Similar experiences here. The TCU froze(? i.e., lost LTE and WiFI at the same time) about 2-3 weeks into my ownership and needed a mobile technician's visit. After he reset the TCU it worked for about a week and lost connectivity again. I developed a hunch at the time that there was a conflict between LTE and WiFi. I used to be on ATT and knew their coverage was crappy where I live, and my Wifi signal in my garage was not optimal (I was on Wifi5 at the time) so I knew the car was likely struggling to get online (e.g. takes forever to wake up) Acting on this suspicion, I kept Wifi off for the next few weeks as I had several road trips planned around Christmas where EA charging was a must but - and it worked well. When I returned home, I turned Wifi back on, and lost connectivity in less than 24 hours - this is the third time in 2 months. The mobile technician reset it again, and I've kept wifi off ever since ... which seems to be the only workaround for now. Technician did confirm this is a SW bug, and it'll be fixed at some point. While it is a major nuisance, it makes very little difference practically other than the slow wakeup.