Back up camera takes 5-10 seconds to come on


Verified Owner
Mar 31, 2022
Reaction score
Austin TX
Model X,Y,Air T, Pure
It takes a good 5-10 seconds from shifting to reverse till the backup camera turns on. This is really annyoing, but even more annoyingly, the backup camera doesn't even come on 1 out of 4 times. It just says unavailable.

Anyone else seeing this?

It takes a good 5-10 seconds from shifting to reverse till the backup camera turns on. This is really annoying, but even more annoyingly, the backup camera doesn't even come on 1 out of 4 times. It just says unavailable.

Anyone else seeing this?

Same for me. Unavailable occurs far too often, however, it is usually on the pilot screen only, with the top screen showing the front camera view. In addition, I now have to tap the P on the pilot screen to get the surround view when parking, because by the time the camera view appears on the pilot screen I am within 2 inches of the concrete parking barriers. This is a recent change.
The flakiness of the cameras has been there from the start but has drastically improved with the 2.0 update. I only hope they squash the unreliability soon in its entirety.
2.0.47 has made this more prevalent than previous updates for some, myself included. @bunnylebowski has been fortunate enough to be able to just close out both the cockpit screen and pilot panel, then reopen using the parking icon in the bottom right of the pilot panel and have it work. Mine didn’t, and actually froze with the pilot panel going black.
It takes a good 5-10 seconds from shifting to reverse till the backup camera turns on. This is really annyoing, but even more annoyingly, the backup camera doesn't even come on 1 out of 4 times. It just says unavailable.

Anyone else seeing this?

View attachment 8496
Yep. Much more common since 2.047. I have to do valet card reset nearly everyday.
Same for me. Unavailable occurs far too often, however, it is usually on the pilot screen only, with the top screen showing the front camera view. In addition, I now have to tap the P on the pilot screen to get the surround view when parking, because by the time the camera view appears on the pilot screen I am within 2 inches of the concrete parking barriers. This is a recent change.
I have the same thing happening, top screen working, but bottom screen catching up later, usually after I have already backed out of the garage.
This can really be construed as a safety hazard. Backup cameras are federally mandated and it seems too many owners here do not have a properly functioning system.
This can really be construed as a safety hazard. Backup cameras are federally mandated and it seems too many owners here do not have a properly functioning system.
This is actually a reason I've been confused over Lucid not taking this particular functionality more seriously. The 2 _biggest_ issues that are legally concerning I've encountered with Lucid from a software side are:
- Bugs in the UI preventing the PIN prompt from appearing (which can leave you stranded if you do not carry a key fob)
- Bugs around cameras
There's documentation around camera responsiveness, but gray area on regulations regarding them simply "working". It would not surprise me that if these bugs are not squashed soon, Pure deliveries could work out of favor for Lucid and a lawsuit could be argued. Not that I want that, but more of... they need to prioritize features that can leave users stranded or increase chances of an accident.
What does Lucid service say about this?

Judging by reports here, 2.0.47 introduced a number of regressions.
I'd add that the proximity monitors and cameras, that are supposed to come on at low speed and when detecting barriers closing in on the car, take a long time to come online when they are most needed. This has been the most obvious trying to park in the garage, where only the front camera wake up when I am already in and about 30 inch from the wall.

Say, old timers, how responsive has the Lucid team to fixing these issues in your experience (notice we aren't talking about new capabilities)?
I'd add that the proximity monitors and cameras, that are supposed to come on at low speed and when detecting barriers closing in on the car, take a long time to come online when they are most needed. This has been the most obvious trying to park in the garage, where only the front camera wake up when I am already in and about 30 inch from the wall.

Say, old timers, how responsive has the Lucid team to fixing these issues in your experience (notice we aren't talking about new capabilities)?
Just tap the Park button at the lower right corner of the Pilot Panel.
Just tap the Park button at the lower right corner of the Pilot Panel.
Thank you! It is good to know that this option exists as a backup.

That said, I expect the car to automatically detect this case sooner and start making noises about near by obstacles. That is something our 2020 Prius does, as well as almost any car with ultrasonic sensors (with the exception of Teslas 3/Y of course, after Musk childishly ordered them removed and severely degraded the safety and comfort of the vehicle).

It is a good thing this hopefully is a simple SW fix. The car is definitely capable. The engineers just need to prioritize some of these.
I don’t think a backup camera not turning on consistently could merit litigation. The car has mirrors. Is there a law that backup cameras must be 100% operational all the time? The number of times I’ve heard litigation mentioned on this forum almost exceeds the number of times I’ve heard the price of the car mentioned on this forum. I think Lucid is implementing quality improvement across the board and it is possible for them to prioritize more than one thing at a time, just like it was possible to develop the Sapphire while building the Pure, so I think it’s likely the camera reliability issues are being worked on as I type this.
I don’t think a backup camera not turning on consistently could merit litigation. The car has mirrors. Is there a law that backup cameras must be 100% operational all the time? The number of times I’ve heard litigation mentioned on this forum almost exceeds the number of times I’ve heard the price of the car mentioned on this forum. I think Lucid is implementing quality improvement across the board and it is possible for them to prioritize more than one thing at a time, just like it was possible to develop the Sapphire while building the Pure, so I think it’s likely the camera reliability issues are being worked on as I type this.
Or those fixes have been implemented, and they are waiting for system validation to run their checks…
I’m not an attorney, but if the backup cameras work 90% of the time and an accident ensues during one of the 10% failure occurrences, and it can be proved it was a contributing factor, can anyone objectively say this is a non-issue?

I don’t see the point in minimizing the issue, it’s not like a radio not turning on or a door handle not presenting within 5 seconds.
I don’t think a backup camera not turning on consistently could merit litigation. The car has mirrors. Is there a law that backup cameras must be 100% operational all the time?

It’s a Federal requirement that the “rear view image” must be displayed within 2.0 seconds of a “backing up event.”

It’s in the FMVSS 111 guidelines.
It’s a Federal requirement that the “rear view image” must be displayed within 2.0 seconds of a “backing up event.”

It’s in the FMVSS 111 guidelines.
Ok that’s helpful. So they do need to improve the software to be in compliance with that law.
Ok that’s helpful. So they do need to improve the software to be in compliance with that law.
Interesting. Well, it shows up for me every time within a second, so my car is in compliance. Is there some guideline that says every single car Lucid produces needs to behave this way 100% of the time? Is there any room for software error in the law?
Interesting. Well, it shows up for me every time within a second, so my car is in compliance. Is there some guideline that says every single car Lucid produces needs to behave this way 100% of the time? Is there any room for software error in the law?
No idea. I would imagine they would be forgiving. I’m sure that almost every company is vulnerable to a software or other camera glitch that would make the camera inoperable at times.

My friends RDX currently has a broken screen and won’t show the camera. I guess it’s not in compliance either. But not sure if that’s something that makes it not road worthy, like a broken tail light.