Dream edition video reviews

Vivianna Van Deerlin posted the video hmp10 has in his post of the delivery event. On Facebook, she posted that the UI, NAV, and ADAS needs improvement but has no doubt OTA updates will handle that. Stated that Rawlinson said the car drives like a S class and steers like a Lotus and she agreed with that. This is based on just the Saturday drive. The car is being shipped to NJ so it will be a couple of weeks before she has more driving experience with the car. Using the Lucid app, she can track her car as it traverses the country.

She has a facebook group - Lucid Owners Club.
Ok, who is Danny Huynh and why are his videos so bad?

He appears to be a YouTuber who rips off videos from others and reposts as his own. Kind of a sad way to make a buck. The Lucid Air videos are from tesla2lucid, who picked up his car at the event and posts frequently on Instagram and Twitter. I think he’s been on this forum, too. Seems like a good guy.
He just seems to be some guy pulling videos from other sources (Twitter, Reddit, etc.) and putting crappy music to the stolen videos.

For those of us that don't want to have an Instagram account can these videos be posted here?