FOB and Valet Card Do Not Work


New Member
Nov 21, 2022
Lucid Air Grand Touring
Starting yesterday my FOBs and valet key cards stopped working. Both cards and both FOBs (with new batteries) are not getting any response from the car. Luckily the mobile key still works. Maybe related to the latest update (improvements to the doors)? The FOBs and mobile key have always been a bit “glitchy” but the card has always worked. Thoughts? Service is looking into this for me. Clearly software.
This is interesting as another owner reported their fobs quit, and when I was at the service center Friday an unfortunate owner had to leave his car cuz service couldn’t get the car to recognize the fobs anymore. May be part of a larger new problem. ☹️
I have heard multiple accounts of this (my local service guy said this isn’t an isolated case). He is waiting to hear from the technicians on a solution. I’m just lucky the mobile key access works. I thought the FOBs and cards were meant to be the backup / work in all cases!
Starting yesterday my FOBs and valet key cards stopped working. Both cards and both FOBs (with new batteries) are not getting any response from the car. Luckily the mobile key still works. Maybe related to the latest update (improvements to the doors)? The FOBs and mobile key have always been a bit “glitchy” but the card has always worked. Thoughts? Service is looking into this for me. Clearly software.
Starting yesterday my FOBs and valet key cards stopped working. Both cards and both FOBs (with new batteries) are not getting any response from the car. Luckily the mobile key still works. Maybe related to the latest update (improvements to the doors)? The FOBs and mobile key have always been a bit “glitchy” but the card has always worked. Thoughts? Service is looking into this for me. Clearly software.
Hi, @GregoryKnight.

Thank you for sharing. I was hoping to DM you, but it doesn't look as if you have access to the conversation feature yet. Perhaps one of the moderators can help here (@joec, @borski, @hydbob, @Adnillien, @Joe).
