Fitting a Bike


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Dec 8, 2023
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BMW M4, Audi S4, Alfa 73
Can I fit one regular-sized bike in the car if I fold down the seats? Any other solution like a simple rear hook rack that sits don't he trunk.

Can I fit one regular-sized bike in the car if I fold down the seats? Any other solution like a simple rear hook rack that sits don't he trunk.

I think this will though considering the trunk opening. I am thinking you will have the most issues with the steering handle bars. If the front wheel is removable, I would remove it. Then try to load bike rear wheel first. You might have to remove parcel shelf for sub trunk for extra space.
Yes you can. As @suchluke says, removing the front wheel is advisable but not essential. And the sub-trunk is very helpful.

You can even get two in at a pinch. But as soon as the revised roof bars are available I’m getting them.
Can I fit one regular-sized bike in the car if I fold down the seats? Any other solution like a simple rear hook rack that sits don't he trunk.

it will not fit through the trunk like it would most other sedans due to the unique and narrow trunk opening, thus folding down the rear car seats would not help.

it might fit perpendicularly in the rear seats if you remove the front tire off the bike, however, you run a huge risk of damaging your interior and rear mini screen

i usually advise against a trunk bike rack because a rear hook rack will damage to your paint.

thr lucid air does not have an available tow hitch option.

a roof rack is the only advisable option for mounting a bike to the lucid air
Depends on your bike. There are a few pics floating around here of members who've put their bikes in the car. I think @Dortreo even fit 2?
it will not fit through the trunk like it would most other sedans due to the unique and narrow trunk opening, thus folding down the rear car seats would not help.
Er … maybe it depends on the bike, but mine fits through the trunk opening no problem
Depends on your bike. There are a few pics floating around here of members who've put their bikes in the car. I think @Dortreo even fit 2?
I think Dotreo has a Brompton folding bike, which are some of the most compact bikes.

Er … maybe it depends on the bike, but mine fits through the trunk opening no problem
what kind of specialty bike do you have? most regular bikes shouldn't fit
I think Dotreo has a Brompton folding bike, which are some of the most compact bikes.

what kind of specialty bike do you have? most regular bikes shouldn't fit
I wouldn't call it 'specialty' - just a homebrew gravel bike I built up from a W.A.R. Evader GS frame. My wife's Felt Verza fits fine, too, and it has slightly wider bars than mine.
i have fit mine inside the trunk but i had to take off the front wheels and keep it separately.
My XL road bike fits fine with front wheel off.
Great -- mine is an old Marin mt bike, not too big, so i should be fine!
Thanks everyone!
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BMC with both tires ON the bike, Lucid Air Touring trunk closes just fine