Of course an extra service charge won’t send anyone here running for the exits. However it doesn’t explain cars from even established manufacturers who could cut those same data deals based on volume, but will still charge customers for trivial things like cell plans. It’s can’t be explained simply by production volume of lack thereof. I’m charged for cell plans with my Audi, yet they produce exponentially more cars than Lucid.
I think some will just bilk customers where they can. Even when you can afford a product, it doesn’t mean you can’t recognize when you’re being ‘nickeled & dimed’. As someone previously mentioned, a company like Porsche has that down to a science.
BMW is not offering free charging like Lucid, which is worth a lot more than a cheap cell subscription service. Yet they’ll give you free data services where Lucid won’t. I don’t think BMW customers will run for the exits either as a result of not getting free charging.
My point is that when you spend this kind of money on a car, I don’t believe it reflects well on a manufacturer to take advantage of a customer just because they can. Despite the fact that I wouldn’t choose or rule out a car based on these factors, it has always left a bad taste in my mouth when a manufacturer plays those games. You’re more tolerant & forgiving than I am.