Electrify America Membership


Verified Owner
Sep 6, 2022
Reaction score
Tesla, Mercedes, Volvo
When I picked up my AGT yesterday, I forgot to ask about my Electrify America membership. Is there an easy way to get that without returning to the showroom?
When I picked up my AGT yesterday, I forgot to ask about my Electrify America membership. Is there an easy way to get that without returning to the showroom?
Its in the Lucid App so you don't need to do anything with Electrify America specifically. Everything with EA is managed in the Lucid App if Plug n Charge doesn't work for example
When I picked up my AGT yesterday, I forgot to ask about my Electrify America membership. Is there an easy way to get that without returning to the showroom?
Yep. Just plug the car in, it communicates with EA and Lucid, and just starts charging. When the EA station behaves of course. Do not initiate charge with EA app.
It is loaded in the vehicle. Doesn’t require the App to charge. Just plug in at an EA station.


Thanks to all for your comments! Easy!
Just remember, if you plug into an EA station and it says "Payment Declined" or there's an error, unplug, open up the phone app, and go to the Charging tab, and then plug the charger back into the car. A white "Electrify America" button will show up. You press it, and it will ask you to confirm which charging station you're at (look at the top of the charge fixture above the screen). Once you do, it will override the billing to make it free, and begin to charge.
Took delivery last week, decided to try EA to make sure it works, pretty much a fail. The charger communicates with the vehicle, and then asks for payment (meanwhile the vehicle is "preparing to charge.") I never saw a white Electrify America" button in the app.
Took delivery last week, decided to try EA to make sure it works, pretty much a fail. The charger communicates with the vehicle, and then asks for payment (meanwhile the vehicle is "preparing to charge.") I never saw a white Electrify America" button in the app.
You should also be able to initiate from the charging tab on the pilot panel
You should also be able to initiate from the charging tab on the pilot panel
Tried all of that, it seems like the onboard "certificate" is not communicating properly with EA. In the early stages of today's experiment, I did see a couple of odd messages on the Pilot Panel - failure to authenticate, then another one telling me to "authenticate" via the app, but there was no place in the app to do that. I did try two different charging stations at the same location, same symptoms.
Tried all of that, it seems like the onboard "certificate" is not communicating properly with EA. In the early stages of today's experiment, I did see a couple of odd messages on the Pilot Panel - failure to authenticate, then another one telling me to "authenticate" via the app, but there was no place in the app to do that. I did try two different charging stations at the same location, same symptoms.
Sorry to hear that. You're not alone.
Sorry to hear that. You're not alone.
That's good I guess...the interesting part of today's experiment was the suggestion that I work it out with EA, so I called them, and the nice woman told me I needed and active, funded account. So I added a few bucks to the EA till, still a no-go. EA was also insistent that I provide an "enrollment" code. I finally got EA and a local Lucid service rep together on a conference call, where only then I learned that Lucid and EA have a "global" agreement where my vehicle should "talk" to EA without any further manual input on my part. There's a "virtual" certificate tied into the vehicle that's supposed to handshake with EA when plugged into their network. That's broken right now, so standing by for a resolution between Lucid and EA. I'm not planning any immediate road trips, today was merely an experiment to see if everything works. Interestingly, there was no mention of the EA "how to" during delivery day, which should probably be addressed during the delivery process, rather than my being out in the wild figuring this out myself.
That's good I guess...the interesting part of today's experiment was the suggestion that I work it out with EA, so I called them, and the nice woman told me I needed and active, funded account. So I added a few bucks to the EA till, still a no-go. EA was also insistent that I provide an "enrollment" code. I finally got EA and a local Lucid service rep together on a conference call, where only then I learned that Lucid and EA have a "global" agreement where my vehicle should "talk" to EA without any further manual input on my part. There's a "virtual" certificate tied into the vehicle that's supposed to handshake with EA when plugged into their network. That's broken right now, so standing by for a resolution between Lucid and EA. I'm not planning any immediate road trips, today was merely an experiment to see if everything works. Interestingly, there was no mention of the EA "how to" during delivery day, which should probably be addressed during the delivery process, rather than my being out in the wild figuring this out myself.
This is useful information, thanks. A lot of owners have recently experienced a decline in EAs already mediocre reliability, so it sounds like Lucid and EA need to work together to make this handshake consistent.
This is useful information, thanks. A lot of owners have recently experienced a decline in EAs already mediocre reliability, so it sounds like Lucid and EA need to work together to make this handshake consistent.
I am currently on a road trip and have charged at 2 EA stations in the past 2 days without difficulty.
That's good I guess...the interesting part of today's experiment was the suggestion that I work it out with EA, so I called them, and the nice woman told me I needed and active, funded account. So I added a few bucks to the EA till, still a no-go. EA was also insistent that I provide an "enrollment" code. I finally got EA and a local Lucid service rep together on a conference call, where only then I learned that Lucid and EA have a "global" agreement where my vehicle should "talk" to EA without any further manual input on my part. There's a "virtual" certificate tied into the vehicle that's supposed to handshake with EA when plugged into their network. That's broken right now, so standing by for a resolution between Lucid and EA. I'm not planning any immediate road trips, today was merely an experiment to see if everything works. Interestingly, there was no mention of the EA "how to" during delivery day, which should probably be addressed during the delivery process, rather than my being out in the wild figuring this out myself.
I had an issue after one of the updates. I was on a trip, had charged at an EA station at my destination. Then had the update happen overnight. two Days later I drove home and stopped at an EA station Where I couldn’t connect. Since tha5 one was notorious for problems, I drove to another. Same issue. Called Lucid. Apparently that “certificate” was turned off in the software. They turned it on in the car, had me do a power cycle and then I could connect to EA.
Still a significant failure to charge at the one and only EA location in Tucson. Multiple phone/conference calls have produced no solution. The main symptoms are authentication failures, and no EA button appearing in the Lucid app. Periodically, the app shows all stations unavailable, when several are actually functioning and available, noted when I was physically present and watched other EV drivers come and go. At one point, EA was able to flip the switch for a complementary charge, and that worked just fine.
Still a significant failure to charge at the one and only EA location in Tucson. Multiple phone/conference calls have produced no solution. The main symptoms are authentication failures, and no EA button appearing in the Lucid app. Periodically, the app shows all stations unavailable, when several are actually functioning and available, noted when I was physically present and watched other EV drivers come and go. At one point, EA was able to flip the switch for a complementary charge, and that worked just fine.
Just had this occur in SD. Could not charge at an EA station. Had both Lucid and EA on a 3-way phone conversation. Authentication failures, no EA button appearing on the App, pulling up the EA station from the App NAV still dI’d not work. 3 stations and multiple cables did not work. EA did a reboot without an effect. Lucid reloaded the PNC (authorization certificate) and we did a power cycle without working. After an hour, I gave up and went home. Lucid has this as a service call. I’m on 2.0.20 software (supposedly) as it was installed successfully but the car says up to date at 2.0.19
Which location so I know to avoid it? The Oceanside and Escondido EA always work for me (after finding a station that works) but the Rancho Bernardo one has not worked both times I tried. It's tricky at EA because the station gives every indication it is functional except it won't charge. Only way to know it isn't working (not just for Lucid) is for another car to pull in and have it fail too. At Oceanside and Esco, if the station is functional, I can charge. At RB, it won't charge. I really think it's site dependent. Your experience is similar to what @DeaneG, @Bill55, and I have experienced. If a functional station fails to charge the Lucid, the entire site will fail to charge.