Elon drove me to Lucid

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Active Member
Verified Owner
Mar 10, 2023
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Air Touring, Model X
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Well, not literally. I drove myself.

AT white, Tahoe, DDPro, glass canopy
Reserved 3/2022
Confirmed 8/12/2022
Modified order confirmed: 3/19/2023
Vin assigned: 3/21/2023

Crazy fast time between upgrading to the Touring and being told the car is already in Costa Mesa.
Well, not literally. I drove myself.

AT white, Tahoe, DDPro, glass canopy
Reserved 3/2022
Confirmed 8/12/2022
Modified order confirmed: 3/19/2023
Vin assigned: 3/21/2023

Crazy fast time between upgrading to the Touring and being told the car is already in Costa Mesa.
Lucid loves “spite purchases”.
I just want more in a car than Tesla provides. Almost every other car manufacturer is capable of making a car with a smooth, quiet ride, nice-looking interior, decent build quality, 360-degree parking cameras, blind-spot warning in the side mirrors, and auto rear cross-traffic/pedestrian braking.
I got my Tesla Model S in June of 2013. It was the 12,807th Model S off the line. For lots of reasons I have veered away from Tesla. The biggest factor is I didn't want the same car a second time. And the 3, Y and S weren't for me either. Lucid for me.
Similar sentiment. They shifted all their focus away from the MS a few years back. That may have been the right move as far as sustaining the company, but kinda left us MS owners with no place to go. And they broke my XM & streaming music through a recent software push and never fixed. That was the last straw for me.
Similar situation for me as well. I bought my MS 70D brand new in 2015. I went through the growing pain with Tesla support as well. I had my list of software updates that broke certain functions with the car. I have several reasons why I purchase a Lucid instead another Tesla which I don't want to list on this forum.
Elon didn’t drive me to Lucid. I got my AGT on my own research comparing specs with MS and MX as first EV.

However, with Twitter deal, he drove my family to Polestar2 instead of M3 and R1S instead of MX. We just want to support underdogs while Elon can keep creating FUD chanting these companies are going to bankruptcy to manipulate masses to buy Tesla out of fear.
Tesla did not make the type of car I was interested in, so they weren't in the running. Mercedes and BMW were.
Test drove the updated MS LR before settling on the Air. It wasn't that it was a well sorted car drive wise or the apparent quality was terrible. Just felt I needed to conform to the the software and overall driving experience. And before they they made the round steering wheel an option, the yoke was a ridiculous choice, especially when parking, just over two turns lock-to-lock.

The Air feels like it was made to make the driver and occupants comfortable, with as little compromise as possible.
I concur. If a politically neutral administrator ran Tesla, I would have judged its cars strictly on their merit. I recently spent a weekend in the backseat of friends' two-year old Model 3 and found it quite comfortable (and I'm 6'1"). They said they have not had one day of trouble with the car, although they are not fond of the user interface. From the passenger perspective (and from what my friends affirmed) the car handles well and is fun to drive. But I could not buy any product of which Elon Musk is a part. A CEO is entitled to his/her personal politics, but Musk goes far beyond this. I recall that for years my parents would not buy a Ford because during the 1930s Henry Ford became quite a fascist. I don't know GM CEO Mary Barra's politics (other than fostering GM) and that's the way it should be.
In any event, I would like to thank Elon, because turning my back on Tesla led me to Lucid. I am very pleased with my Air Touring.
I’m NEVER buying a Tesla again, Elons antics made sure if that! Robotaxis coming in 2018 he said! Why lie, I mean, why be overtly optimistic when there is a 0.05% chance of that happening?
How about coast-to-coast FSD (Full Self Drive) by the end of 2017? Then by the end of 2018. Then by the end of 2019. In 2016 I thought wow, they are close, when I bought FSD.. That, of course, was well before I knew the real Elon. Everything becomes clear in hindsight.
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I am somewhat tired of the negativity about Tesla and Musk. I have a Model 3LR and sold my Model S to purchase the Lucid Air GT. I like the Teslas and enjoy driving the Model 3 daily. The Lucid is a far superior engineering marvel but I do not degrade my Tesla based on Elon. Who gives a xxxx what he does, it doesn't matter to me as long as my Model 3 still is running well, never had charging problems, service problems or software issues as some but then again, my experience is different. The Lucid software has never come close to the Tesla yet. That is something I am waiting for and cannot wait to see it reach some level of adequate performance. CarPlay is cool, but I have an Android phone and the nav in the Lucid is super bad. Plus, I paid a lot more for the Lucid than I did for either the Model 3 or S and I did expect more maturity in the vehicle than it had at my delivery in November 2022.
Also, do not give me the BS about buying a new concept vehicle, early adoptee, etc. For $150k plus, you expect something reliable right away. Lucid has got to step up to the plate and get their software development down. I cannot believe they are not able to reverse engineer Tesla's multitude of software features and utilize that without violating proprietary rights. DreamDrive is pretty dismal compared to the Tesla AutoPilot but Lucid hopefully will forego the fart sound and light show programs.
So, I would think we all can quit bashing other vehicles and enjoy our driving experience. I feel lucky to be able to own and enjoy driving both.
I'm closing this thread. It doesn't serve any purpose on a Lucid Owner's forum.
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