Cool Mobile Lucid App Range Map Feature


Verified Owner
Mar 9, 2023
DE Number
The Lucid Mobile App has a cool Range feature based on state of charge, in the mobile app, on the Navigation panel one can select Range next to 2D and it will show a diameter of distance on the map, one could travel to based on current location and SOC. Was not aware of this cool feature and sharing.
I discovered this recently and was equally impressed; it is something I can use a lot on my upcoming road trip.
The Lucid Mobile App has a cool Range feature based on state of charge, in the mobile app, on the Navigation panel one can select Range next to 2D and it will show a diameter of distance on the map, one could travel to based on current location and SOC. Was not aware of this cool feature and sharing.
Thank you for this heads-up !!!
But is it EPA range or real range?
EPA. Also, you can access this in the car itself; go to Navigation and change the map view to “Range”