So as I have posted we are planning a range test this coming Sunday. We have five Lucids covering most options currently available. I have uncovered what I think might be a factor in obtaining the best range and I am currently testing it out. GEWC had been getting exceptional range results on her AGT with 19" wheels. She has informed me she has never used Automatic Cruise Control (ACC). She prefers to drive "normally" and her range has been outstanding (we are talking often well beyond 4 mi/kwh!!). I on the other hand, with my Dream P and 21" wheels, when I'm not driving aggressively have been using ACC almost exclusively on the freeway at 75+ mph. My range has been far below her's and if I see 3.0 mi/kwh its been my record high. So beginning today I've been driving without ACC and holding my acceleration down and driving 70 mph plus or minus on the freeways. Not much of a sample size thus far, but I am now averaging 3.0 consistently. Also, I notice the regen (I've always been using High) seems more aggressive this way and helps the range mileage. When ACC is adjusting my speed for a slower car in front of mine it doesn't seem like the regen is actually doing that much, but without ACC it is much more noticeable. Comments??