time, it will simply go into Homelink programming mode (asking if I wnat to add another Homelink function). I don't think it happens 100% of thetime, maybe 1 out of 2 or 3 times.

But this is super annoying. As I have to get out of the car and "manually" close the garage door (by punching the code on the keypad.
As a result, I have to carry the "clicker" in the car. So, what's teh point of having Homelink?!!

Does anyone else experince the same? What am I doing wrong?
yes, same issues when departing from garage...very frustrating to have to X out of menus to get to home link...from user point of view, home link should pop up when you put car into Drive
I have HomeLink set up for my two garage doors (Double and Single) and for the Gate to our development. I have similar experiences with others where you have to wonder if it will work or not, and you might have to press the button/screen again. But I've not seen anyone mention this issue yet...

I will clearly see my finger press "Double" and the *SINGLE* door will open. I'll press Double again and the double-door will open. This doesn't happen every time, say once or twice a week. I've never had this issue when using the physical garage remote .. only from the car. I can't imagine the codes are SO close that the openers get confused. I also have trouble believing the software gets the buttons on the screen confused, but here here we are.

Anyone else see this?
I have HomeLink set up for my two garage doors (Double and Single) and for the Gate to our development. I have similar experiences with others where you have to wonder if it will work or not, and you might have to press the button/screen again. But I've not seen anyone mention this issue yet...

I will clearly see my finger press "Double" and the *SINGLE* door will open. I'll press Double again and the double-door will open. This doesn't happen every time, say once or twice a week. I've never had this issue when using the physical garage remote .. only from the car. I can't imagine the codes are SO close that the openers get confused. I also have trouble believing the software gets the buttons on the screen confused, but here here we are.

Anyone else see this?
My wife was claiming the same thing happened to her the other day. Pushed garage 2 button and garage 1 opened. I was chalking it up to her less than smooth relationship with technology, but now....hmmm.
I have HomeLink set up for my two garage doors (Double and Single) and for the Gate to our development. I have similar experiences with others where you have to wonder if it will work or not, and you might have to press the button/screen again. But I've not seen anyone mention this issue yet...

I will clearly see my finger press "Double" and the *SINGLE* door will open. I'll press Double again and the double-door will open. This doesn't happen every time, say once or twice a week. I've never had this issue when using the physical garage remote .. only from the car. I can't imagine the codes are SO close that the openers get confused. I also have trouble believing the software gets the buttons on the screen confused, but here here we are.

Anyone else see this?
I have seen this but assumed that I touched the wrong button. Not having physical buttons for HomeLink was a bad idea.