Auto Lane change - anybody having problems. Mine doesn't work at all


New Member
Jul 30, 2024
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@024 Grand Touring
Auto Lane change - anybody having problems. Mine doesn't work at all
Doesn't show dotted line except on 6 lane road and even there won't change lanes when blinker partially or totally activated
I was using it successfully multiple times on a drive last night. What I find to be be the sweet spot is to push the signal stalk just to the point before it would click to full on. When feel that pressure point, I hold it there a for a second or two, then the auto lane engages and I release the stalk. After doing it three times it became very easy to do execute, and seemed to reliably engage each time.
Does it show dotted line when you try the Lane change Assist? That’s critical to work seamlessly apart from what PCorkett
Doesn't show dotted line except on 6 lane road and still doesn't work. I will aim for the sweet spot suggest by PC
You’re using Highway Assist correct and not Adaptive Cruise? It only works on HWA meaning, freeways only. Just making sure you’re not using Adaptive Cruise or on some large multi-lane street expecting it to work.

From the manual

“NOTE: Lane Change Assist (LCA) is an advanced feature of Highway Assist (HWA). LCA works only on Freeways and Highways when HWA is active.”
If you never see the dotted lines, you need to have service check it out; you may have a camera issue.

This update is the first one that *actually* uses every camera and sensor in the vehicle, so any latent camera issues would crop up now, unfortunately. The nice part is once it’s fixed, you’re good to go.
Mine's going in for service on Monday for them to fix auto lane change and a couple other minor issues. On mine, the auto lane change toggle on the Dream Drive settings menu rapidly flickers on and off by itself, which is how I knew something was wrong. There is also a flickering of dotted to solid highway lines in the gauge cluster.