Frunk Issue

I have an appointment for next week to address frunk latches. Fingers crossed this puts this to bed. Don’t want to see the turtle 😆
I had a frunk issue too. the chrome plastic piece that spans across and in front of the hood wasnt aligned properly, preventing hood to open. haven't repaired it yet, I parked the car in the hot SoCal sun and forgot about it. the heat softened the plastic, I have dad brain, I forgot, so I opened it.

now the frunk opens and the chrome piece is broken. delivery team documented the issue before I picked it up, so i'm not worried about it.
Weird, I had this exact same thing happen today... maybe it is heat related as it has been quite hot today. Like you, the long plastic trim piece that goes across the front right under the funk opening came loose on the driver's side and blocked the remote opening frunk. Didn't know what was happening at first... frunk just started to open and then closed itself again several times. Then saw that problem - i pushed the trim piece back in and, for now, i think it's opening propertly again, but seems it's only a matter of time before that trim pops out of the clip again. Sounds like i should take it to service and get it fixed right.
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