No. Your DA should ideally show you. Mine showed me the valet card and push handle to entry, but didn't show me that the key fob could be used the same way, and I didn't know about it until this moment. By coincidence we have some friends from Seattle staying with us and and between their kids and mine, not everyone would fit into my wife's Subaru and I had to work, so I let my friend borrow the Lucid Thursday so they could get around together. When I got home I asked if he had any trouble with the car and he was in a total panic because the car was alerting that the Fob battery needed to be replaced, but luckily they'd made it home before it died (I'd replaced the battery in my fob but forgot about the one in the second fob!). So I switched the battery and all was fine, but I should have given him the valet card as a backup but I just didn't think of it. But now I can just use the nearly dead fob to open the car, so that's handy. Moral of the story, if you let anyone else drive your car, make sure the backup fob has a good battery, put backup batteries in the glovebox like I do, also give them one of the valet cards, and also don't leave your mobile key phone in the car, and tell them not to leave the fob in the car. That complicated list of contingency planning should scare them enough to make them never want to borrow your car again hahahaha.