Dead fob as a card


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Dec 3, 2022
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Visalia, CA
Lucid Air Grand Touring
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About last month post:

I said yes because I know some folks have issues with fobs and mobile entry and I thought I'd carry the cards around with me as a backup. Worth it?
The fob has a built in backup that works the same as the card. Hold it against the A pillar to unlock, even if the fob battery is dead. The card is just useful because it fits in your wallet in case you forget your fob/phone."

Dead-fob-as-a-card does not work in Lucid for my 2022 Air Grand Touring as I have tested them multiple times with dead/low fob batteries. I asked a Lucid technician who confirmed that Lucid's fob does not work like Tesla's fob. Lucid fob requires power as a key while the new Tesla fob acts as a card when there's no battery/power.

Please test your Lucid dead-fob-as-a-card first before you forego your reliable no-power-needed card.
Sometimes Lucid techs are wrong too.

The fob definitely does work this way, I have tried it (with the battery removed), and Bobby's youtube channel has a video demonstrating it. It's just fiddly. You really have to hold it in exactly the right spot, and sometimes try a few times. There is an NFC chip in the fob just like in the card. NFC chips/cards are inductively powered by the reader, they do not need batteries.
About last month post:


The fob has a built in backup that works the same as the card. Hold it against the A pillar to unlock, even if the fob battery is dead. The card is just useful because it fits in your wallet in case you forget your fob/phone."

Dead-fob-as-a-card does not work in Lucid for my 2022 Air Grand Touring as I have tested them multiple times with dead/low fob batteries. I asked a Lucid technician who confirmed that Lucid's fob does not work like Tesla's fob. Lucid fob requires power as a key while the new Tesla fob acts as a card when there's no battery/power.

Please test your Lucid dead-fob-as-a-card first before you forego your reliable no-power-needed card.
This is incorrect. It works fine, I promise, no matter what incorrect information a tech told you.


Manual: https://publications.infotainment.p...tml#GUID-0BF65737-0692-4EFE-8152-C4B1D83A4D1B
