Clicking sound from under the car in cold weather


Verified Owner
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Feb 14, 2023
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Pittsford, NY
2023 Air Touring
Today, as the temperature outside dropped to low 20s, my car started producing a clicking sound from under the front of the vehicle as if some relay is trying to turn something on or off. This continues until the car warms up in the garage. When it sits outside in low temps and you wake it up, the clicking starts again. Does anyone know what could be?
I can’t admit that I have had a similar experience however I have heard a continuous medium pitch sound when pre-conditioning the battery or when I tend to be too generous with the peddle. My assumption is that the cooling or warming of the battery cells has kicked in.
The mobile tech who worked on my car in the past just texted me that it's the louvers under the bumper that are iced over. I did drive through a snowed over area earlier.
Yes for the front air dam. Mine kept clicking even in warm weather so I had it replaced a couple months ago. From the invoice:

Concern: Customer states intermittently there is a clicking noise towards the front end of the vehicle, started when it temperatures dropped, check and
Cause: stripped AGS gears
Corrections: technician removed front facia and replaced AGS.
The mobile tech who worked on my car in the past just texted me that it's the louvers under the bumper that are iced over. I did drive through a snowed over area earlier.
This is it. Pour hot water over them.
Heard this noise first winter... Because of the location I assumed snow/ice had stopped the louvers from opening and closing, and the noise was some mechanical cam that had a fail-safe that would not force the louvers open/shut when there was a blockage, and thus prevent permanent damage to the mechanism.

It stopped once the car warmed. Happened again the second winter when it got cold, then stopped when the car warmed.

Happened again in July when a small deer ran into me = I assumed it was deer guts jammed into the mechanism as it did not go away. The car had cosmetic damage to front bumper cover and hood but otherwise operated normally. Wife insisted I take the car in anyway, i agreed as the sound is bothersome, and I figured I could be without a car for a few weeks. Plus, I'd get confirmation when I saw the parts on the repair invoice. Nope. Not a word.

It's been 5 months and counting. Bill is north of $30k and counting (from insurance Co... they estimated ~ $3000). Since then missed every update and car is bricked, lifeless, in some dark place where I am forbidden to even see it. I'm going crazy without my car.

Going through a bad withdrawal right now. I've missed cars before but never like this.

Point is: . ... there is a lot going on under the bodywork. And, If you miss a bunch of updates = you've trouble, right here in River City.
Yes for the front air dam. Mine kept clicking even in warm weather so I had it replaced a couple months ago. From the invoice:

Concern: Customer states intermittently there is a clicking noise towards the front end of the vehicle, started when it temperatures dropped, check and
Cause: stripped AGS gears
Corrections: technician removed front facia and replaced AGS.
Is this "AGS" the same thing that Chilly and Borski are calling "louvres"? I'd guessed that meant the plastic flaps in front of the wheels, but I guess not.....what is the AGS, and/or the louvres?

(Prepping for my car to be delivered in a week or so; thought it'd be spring but it looks like I'll be driving it in the Maine winter, so inquiring minds want to know!)
Is this "AGS" the same thing that Chilly and Borski are calling "louvres"? I'd guessed that meant the plastic flaps in front of the wheels, but I guess not.....what is the AGS, and/or the louvres?

(Prepping for my car to be delivered in a week or so; thought it'd be spring but it looks like I'll be driving it in the Maine winter, so inquiring minds want to know!)
Active grille shutters (AGS), also known as radiator airflow shutters, are louver assemblies that regulate the amount of air that flows into a vehicle's engine bay.

AGS are designed to improve fuel economy and reduce drag by responding to the driving environment.

Here's how AGS work:
  • When the engine is cold: The louvers close to help the engine reach operating temperature faster.
  • When the car is moving: The louvers close to improve aerodynamics and reduce drag.
  • When the car is in traffic: The louvers remain open to help maintain the engine's temperature.
AGS are powered by an electric motor and controlled by the engine temperature signal from the coolant temperature sensor.

So yes - same thing. :)
This is it. Pour hot water over them.
Where exactly are these louvers. Dont think hot water is the solution as it will refreeze if temps are still below freezing. I might be able to use a hir dryer to try to melt the ice but I dont want to drive the vehicle and cause damage if I cant get the noise to stop. THe noice is coming from both sides of the vehicle.
It was 5 American degrees this morning, right here in River City.
We're headed to Killington VT where it's minus 8. That's -8 Fahrenheit (American degrees, because we're "different")
For you foreigners, that's minus 22.
For you aliens: 251

We don't need no stinkin' louvers.

The car was designed by and built by people who have never seen snow and ice, let along freezing temperatures.
They are counting on Climate Change to save the business. If Climate Change turns out to be fake news Lucid is doomed.
Don't worry about the clicking noise. I'm sure the engineers thought of this and accommodated the frozen actuator by making it "unbreakable". Software guys have their hands full of problems: not going to write code that says, "if temp below "x" , then stop trying to move the shutters".
This is it. Pour hot water over them.
Are they really accessible to do that? I admit, I have not gotten down in front of the car to look closely because my car is parked outside and I don't feel like laying down *in* the snow and ice to see if they are reachable. Although I agree that pouring hot water on them isn't going to solve the problem because it will refreeze almost immediately. Maybe if I can get it into the garage and put a heater near the front of the car it would work though
Today, as the temperature outside dropped to low 20s, my car started producing a clicking sound from under the front of the vehicle as if some relay is trying to turn something on or off. This continues until the car warms up in the garage. When it sits outside in low temps and you wake it up, the clicking starts again. Does anyone know what could be?
Yeah it's loud, huh? I'm surprised you made it through last winter in Rochester without it happening.
Are they really accessible to do that? I admit, I have not gotten down in front of the car to look closely because my car is parked outside and I don't feel like laying down *in* the snow and ice to see if they are reachable. Although I agree that pouring hot water on them isn't going to solve the problem because it will refreeze almost immediately. Maybe if I can get it into the garage and put a heater near the front of the car it would work though
They are easily accessible from the outside. I am not suggesting the hot water as a long term solution.
The car was designed by and built by people who have never seen snow and ice, let along freezing temperatures.
They are counting on Climate Change to save the business.
This is a nice line but very untrue. Please stop spreading it. It has been tested extensively in both snow and freezing conditions. The AGS freezing isn’t limited to the Lucid Air, either.

And in case you only thought it was a recent thing, this is from 7 years ago:
It would be helpful to get a bit more definitive answer as to whether this is something that is Just Fine to drive with until things warm up and melt, or whether the noise (clicking, etc) indicates something that could or would eventually break. Those of you who've had this happen, did it resolve itself or not?

Just happened to be on the phone with Natick and they hadn't heard of issues, but it sure sounds like it could happen here in "wintry mix" territory of coastal Maine.
This is a nice line but very untrue. Please stop spreading it. It has been tested extensively in both snow and freezing conditions. The AGS freezing isn’t limited to the Lucid Air, either.

And in case you only thought it was a recent thing, this is from 7 years ago:
Wow i have not seen these before, pretty impressive in my humble opinion..provides some confidence i can make the trek up the Sierra to Tahoe with appropriate winter tires.