Delay Order


Verified Owner
Mar 26, 2023
Lucid Air Touring
I never thought I’d have to do this, but anyone aware of a way to delay delivery of a Lucid order by one or two months? My current vehicle which I was planning to sell before picking up the Lucid was in an accident this week (someone rear ended me). It looks like the repairs are bad enough that it will take 2 months or more before they complete. Now, after waiting for more than 2 years, it looks like my Lucid will be delivered in May sometime (best estimate). Bad timing overall at this point.
Not sure if you can delay but even selling any vehicle in this market is tough. You may want to keep some buffer time unless you are willing to do a fire sale.
I asked my SA a while back when I was still getting the Pure if the delivery could be pushed to July or August and he thought it could. Then I upgraded to the Touring so I took delivery last week to get the $7500 rebate. But I would ask either your SA or your DA.
i was told you can delay/hold for up to 90 days by my SA and DA. how they count the 90 days in the system, and what happens to your car after the 90 days, im not sure.
Work with your delivery advisor. When I first ordered one in June of 2022, my DA said to expect it in January of 2023 because that color was delayed. I was okay with that and planned for it. Then while I was on vacation in September, he emailed that it would be ready in two weeks. I told him there was no way I could be ready to take it that fast, and we agreed on a date in December.
Before upgrading to the Touring, I had emailed my DA and asked to put my order on hold in February. This was his response:
I can certainly put your order on hold. We’re able to do so for up to 3 months, which puts you at early May to reengage in the purchase process.

If you’d like I can put your order on hold and come back to you in a few months.