Dream drive and auto opening and closing doors??


New Member
Jan 5, 2022
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Dream Eureka.Gold
So has anyone been able to turn in the dream drive and have the car keep itself in the center of the lane? Mine abruptly tries correct and quickly dives across the lane like an out of control driver.

Additionally has anyone see the video review that shows the doors opening and closing via some type of motor powered doors on the GT? I know my Dream does not have this feature. Not does it have auto high beam that was suggested when I first reserved the car.
So has anyone been able to turn in the dream drive and have the car keep itself in the center of the lane? Mine abruptly tries correct and quickly dives across the lane like an out of control driver.

Additionally has anyone see the video review that shows the doors opening and closing via some type of motor powered doors on the GT? I know my Dream does not have this feature. Not does it have auto high beam that was suggested when I first reserved the car.
The lane center is not enabled yet, so that jerking motion is to prevent you from getting out of your lane.

The auto door feature did not make its way into production. It also does not have auto high beam
These are just a few of the disappointing things that I am noticing. At 171k I’m not happy that what was promised is not present here 5 months into ownership
These are just a few of the disappointing things that I am noticing. At 171k I’m not happy that what was promised is not present here 5 months into ownership
The only thing on your list would be highway assist, but the other 2 I don't think ever made the cut of what would be included in the car.
Thanks Bob,

Additionally the dream drive will
Take me out of the lane when it jerks from one side to the other. Why do you think they are having a hard time dialing this in? After all this is no longer ground breaking technology. I was next to a Tesla with a driver texting and dangerously not watching the road, no hand in steering wheel and that car stayed perfectly centered for over a mile.
Well, the lane keep assist software just doesn't want to let you out of what is perceived to be the "lane." So my guess is that it will ping pong you left and right to keep you within your lines. The lane centering feature which is part of the highway assist (yet to be implemented, slotted for later this year) will keep you centered. Why it's not released yet could be anyone's guess, my personal guess is that it hasn't been approved by the NHTSA, though I have no experience with any of that! We do know that at least 1 user on this forum, @experiment458 does have highway assist on his car, but he hasn't come to update us on it.
No auto high beams?! Wow, that’s a pretty big miss.

And automatic doors. They started out being no more useful than a party trick, but now I find that I really, really like them. Too bad they didn’t make it into the Lucid production vehicles.
The LED matrix is super bright, I've never found a situation so far where I would want/need auto high beams, but that's also mostly a factor of driving in SoCal where there is ALWAYS another car coming at you, haha
No auto high beams?! Wow, that’s a pretty big miss.

And automatic doors. They started out being no more useful than a party trick, but now I find that I really, really like them. Too bad they didn’t make it into the Lucid production vehicles.
Auto high beams are coming. Lane Centering / Highway Assist is as well.

Right now the lane edge detection tries to prevent you from leaving your lane, but if it senses it is safer to let you veer into another it will do that.

I actually hate motor doors - too many instances where I’ve seen people’s fingers get cut off by the motor closing the door on them. I really like the soft close motorized doors the Air has.
I turned off auto high beams on my MS, they were wildly inconsistent and I live in the country. Even if they show up on the lucid, I will not use them. Never had auto doors so cant speak to that!
I turned off auto high beams on my MS, they were wildly inconsistent and I live in the country. Even if they show up on the lucid, I will not use them. Never had auto doors so cant speak to that!
Yes- I’ve never liked them on any car so far. Basically the car’s decision about where to turn high beams on/off never aligns with mine so I just end up not using the auto function.
These are just a few of the disappointing things that I am noticing. At 171k I’m not happy that what was promised is not present here 5 months into ownership
The car is not yet a finished product. I have a Tesla Model X and it is years ahead of Lucid . The dream drive is not yet installed, ok! But the other drive functions are really an unfinished software job. Not to mention the music part. Did anyone succeeded in having the Tidal Account working? Mine is different than the one in the iPhone, obviously a software problem for Lucid. Hope to have all the solved in reasonable time
The car is not yet a finished product. I have a Tesla Model X and it is years ahead of Lucid . The dream drive is not yet installed, ok! But the other drive functions are really an unfinished software job. Not to mention the music part. Did anyone succeeded in having the Tidal Account working? Mine is different than the one in the iPhone, obviously a software problem for Lucid. Hope to have all the solved in reasonable time
What other drive functions are you referring to? Also,Tidal sucks, but Spotify has honestly been perfectly fine for me.
Spotify is ok as well but Tidal is really a failure. Strange because Lucid has sufficient time to test and adjust the software ( I believe is using an API sort of connection).
Regarding the drive functions, the reaction to speed limit warning is too intrusive as is the eye monitoring function. It is set, in my opinion, on an overreaction mode then the warning is quite severe
Spotify is ok as well but Tidal is really a failure. Strange because Lucid has sufficient time to test and adjust the software ( I believe is using an API sort of connection).
Regarding the drive functions, the reaction to speed limit warning is too intrusive as is the eye monitoring function. It is set, in my opinion, on an overreaction mode then the warning is quite severe
You n disable both of those if you find them intrusive. I've gotten used to the speed limit thing and my eye monitoring has actually been helpful in reminding me to be more mindful of taking my eyes off the road..👿
Did anyone succeeded in having the Tidal Account working?
My Tidal account works across multiple devices, car, phone, laptop. The interface is a bit akward but I have good luck using Tidal. While not perfect, I would not call it a failure.
My Tidal account works across multiple devices, car, phone, laptop. The interface is a bit akward but I have good luck using Tidal. While not perfect, I would not call it a failure.
I setup a Tidal account and it seems to work in the car but I do find the interface lacking. I will see if I can build playlists on my phone first then access them on the car??
I haven't really learned how to use it yet. I mostly use SirrusXM, but will make do for now,

The Alexa link to my Amazon music starts great but just stops and refuses to continue.
Those drive functions work very well. You may not like them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work. You can always turn them off.
I will see if I can build playlists on my phone first then access them on the car??
Yes your playlists are tied to your Tidal account and you can create them anywhere and see/play from your Lucid.
So is the Dream Drive Pro really a Dream for now? More nuisance and cause for frustration and taking away from the performance piece of the car. These sound like universal,issues and not just for specific people. TRUE or FALSE?