Collision Avoidance - No braking?


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Dec 20, 2022
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Lucid Air GT

I have a 2023 Lucid GT.

I have Collision avoidance turned on in dream drive with "early" notification/braking.

However, ever since I got the car, I ONLY get the loud audio/visual notification when I am about to hit the car in front of me. (like when the car in front
of me suddenly brakes or a car swerves into my lane). The car does not automatically emergency brake on its own. I have to slam the brakes
on my own to stop the car in time.

Is this the expected behavior? Isnt the car supposed to brake with this collision avoidance feature turned on? Or is the audio/visual warning all it does?

Frankly, even in manual driving, I thought the emergency braking should take place but I dont see it happening

I have a 2023 Lucid GT.

I have Collision avoidance turned on in dream drive with "early" notification/braking.

However, ever since I got the car, I ONLY get the loud audio/visual notification when I am about to hit the car in front of me. (like when the car in front
of me suddenly brakes or a car swerves into my lane). The car does not automatically emergency brake on its own. I have to slam the brakes
on my own to stop the car in time.

Is this the expected behavior? Isnt the car supposed to brake with this collision avoidance feature turned on? Or is the audio/visual warning all it does?

Frankly, even in manual driving, I thought the emergency braking should take place but I dont see it happening
If you read the manual, in ACC or HA mode, the car will NOT brake for stopped cars that are far in the distance as you approach them. If a car is right in front of you and it slows down, it will slow down along with it. But totally stationary objects it does not see until way too late. This is working as designed.

Automatically braking for stopped cars is part of a feature called Traffic Jam Assist, which will be released at a later date. It's not done yet.

I've found Collision Avoidance will stop the car far TOO often when I am reversing, and a car is moving anywhere near me. I sort of wish that were less sensitive. Moving forward, I'm not sure it actually brakes or just gives the warning, Haven't had many close calls in front of me.

Regardless, we should never rely on a car's computer to stop in emergency situations. You're putting your life (or at least your wallet) into the hands of programmers like me. Trust me, this is never a good idea.
Thank you JoeC. I wonder why they advertise the Collision avoidance in the car menu as saying that it would apply emergency brakes automatically. I'm not counting on it, but I would like to "know" that it would work in case I fail to brake myself..
Thank you JoeC. I wonder why they advertise the Collision avoidance in the car menu as saying that it would apply emergency brakes automatically. I'm not counting on it, but I would like to "know" that it would work in case I fail to brake myself..
It can do so, it has stopped the car for me applying ABS when a stationary car was in front of me and I was late to recognize it. I was not using highway assist at that time, so it may be the collision avoidance behaves differently with highway assist/ACC engaged. The car definitely slows down if it detects a slow car in front of you, but I’m not sure if it does so for stationary vehicles and I wouldn’t rely on any vehicle whether Tesla or Mercedes or Lucid or Subaru or Volvo or whoever to reliably stop if there’s stationary vehicle in front of you. It’s only driver “assistance” for now, meaning you need to be actively ready to stop the car. What I’ll do with HA sometimes is if I see traffic stopped way ahead I’ll drop the speed with the steering wheel controls so that I’m not barreling down on braking cars ahead at 80mph, then deactivate HA and let the car slow down on it’s own to a stop, and it’s never been a problem. I drive on I95 around Providence RI where there are multiple accidents and suddenly braking every single day and I’ve not had an issue.
Trust me. The car does emergency braking.

We were in a situation of moving over for an accident/pulled over vehicle. Little did we know all the cars in front (12+) decided to slam on brakes from 80+ to 30mph. Lucid slammed on brakes full tilt before I could even register the cars ahead had hit their brakes. Saved us from an accident and not pleasant with a Mustang behind us fish tailing from the left lane to emergency lane like it was Fast and Furious.

Long story short. You don't want to experience the emergency braking because it is for true "oh s***" moments and kicks in only during those times.

The car is aggressive when parking cameras are up on the auto brake. Always a good scare...
Trust me. The car does emergency braking.

We were in a situation of moving over for an accident/pulled over vehicle. Little did we know all the cars in front (12+) decided to slam on brakes from 80+ to 30mph. Lucid slammed on brakes full tilt before I could even register the cars ahead had hit their brakes. Saved us from an accident and not pleasant with a Mustang behind us fish tailing from the left lane to emergency lane like it was Fast and Furious.

Long story short. You don't want to experience the emergency braking because it is for true "oh s***" moments and kicks in only during those times.

The car is aggressive when parking cameras are up on the auto brake. Always a good scare...
Good to know it worked.. Thanks!
I can attest that emergency collision avoidance does work, but it's definitely emergency braking, not casually stopping!

I was not using acc/ha at the time, but was looking at my nav to figure out if I was supposed to take an exit, and I was about to ram into a car in front. The alarm blared and then the car indeed stopped itself. Extremely last minute and if someone were close behind probably would have rear ended me.

I have Collision Protection set to Early, but that seems to affect just the warning. It warns early enough during normal driving, but from my one emergency braking experience, the emergency braking itself is not early at all, truly emergency. Probably works as intended, since we probably would not want the car braking suddenly when we're being aggressive in traffic 😬

I suppose the gentle stop is the job of ACC or HA.
Yep, the car has saved me from rear ending someone in a situation like yours, which I greatly appreciate. The cross traffic protection also saved me from 2 parking lot crashes which I greatly appreciate. Unfortunately it also violently and regularly stops me from backing out of my driveway when people are letting me back out, but we STILL don’t have the option to make cross traffic “alert only” instead of either off or full intervention. I hope somebody at Lucid is listening, @mcr16 ? Love the car, hate that one thing.
IMHO the auto braking can be a bit aggressive, yesterday while in a crowded parking lot I was making a tight turn, there was a car approaching on my front left side and I knew that I could complete the turn without a collision but the car braked, the braking was more of a concern than the proximity of the other car. J/s
Coming from the Audi world the collision avoidance (Pre-Sense) feature has a very similar behavior of a jarring stop so this isn't unique to Lucid. And it braking out of parking lots/driveways when there is cross traffic can't be turned off without turning off the entire feature. It was annoying for sure but has a very similar behavior to the Lucid.
I agree, it's pretty jarring when it happens. I also agree it's far from unique to Lucid. I've driven several BMWs that brake similarly in these situations.

I get the argument that saving me from an actual collision is a good thing. I just wonder if this is the sort of thing that could be modulated to only be super hard braking when it's truly necessary. There are many occasions when it slams hard when a graduated, steady increase in stopping would do the trick. Backing out of a parking spot, when you are only going 2 mph to begin with, seems like an odd time to slam hard for a car that's approaching from 50 ft away.

I know, this sort of thing is hard to get right. And perhaps erring on the side of faster stopping is better. But I think it's worth tweaking this feature, given how often you get false positives.
I appreciate the hard braking now. Just this morning my car saved itself. I was making a left turn from a turn lane on a green arrow across a four lane highway. Someone coming straight from the opposite direction ran a red light. I responded quickly, but before my foot even hit the brake my car stopped instantly after sounding a warning. My car stopped within a HALF INCH from the other car. The lady that ran the red said “I don’t know how you missed hitting me…I said “I do, my car is smart!”
I appreciate the hard braking now. Just this morning my car saved itself. I was making a left turn from a turn lane on a green arrow across a four lane highway. Someone coming straight from the opposite direction ran a red light. I responded quickly, but before my foot even hit the brake my car stopped instantly after sounding a warning. My car stopped within a HALF INCH from the other car. The lady that ran the red said “I don’t know how you missed hitting me…I said “I do, my car is smart!”
I'm glad you're okay. That would have been a bad crash. This car is amazing!
I'm glad you're okay. That would have been a bad crash. This car is amazing!
Thank you! I would have been fine, I’d have been more worried about the lady that ran the light when I got out of my car! Just kidding, she was about 75, I wouldn’t have done anything except share some words…..and then I would have cried.
Thank you! I would have been fine, I’d have been more worried about the lady that ran the light when I got out of my car! Just kidding, she was about 75, I wouldn’t have done anything except share some words…..and then I would have cried.
Next time call me twice <3
Just be aware emergency collision avoidance works currently at extreme low speed as in a parking lot at 12mph or so. It says that in the manual too.