I'll be oficially turning in my lease next month. Lucid didn't budge on letting me buy my Air Touring for less than the lease residual (about $92k). They offered to extend my current lease for 5 months at the current lease rate (roughly $1300 a month), but I could lease a new Touring for much less. I also asked about Gravity order priority, and they said I would only be given priority if I remained a Lucid Air owner during the ordering process. Seeing as I want to wait for the Gravity Touring which will likely be 12 months away, I really don't have a lot of options. So I'll be turing in the Air, driving my weekend car as needed over the summer, and likely lease something else in the fall as I doubt the Gravity Touring will be available then.
I may simply try to live without a daily driver until the Gravity Touring is available, but it could be tough. I have two other cars (beside my weekend summer car) that are daily drivers for my son and my wife. I work remotely so it is possible to swing it. Really bummed the Gravity launch hasn't been faster.