Current Owners - Daily Driver?

Dude, it’s a sedan. This is not an exotic car. It is a nice sedan. It is made to be driven, not looked at.
Agreed. I used to own Porsche 911 Turbo S. $200K plus. I drove it every day, rain, or shine. When you pay a lot for a car, you better enjoy it.
I use my Lucid as a daily driver and on long road trips…I got the front wrapped and bought an extra set of 19 inch wheels and tires for winter…I think the car is so much fun and comfortable to drive that I don’t worry about the potential scratch or possible chip.

I have other Porsche ICE vehicles that I can drive I find my Dream always my first choice.
Can you tell me what rims/tires you purchased and from where?
well goodness sakes ... everyone has beat this horse to death. For once I have nothing to add.

it's far more than a daily driver .... I'm going out now to drive it for no reason at all.
To those who currently have an Air and are using it as a daily driver:

I've never owned a six figure car before and the idea of driving it 15k+ miles a year just scares me. Wear and tear, paint chips, windshield damage, insurance costs. All that stuff can happen to any car you drive that much, but I could care less it happening to my Subaru Legacy than this marvel of engineering. It's a piece of ART. I feel like I'd just be nervous and anxious all the time driving the damn thing!

Anyone else dealing with similar emotions? Please tell me I'm being a baby and just suck it up! :-)
After someone shoved a grocery cart into mine during the first week, I got over things very quickly.
To those who currently have an Air and are using it as a daily driver:

I've never owned a six figure car before and the idea of driving it 15k+ miles a year just scares me. Wear and tear, paint chips, windshield damage, insurance costs. All that stuff can happen to any car you drive that much, but I could care less it happening to my Subaru Legacy than this marvel of engineering. It's a piece of ART. I feel like I'd just be nervous and anxious all the time driving the damn thing!

Anyone else dealing with similar emotions? Please tell me I'm being a baby and just suck it up! :)
26k miles on my GT - little over a year old. Still love it - super reliable after initial repairs- which I'm sure they've addressed. Also suggest the PPF- initial paint quality was pretty thin. Great car - driving as well now as it did a year ago- and absolutely as a daily driver. Seems to be built for longevity. Enjoy!
With three cars for two people in our household, we still racked up 17,000 miles on our Air in the first 14 months before it was totaled when a kid turned left in front of us.

In the two months it took to replace the Air with another Air, I was reduced to driving our Tesla Model S Plaid and constantly felt the loss of the Air.

We're now racking up the miles on the replacement Air at the same clip as on the original. It's a car that's just hard to stay out of. Let the miles roll on.
Just hit 18000 miles after a year and still love the car despite some teething issues. Wifeys Range Rover never gets used although at a cars and coffee today in the Z8
Just hit 10,000 miles couple days ago after 13 months of ownership and did 1 year check up. IMO, the car is even better than when I first got it. It is still tight at steering wheel and leather upholstery smell new because wife wouldn’t allow anyone eating in AGT. Almost 50 OTA updates in between, UI has gotten much more responsive and this year added CarPlay, media data port, scheduled charging and SXM.

It’s just a solid built car and faster than any German cars I had.(especially after 40 mph) I hope 2023 we shall witness even more ADAS enhancement and breakthrough features!
It is absolutely our daily driver, but with three drivers and three cars, they all get used. Nonetheless, this is the car that gets driven if there is a choice. It is such a fun car to drive. 10-1/2 months in and just under 13k on the miles. We have taken several trips, but so far, all within CA. Looking forward to the first interstate trip sometime this year!
26k miles on my GT - little over a year old. Still love it - super reliable after initial repairs- which I'm sure they've addressed. Also suggest the PPF- initial paint quality was pretty thin. Great car - driving as well now as it did a year ago- and absolutely as a daily driver. Seems to be built for longevity. Enjoy!
I should have gone with PPF, the debris on Chicago expressways can be pretty brutal, my last DD was a CT6 that I had for over 5 years and it had less chips than my AGT currently has.
I will also add that the front fascia of the car get pretty beat up from insects which indicates that the paint is pretty soft.
To those who currently have an Air and are using it as a daily driver:

I've never owned a six figure car before and the idea of driving it 15k+ miles a year just scares me. Wear and tear, paint chips, windshield damage, insurance costs. All that stuff can happen to any car you drive that much, but I could care less it happening to my Subaru Legacy than this marvel of engineering. It's a piece of ART. I feel like I'd just be nervous and anxious all the time driving the damn thing!

Anyone else dealing with similar emotions? Please tell me I'm being a baby and just suck it up! :)
I am parking very far away! When I return to a far away parking spot and see a car next to me- I am 😡 and think- seriously? You parked next to me with ALL THESE OTHER SPOTS! And I have wrapped the front and ceramic coated the entire car. You are not a baby- you’re just loving that car like I do!
26k miles on my GT - little over a year old. Still love it - super reliable after initial repairs- which I'm sure they've addressed. Also suggest the PPF- initial paint quality was pretty thin. Great car - driving as well now as it did a year ago- and absolutely as a daily driver. Seems to be built for longevity. Enjoy!
My only gripe, which is an unfortunate gripe because I love everything about the front of the Lucid, light bar, LUCID lettering and all, and the headlights... Is exactly that, you can't PPF these things cause they're too thin, and you will get chips in your lettering, or the light bar, and it'll show in the night when that small piece has a chip.

Wish there was a solution. I ordered the headlights ppf from @TWRAPS and will be trying those out soon
Use it as a daily and enjoy the car. Materialistic things are supposed to be enjoyed and not to be emotionally kept. A story for helping you - I bought a 7 series in 2020. One day after buying it, first drive out and a deer runs into the car from the side. Entire left side of the car from windshield all the way to back dented, scratched and glass broken. At that point it didn't even matter if it was my daily or not.
Bought a brand new Cadillac escalade in 2022, bringing the car back home from dealership a rock from a truck upfront hits the windshield and it's cracked.
Also you might have seen in a thread. By car has gone through 5-6 tires in 13k miles due to blowouts. Stuff happens. Don't let it get in the way of you being able to enjoy the money you spent. Even though my car has hiccups this has honestly been the best car I have ever used as daily and I have been through every high end luxury car brand.
Have a lot of stupid car stories so enjoy it all you can and don't worry about small things.
AT (Cosmos Silver/ 19"), 6 weeks old with ~ 3.5K miles. Using daily except if not sure I can safely park, Today will take it to Hospital parking garage and see if I get away with it. Last car 2004 MB E320 AWD with 320K on it and still using as my backup. Slowly desensitizing to daily use and getting slightly more comfortable maneuvering/ fitting it into tighter spaces.