Dealing with Lucid Motors

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New Member
Dec 5, 2022
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2022 Lucid Air Grand Tour
My name is Sorin and I was purchased (after two and a half waiting) my dream car a Lucid Air Grand Touring (VIN XXXXXXXXXX) from Lucid Motors and the delivery day was October 10, 2022. I flew to Millbrae CA (San Francisco Area), to pick the car. After creating the account and setting the car up we waited few hours for the technician to checked out and charging the car which didn’t happened does to “a fast charger uncooperative”, the plan was to drive the brand-new car back home to Salt Lake City, UT. (750 miles away).
After 50 miles the car slowed down to 5 miles pe hours, showing the “DRIVE SYSTEM FAULT Pull Over and Contact Customer Care”. I pulled off the side of the road and I contacted the Lucid Customer Care right the way. After a “everybody out from the car!” command and a "Reset" tried by the customer care rep I was told that I can go back and continued my journey, but as soon as I put the car in Drive the same error message popped out and the car runs at a 5 mph. After few other calls to Customer Care and Road Assistance, they decided to send a tow truck to transport the car back to the dealership. To do that, took them three tries to get a tow truck and around nine more tries to get an Uber for us (my and three other members of my family) to be transported to the nearest airport, the Uber(s) never shows. I was stranded with my family in the middle of nowhere 50 miles from San Francisco for many hours until the 3rd tow truck arrived, and I took the decision to order a Lift myself witch that one (miraculously) shows up and took us the airport to come back home.
Starting that day, I tried to contact the Customer Care numerous times and I have a lot of talks with them, but nothing happened.
I had no updates about the status of my car. In the app the car shows at the Millbrae location. After 10 days I was able to talk with Service Manager David Haley (a very nice guy) and he say that my car was repaired and ready to be shipped to my location. At that time, I was taking the decision that I do not want that car anymore because the car was a “refurbish or a lemon”, not a brand-new car. So, my requests for Lucid Motors were to have the car replaced, to get time and travel expenses refunded and compensation for frustration and sleepless nights for time that I was with no car.
The Service Manager escalates the issues and requests to upper management. For few weeks I had many talks with him, and he assured me that everything will be resolved. After six to seven weeks, the Service Manager was unable to give me any more updates.
On Nov 22 he put me in touch with the District Manager James Maddux (another nice guy). I had few calls (almost every day) with him too. The District Manager assured me that I will have my case resolved very quick. After couple days or so the District Manager told me that I was approved for all my requests by the Senior Management. After few more days, I was Informed that Senior Management wants to re-revise my case and I will be informed/updated about the decision. District Manager assured me that he makes everything he can but, he was unable to give me many updates.
On the evening of Nov 25 and I was contacted by Susanne Hachigian the Motor Vehicle Report Administrator from Lucid saying that she the one who will solve my issue within days but, after the initial call never called me back. I had a lot of calls and frustration dealing with Lucid. It takes very long time to have any updates about my case and they fail to deliver their promises. I tried to solve all these issues amiable but looks like was no way to do it.
So, at this point I decided not to do any business with Lucid. I must mention that the bank didn’t stop my payments and the next one is in a week. At this point I would like to let every potential or not Lucid customer, to be very careful about buying cars from Lucid. Now I have only one option to seek help from you guys to spread the words about my "awesome" experience that it is not over.
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I suggest posting this on Yelp, where they have much more of a twisted panty pitchfork brigade. They love this kind of stuff over there. We are more about learning and sharing here.
...So, at this point I decided not to do any business with Lucid...

I guess it is a risk to buy from a new company where bugs/procedures need to be worked out.

Lucid should make early adopters' experience wonderful so I hope it will work out for you.
Very sorry this happened to you and it sounds incredibly frustrating; I would be upset if I were in your shoes. That being said, your experience is not indicative of what most owners have reported.
I do hope you come to a speedy resolution.
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I guess it is a risk to buy from a new company where bugs/procedures need to be worked out.

Lucid should make early adopters' experience wonderful so I hope it will work out for you.

Most people have had generally positive experiences with Lucid, myself included. A couple minor frustrations here and there, but that is to be expected. If you are a prospective buyer or new owner, please know that this unfortunate experience is not the norm.

I definitely feel for this individual , and I hope it’s resolved in a timely manner.
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FWIW, this was also posted on, with a brand new member (only 1 post) as well. It's normally pretty suspect when it comes to review/message boards when a highly negative post is made by a new member, with that being their only post...

Assuming that isn't the case in this instance, am genuinely sorry if this was your experience. As @stratus noted, that's not indicative of what most owners have experienced. When was your confirmation date?
I’m sorry for your experience. Lucid has been pretty good about refunding people money. I think that you are having issues because you are also asking for refund of “frustration and sleepless nights”. I think Lucid would easily refund the car and reimburse your travel expenses home. Perhaps the hold up is because of the frustration and sleepless nights.

You should consider paying Lucid an appropriate amount for the the fun excitement and anticipation that you experienced before and during delivery of the vehicle. And during the first 49 miles of a test drive.
Might want to actually check into what the Lemon Law is in your area before trying to invoke it. I am not saying whether you qualify or not as I really do not know the details, but I don’t think you can invoke them if your car was repaired and ready for you to pick up after “10 days”. Just my 2 cents, but might be a good place to start.
Is it against the forum rules to say the demands made by the OP are ridiculous? I was sympathetic about the tow trucks/Uber situation but then he got to the demands. I can’t believe 1 repair attempt covering 10 days meets lemon law requirements anywhere. It’s one thing to say I’ve lost confidence in the car and the experience I’ve had with Lucid leads me to ask for a refund but a whole other thing to label the car a lemon or refurbished and demand pain and suffering compensation. Maybe it’s a case of you don’t know what you’ll get if you don’t ask but it leaves a bad stink. If I’m Lucid, goodwill only extends so far.
My name is Sorin…

Hello Sorin, thanks for writing about your experience. I have a few questions and hope the answers can help me understand your experience.

I was purchased (after two and a half waiting) my dream car a Lucid Air Grand Touring (VIN XXXXXXXXXX) from Lucid Motors and the delivery day was October 10, 2022.

When did you put in your reservation and receive a confirmation? I think many people who put in their reservations 30 months ago received their cars well before October. This seems like a long time to wait.

After 10 days I was able to talk with Service Manager David Haley (a very nice guy) and he say that my car was repaired and ready to be shipped to my location. At that time, I was taking the decision that I do not want that car anymore because the car was a “refurbish or a lemon”, not a brand-new car.

This part is confusing to me. Your car was repaired and ready to be shipped to you in Utah but you didn’t want it? Because the car you ordered and was repaired is now a “refurbish or a lemon”? Does that mean that you didn’t want the car you originally ordered but wanted a brand new Lucid?

So, my requests for Lucid Motors ***** to have the car replaced, to get time and travel expenses refunded and compensation for frustration and sleepless nights for time that I was with no car.

Time and travel expenses seem reasonable. How much were you asking for ”frustration and sleepless nights”? Did Lucid offer you a rental car? This has been standard with many prolonged repairs, so I’m genuinely surprised you ended up with “no car.”

After couple days or so the District Manager told me that I was approved for all my requests by the Senior Management.

Did the District Manager tell you this in writing? That Lucid would replace your car with a brand new car? Because that would be an extraordinary step. Generally, when you drive a car off a dealer lot, you’ve bought it. You do get protection through lemon laws, but I expect that would require multiple repairs to qualify? I’m sorry I’m not familiar with Utah laws.

So, at this point I decided not to do any business with Lucid. I must mention that the bank didn’t stop my payments and the next one is in a week. At this point I would like to let every potential or not Lucid customer, to be very careful about buying cars from Lucid. Now I have only one option to seek help from you guys to spread the words about my "awesome" experience that it is not over.

I’m very sorry for your experience. It’s clearly not normal. But I wonder: What happened to the car that you ordered and drove? Is it with Lucid sitting and waiting for you with a brand new battery and/or Wunderbox? If that fix solves the issue, why would you want a brand new car instead of one with a known working battery?

My takeaway from your experience is that if your new Lucid has a bad battery and requires a repair, Lucid will get the car fixed though the repair can be lengthy and frustrating. However, Lucid will not give you a brand new car to replace the repaired one. Then again, neither would any other car manufacturer on this planet.
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FWIW, this was also posted on, with a brand new member (only 1 post) as well. It's normally pretty suspect when it comes to review/message boards when a highly negative post is made by a new member, with that being their only post...

Assuming that isn't the case in this instance, am genuinely sorry if this was your experience. As @stratus noted, that's not indicative of what most owners have experienced. When was your confirmation date?

Can’t wait to see what the other forum makes of this saga. Hopefully, they’ve edited out the VIN or the OP didn’t post it. @hydbob : Could you modify the OP’s post to correct the expletive typo to read “were”? My apologies, but that’s also in my post, too, and it’s too late to edit.
Kinda makes me more concerned at the frequency of turtles / Drive faults. My DE-P 96 hit me with the drive fault after just 3 days of ownership and has been at the shop for near a full month now. It was bought used and I guess the previous owner has not attempted any...spirited driving so I chalked it up to older cars having this issue. Hearing this about the newer cars makes me worried about Lucid's future 😓
Kinda makes me more concerned at the frequency of turtles / Drive faults. My DE-P 96 hit me with the drive fault after just 3 days of ownership and has been at the shop for near a full month now. It was bought used and I guess the previous owner has not attempted any...spirited driving so I chalked it up to older cars having this issue. Hearing this about the newer cars makes me worried about Lucid's future 😓
I had one too, and it is overreported. The vast majority of owners have no major issues, as is evidenced by the lack of a recall for it.
I mean there's only like 5-7k cars produced yea? Based on that, I would say even the current number of reports is too many for comfort. Worse still, I guess they still don't know the root cause of it or are able to identify it in the quality check? I assume if they knew, they would not still be hitting this with newly produced vehicles.
Couple things - first, poster hasn't been back since initial post....
Second, a delivery in October is still a fairly old build at this point (because it probably came off the line August/Sept), and the updates to the Wunderbox I believe have been implemented more recently than that.

Lastly, while turtle mode sucks (especially on an inaugural journey home), I'd rather get it over with if it's going to happen, because I don't think anyone has had it happen to them twice.
Hello to my fellow LUCID enthusiasts, owners, and admirers. Forgive me for asking [as I navigate this discussion thread], but is there a particular specificity to the types of points made within this forum? For example, are points made pertaining to experiences with LUCID from the reservation through delivery process? Or, experiences post delivery with the car? Or, is this a forum to air [no pun intended] frustrations with all things LUCID?
In an attempt to provide [my] experiences that add value and help others that may experience similar challenges and/or help to re-frame perceptions & expectations, it's helpful to understand the purpose for this discussion thread to avoid ringing any bells that shouldn't have been rang [here]. Thanks for the clarification.
Hello to my fellow LUCID enthusiasts, owners, and admirers. Forgive me for asking [as I navigate this discussion thread], but is there a particular specificity to the types of points made within this forum? For example, are points made pertaining to experiences with LUCID from the reservation through delivery process? Or, experiences post delivery with the car? Or, is this a forum to air [no pun intended] frustrations with all things LUCID?
In an attempt to provide [my] experiences that add value and help others that may experience similar challenges and/or help to re-frame perceptions & expectations, it's helpful to understand the purpose for this discussion thread to avoid ringing any bells that shouldn't have been rang [here]. Thanks for the clarification.
This particular thread started to Air frustrations, however, as you navigate the forum, you will see threads for everything you referenced above and more. We are a very talkative bunch and VERY prone to thread drift and going off topic. Such is the natural way of conversation, however, mods are trying their best to keep threads on topic as much as we can and organize discussions the best we can.
Then I will add ..for those having experienced similar challenges throughout the reservation through delivery journey, "not to give up on your dream [or for some, goal] of owning a LUCID Air due to immature business practices by client facing resources of LUCID. Although, at times, it is difficult to remember LUCID is in it's toddler stage of business maturity yet offering a high-end (and I might add, superior) product to an audience that is accustomed to being handled with white gloves.
I know first hand how disheartening it is to wait [in line] for, what many around us enthusiasts, believe to be a ridiculous amount of time for a product that is like any other high-end product. However even though the Air is superior LUCID is continuing to mature.. it's processes ..their planning & strategy [to sustain long term viability] ..and their client engagement acumen. As frustrating as it can be to endure the wait because of individuals you might face throughout the ordering and delivery journey, remember.. LUCID is juggling a great deal of balls to provide the best product on the market while standing up a company that did not [reasonably] exist (24) months ago. Just one fellow enthusiast thoughts on becoming a AGT owner in the next week [or so]. Happy Holidays!
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