When I said my Tesla S bass sounded better than Lucid, I was attacked. I am afraid you are next. HOW DO YOU DARE SAY THAT ANOTHER CAR'S SOUND IS BETTER THAN LUCID??
I am OK with being attacked though since I believe in unrestricted free speech. Lucid sound system is very nice, but for the price I paid could have been better
I asked you to stop with your conspiracy theories and ridiculous accusations. You were not attacked because you felt that your Lucid did not perform as well as another vehicle in the audio department. Many people jumped on you because you went freaking crazy with long rants and numerous pictures of audio equipment that has nothing to do with Lucid, or any car. Your sentence quoted above with your caps lock key on is an example of this behavior.
If you read the forum guidelines, you will find that we discuss internet "tone" quite a bit. You might try to moderate your tone because it comes across as brash and arrogant. Here's the pertinent portion:
Second, a quick word regarding internet “tone.” Admittedly, it isn't easy to control your tone of voice and how you sound on the internet. Even when setting out with the best of intentions, it’s easy to lapse into clichéd communication styles and appear, when read, as overly negative, overly positive, or overly anything else.
At Lucid Owners forum, we are trying very hard to maintain a neighborly feel. When writing a post, try your best to “speak” as if you are face-to-face with the person or group to whom you are speaking. Imagine you are talking directly to the person who designed the part of the car about which you are complaining. Try to use the same tone and respect you would in those situations.
Certainly, as with any vehicle, there will be problems, large and small; no vehicle or company is ever perfect. In these situations, it is especially important to strive to make your post informative and helpful to others, as opposed to a “rant.” We encourage you to share both good and bad experiences with the car with facts and details and not just opinions. Statements like “I am a Lucid supporter and want Lucid to succeed” do not balance out overly negative posts; these statements come across as insincere. Also, while it is highly encouraged to post recommendations on ways to improve the vehicles, please refrain from telling Lucid what they should do or how they should run their business; “armchair CEO” comments are widespread on the internet and nearly always missing nuance. Unless you have run a large auto manufacturer, it is very easy to lose the forest for the trees, and there are likely many challenges one is not aware of unless actually in the role. It is easy to forget there are thousands of real people working very hard to design, build, sell, and service Lucid vehicles. Please keep them in mind when you're about to write something negative.
Excessive negativity, sweeping generalizations, unsubstantiated statements, and misinformation are strongly discouraged and may result in your posts being removed or edited, and, in extreme situations or after repeated warnings, the poster being banned.
The moderators have never banned anyone from this forum.
I myself have had no problem calling out Lucid for missing features, buggy software, etc. But I try to do it as if the Lucid folks are actually reading my post and might take it as constructive criticism as opposed to accusations. I'm not sure if you are equally abrasive in real life; I hope not.